Hygiene Importance in Dentistry

Although the field of dental hygiene is not associated with a high risk to the life of patients, professionals should first of all take care of their safety and well-being. The most memorable piece of art related to the professional area is the British dramedy series “This is going to hurt” released in 2022 (De Pear et al., 2022). This work is based on the autobiography book of the same name by a former doctor Adam Kay. The series tells about the everyday life of a doctor in the labor ward of a state hospital in the UK. This work is striking in how vividly it portrays the lives of doctors, as well as their responsibility for the safety and well-being of patients. The series showed me that maximizing the good of the patient along with continuous learning are essential elements of the profession.

Adam Kay, as other characters on the show, works long shifts with high levels of stress on a tight budget. They remain professional even in such conditions, which puts a great amount of pressure on them. Doctors are forced to do everything possible to save the largest number of people, as well as meeting public expectations and the requirements of superiors. Adam Kay gets the opportunity to work in a private clinic with comfortable conditions and high pay. However, this experience allows him to understand that only complete dedication of doctors to patients and their well-being is the basis of the profession.

This series, despite its setting, is extremely relevant to any area of ​​healthcare. As a dental hygiene professional, I have to prioritize patient well-being over any other factors. Working in this field may come with the need to meet different requirements and expectations, but all my activities should be aimed at maximizing the good for patients. Additionally, the series allowed me to understand how important it is to constantly learn both from my own experience and from the knowledge received from colleagues. These aspects provide any doctor with the skills necessary to solve complex problems and the ability not to harm the patient.


De Pear, N., Featherstone, J., Jones, K., Kay, A., Kay, J., McDermott, D., Qureshi, M., & Whishaw, B. (2022). This is going to hurt [TV series]. Sister; Terrible Productions; AMC Studios; BBC Studios.

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StudyCorgi. "Hygiene Importance in Dentistry." July 22, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/hygiene-importance-in-dentistry/.


StudyCorgi. 2023. "Hygiene Importance in Dentistry." July 22, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/hygiene-importance-in-dentistry/.

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