131 A Doll's House Essay Topics

šŸ† Best Essay Topics on A Doll’s House

šŸŒ¶ļø Hot A Doll’s House Essay Topics

  1. Societal Norms of Mrs. Linde and Nora in ā€œA Dollā€™s Houseā€ by Ibsen
    The purpose of this paper is to analyze the societal norms that Linde and Nora had to conform with, as shown in ā€œA Dollā€™s House.ā€
  2. Individual Power in Ibsen’s A Doll’s House
    A thorough grasp of the characters’ difficulties in Ibsen’s “A Doll’s House” requires a knowledge of the idea of personal power.
  3. The Theme of Culture in “A Dollā€™s House” by Henrik
    The play A Doll’s House by Henrik Ibsen shows how a society’s culture can limit the expression of men and women and ignite some undesirable characters.
  4. Ibsenā€™s ā€œA Dollā€™s Houseā€ vs. Gilmanā€™s ā€œThe Yellow Wallpaperā€
    This paper analyzes the similarities in themes, and styles of narration between Ibsen’s play “A Doll’s House” and Gilman’s short story “The Yellow Wallpaper.”
  5. Historical Context of A Doll’s House
    Feminism is explored in Ibsenā€™s play ā€œA Dollā€™s Houseā€ through the character of Nora, marking him as an early feminist as he depicts her physical setting and position in society.
  6. “Ghosts” vs. “A Doll’s House” by Henrik Ibsen
    “Ghosts” and “A Dollā€™s House” criticized contemporary Norwegian society. The plays were sensational and often regarded as being indecent.
  7. ā€œA Dollā€™s House,ā€ ā€œPygmalion,ā€ ā€œBlastedā€: Similarities
    The interconnections between “A Doll’s House,” “Pygmalion,” and “Blasted” represent the role of women and the deprivation of it in different settings.
  8. Theme and Conflict in ā€œA Doll’s Houseā€ by Henrik Ibsen
    The main conflict in the play ‘A Doll’s House’ by Henrik Ibsen shows how men in this society controlled women in everything, even their own choices in life.
  9. Ibsen’s A Doll’s House: Critical Analysis
    Henrik Ibsenā€™s play ā€œA Doll Houseā€ is now being commonly referred to as one of the finest examples of feminist literature of 19th century.
  10. Henrik Ibsenā€™s A Dollā€™s House as a Tragedy
    Henrik Ibsenā€™s play ā€œA Dollā€™s Houseā€ uncovers many unpleasant things about family life and menā€™s inclination to force women into submission in marriage.
  11. Character Analysis of Nora Helmer in Ibsen’s “A Doll’s House”
    The protagonist of the play “A Doll’s House” by Henrik Ibsen, Nora Helmer, is married to Torvald and is the mother of three children.
  12. Male Characters in “A Doll’s House” by Henrik Ibsen
    The Norwegian playwright Henrik Ibsen created the play “A Doll’s House” in 1879. The play’s central theme is the position of women in society.
  13. A Dollā€™s House by Henrik Ibsen, Feminist Criticism
    This paper examines the play “The Doll’s House” from a Feminist criticism perspective, which is relevant to its central theme.
  14. Nora’s Character in A Doll’s House Analysis
    A feminist wants to be treated equally with the opposite sex. Looking at the latest version of A Doll's House, it is relevant to argue that Nora is a feminist hero.
  15. Henrik Ibsen ā€˜A Dollā€™s Houseā€™
    In the ā€˜A dollā€™s houseā€™ Henrik Ibsen uses several characters to depict various forms of relationships and how each is perceived in the society.
  16. The Feminist Ideas in ā€A Doll’s Houseā€ Movie by Patrick Garland
    A Dollā€™s House by Patrick Garland is a great movie based on Ibsenā€™s play, brilliantly directed in all ways. Some facts from the original play were removed.
  17. Euripides’ Medea vs. Ibsen’s Nora (A Doll’s House)
    In his play A Dollā€™s House, Ibsen demonstrates women’s roles during ancient times. Ancient women were prohibited from neither controlling money or running their businesses.
  18. “A Dollā€™s House” by Henrik Ibsen
    In 1879, Henrik Ibsen’s masterpiece ā€œA Doll’s Houseā€ was published is about a central figure Norwegian family in the middle ages.
  19. The Role of Women in A Doll’s House
    The thesis of this essay is that women, just like men, should be given their due right irrespective of their gender. This will be done by looking at the characters Nora and Mrs. Linde.
  20. Nora as a Feminist Representation (from ā€œA Dollā€™s Houseā€ by Ibsen)
    A character analysis of Nora, to bring out the various aspects of the changes she undergoes and their impact on her life. Discussion of Nora as a representative of femininity.

