Hume’s Skepticism: Evaluation and Personal Reflection

Hume’s analysis is a complex concept directed to understand the relationship between cause and effect. In his view, we enhance our knowledge of matter because of understanding its causes. However, our understanding of the cause of the matter is limited; therefore, we cannot fully accept the nature of events. The skepticism presented by Hume is based on the view that no philosopher was able to define an ultimate law for causes of any natural action. Moreover, he supports the position that our inability to predict the future course of events makes us highly vulnerable in terms of the Universe. Nevertheless, as every event must have consequences, he claims that understanding the fundamental solution for the question, which is still not found, is possible. Nonetheless, he may explain the question of why nobody ever tried to give an ultimate solution.

In my opinion, Hume’s view of the issue is reliable. The relationship between the cause and effect presented as a key to understanding the matter is decent. Human-being always tried to find an explanation or cause for the events they did not understand. At this point, Hume’s position about people’s inability to explain every event is correct. Moreover, the skepticism directed toward human’s acknowledgment of matter represents his approach toward the problem. His words “…why no philosopher, who is rational and modest, has ever pretended to assign the ultimate cause of any natural operation” show assurance in his skepticism. Appealing to physics, we need to find a proper explanation for any action, which is not always possible. Therefore, I support Hume’s position on this issue and the claim that our understanding of the world is limited.

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