šŸ‘ Good A Doll’s House Research Topics & Essay Examples

  1. The Play “A Dollā€™s House”: Summary and Analysis
    The play “A Dollā€™s House” consists of an introduction to the event, is an inclining of the affair by making it tenser, and is a culmination of everything with finding the solution.
  2. Marriage in ā€œA Dollā€™s Houseā€ Play by Henrik Ibsen
    There are several prominent themes raised in Henrik Ibsenā€™s A Dollā€™s House, including the discussion of feminism, freedom, happiness, and dignity.
  3. ā€œA Dollā€™s Houseā€ by Henrik Ibsen: Nora as a Victim
    It is undeniable that life for women during the Victorian period was very different from life for women living today. These are the issues explored in the play ā€œA Dollā€™s Houseā€.
  4. Nora in A Doll’s House: Character Analysis
    In the work “Doll’s House” the protagonist Nora Helmer appears to reveal her true nature, reflecting the problems of her society and cultivating herself as a personality.
  5. ā€œA Dollā€™s Houseā€ the Movie by Patrick Garland
    The main themes of the movie A Doll’s House are institutionalized sexism, misogyny, and womenā€™s role in patriarchal systems.
  6. Symbolism in A Doll’s House
    A Dollā€™s House is one of the many plays written by a Norwegian playwright and theatre director Henrik Johan Ibsen. Now Ibsen is often referred to as one of the most influential writers of his time and even as ā€œa father of realismā€. In this work, the plot revolves around…
  7. Gender & Feminism in A Dollā€™s House
    The paper uses a combination of gender focus and reader-response approaches and argues that in ā€œA Dollā€™s Houseā€ womenā€™s self-sacrifice is viewed as a regular responsibility.
  8. Noraā€™s Inner Transformation in A Dollā€™s House
    In A Doll’s House, a reflection of our daily life is seen. Through the depiction of Nora, who is the main character, a series of questions on women’s submission to men.
  9. Marriage in Henrik Ibsenā€™s A Dollā€™s House Play
    This essay shows how the events of Ibsenā€™s play reveal the lack of real feelings between Nora and Torvald, painting a picture of a doll’s house in place of a happy family.
  10. Thorvald and Nore in A Doll’s House: Character Analysis
    This essay argues the point that instead of Nora being considered the ā€œdollā€ played with in the play, she is actually the one playing, with the other characters being her dolls.
  11. Gender Norms in A Doll’s House by Henrik Ibsen
    The historical background is important for understanding what position did women have in society, and what rights were given to them.
  12. Social Restrictions on Gender Roles in “A Doll’s House” by Ibsen
    Many literary works assess various aspects of life, and Henrik Ibsen’s A Doll’s House explores important social matters.
  13. Characters in A Doll’s House: Analysis
    Analysis of the different characters in the play and the different circumstances they wet through, and the way women used to be treated in those old ages.
  14. Ibsenā€™s A Dollā€™s House: Reflection Paper
    Remember that if it hadnā€™t been for women like Nora, you wouldnā€™t have the freedom today to decide whether you wish to work or stay home with the children.
  15. The Phenomenon of Money in ā€œTartuffeā€ by Moliere and ā€œA Dollā€™s Houseā€ by Henrik Ibsen
    As demonstrated in the plays “Tartuffe” and “A Doll’s House,” money can play both a role of pressure and power and a role of a tool for caring and creating a sense of security.
  16. Ibsenā€™s A Dollā€™s House: Plot Analysis Essay
    This essay discusses the play 'A Dollā€™s House' by Henry Ibsen, depicts a class conflict and accumulation of wealth, family relations, and the role of marriage.
  17. A Doll’s House by Henrik Ibsen: A Play Review
    A Doll’s House is a play by Henrik Ibsen about a married woman Nora Helmer. This piece of art tells a story about morality, money, women, and their worth.
  18. “A Doll’s House” Play by Henrik Ibsen Review
    A Doll’s House is a work by Henrik Ibsen that reflected the spirit of the past: rebellious thoughts, doubts, moral dilemmas, and attempts to preserve human appearance.
  19. ā€œA Dollā€™s Houseā€: The Problem of Position of Women in Ibsenā€™s Play
    In ā€œA Dollā€™s Houseā€, Ibsen reveals the example of Nora’s character the problems of the status of women in society, their rights, and traditional attitudes towards them.
  20. ā€œA Dollā€™s Houseā€ by Henrik Ibsen and the Role of Ladies in Society
    The struggles which women have in their daily life are real and universal. In ā€œA Dollā€™s Houseā€ by Henrik Ibsen, Nora spends most of her life living up to societal expectations.
  21. Money Theme in Moliereā€™s Tartuffe and Henrik Ibsenā€™s A Dollā€™s House
    A Doll’s House and Tartuffe depict the influence of money on the main characters of the plays: Orgon and Tartuffe in Tartuffe and Torvald Helmer and Nora Helmer in Ibsen’s play.
  22. Characters in A Dollā€™s House Play by Henrik Ibsen
    Henrik Ibsenā€™s play, A Dollā€™s House, is mostly remembered for its heroine, Nora, slamming the door behind her as she abandons her husband and children to find herself.
  23. The Role of Women in A Doll’s House by Henrik Ibsen
    The theme of the play revolts against the prevailing social norms, values, and conventions related to domestic life where men and women act according to the customs of Victorian times.
  24. Themes of Feminism & Gender in A Dollā€™s House by Henrik Ibsen
    Ibsen is considered one of the most successful play writers of the 19th century. He has a large body of work in various genres of literature.

šŸŽ“ Most Interesting A Doll’s House Research Titles

  1. Parallelism and Contrast in “A Doll’s House”
  2. Mrs. Linde as a Foil for Nora in Ibsen’s “A Doll’s House”
  3. Using Soren Kierkegaard’s Philosophies of Truth to Analyze “A Doll’s House”
  4. The Importance and Role of Money in “A Doll’s House”
  5. Women’s Rights in Henrik Ibsen’s “A Doll’s House”
  6. The Christmas Season, the Christmas Tree, and the New Year in “A Doll’s House” by Henrik Ibsen
  7. How the Female Attitudes Towards Children Reveal Character in “Madame Bovary” and “A Doll’s House”
  8. Existentialist Influence in Henrik Ibsen’s “A Doll House”
  9. Self-Esteem and Bird Imagery in “A Doll’s House” by Henrik Ibsen
  10. How Ibsen’s “A Doll’s House” Helped Invent Feminism a Century Ago
  11. “A Doll’s House”: The Role of Deception and Betrayal
  12. Why “A Doll’s House” by Henrik Ibsen Is More Relevant Than Ever
  13. Mrs. Linde and Krogstad’s Confrontation in “A Doll’s House”
  14. “Trifles” and “A Doll’s House”: Gender Roles
  15. Flaws Portrayed Within the Helmer Marriage in Henrik Ibsen’s “A Doll’s House”
  16. Hierarchy of Needs in “A Doll’s House” by Henrik Ibsen
  17. The Symbiotic Relationship Between an Individual and Society in “A Doll’s House”
  18. Nora as a Doll in Henrik Ibsen’s “A Doll’s House”
  19. Gender Performativity, Quest for Identity and Production Shifts Over Time in “A Doll’s House”
  20. The Dramatic Effect of the Antagonist in Henrik Ibsen’s “A Doll’s House”
  21. Controversy Surrounding Nora’s Leave in “A Doll’s House” by Henrik Ibsen
  22. The Victims and Products of Societies in “A Doll’s House” by Henrik Ibsen
  23. Gender Roles and Social Expectations in “A Doll’s House”, a Play by Henrik Ibsen
  24. How Is the Title “A Doll’s House” Appropriate for the Play?
  25. The Key to Self-Discovery and Self-Realization in “A Doll’s House”

šŸ’” Simple A Doll’s House Essay Ideas

Out of ideas? Check our online toolkit:
  1. Money and Work Theme in “A Doll’s House”
  2. Women’s Identity in Henrik Ibsen’s “A Doll’s House” and Robert Frost’s “Home Burial”
  3. The Conflict Between Social Lie and Duty in the Play “A Doll’s House” by Henrik Ibsen
  4. “A Doll’s House”: Appearance vs. Reality
  5. How the Roles of Women and Men Were Portrayed in “A Doll’s House”
  6. The Depiction of the Theme of Sacrifice in “A Doll’s House” by Henrik Ibsen
  7. Marital Lessons From Ibsen’s “A Doll’s House”
  8. Nora and the “New Woman”: Analysis of “A Doll’s House”
  9. Irony, Plot, and Characterization of “A Doll’s House” by Henrik Ibsen
  10. The Creation and Impact of “A Doll’s House” by Henrik Ibsen
  11. Women’s Empowerment in Henrik Ibsen’s “A Dollā€™s House”
  12. How Henrik Ibsen Reflected Realism in “A Doll’s House” Play
  13. A Doll’s House: The Use of Language to Portray Power Struggle
  14. Similarities Between “A Doll’s House” and “Trifles”
  15. Nora Helmer’s Journey From ‘Dolly’ Wife to Emancipated Woman in “A Dollā€™s House”
  16. “A Doll’s House” vs. “Ghosts”: Who Is the Criminal?
  17. Torvald’s Morality and Values in “A Doll’s House”
  18. Play and Film Versions of “A Doll’s House” by Henrik Ibsen
  19. Defying Social Constraints in “A Doll’s House”
  20. The Struggle for Identity in “A Doll’s House”
  21. How Are Gender Inequalities in “A Doll’s House” Still Present Today?
  22. Supporting Characters and Foils in “A Doll’s House” by Henrik Ibsen
  23. The Fight Against the Traditional Society in “A Doll’s House” by Henrik Ibsen
  24. “A Doll’s House” and the Idealist Imagination
  25. The Elements of Realism in Henrik Ibsen’s Play “A Doll’s House”

ā“ Essay Questions on A Dollā€™s House

  1. What Is the Significance of the Title “A Doll’s House”?
  2. How Does the “A Doll’s House” Explore the Theme of Gender Roles in the 19th Century?
  3. How Does the Theme of Appearance Versus Reality Manifest in “A Doll’s House”?
  4. How Does Ibsen Use the Concept of Freedom and Confinement in “A Doll’s House”?
  5. Who Experiences Confinement, and Who Seeks Freedom in “A Doll’s House”?
  6. What Does Noraā€™s Decision to Leave Torvald at the End Signify About?
  7. How Does the Play Critique the Moral Standards of Society at the Time?
  8. In What Ways Does Ibsen Use the Character of Dr. Rank to Comment on Themes of Illness and Decay?
  9. How Does Noraā€™s Character Develop from the Beginning of the “A Doll’s House” Play to the End?
  10. What Are Torvaldā€™s Views on Marriage and His Role as a Husband?
  11. How Do Torvaldā€™s Views Affect His Relationship with Nora?
  12. How Does the Character of Mrs. Linde Serve as a Foil to Nora?
  13. What Does Mrs. Linde Reveal About Noraā€™s Life in “A Doll’s House”?
  14. What Role Does Krogstad Play in the Plot of the Play?
  15. How Does Dr. Rankā€™s Friendship with Nora Add Depth to Her Character?
  16. In What Ways Does Nora Act Like a ā€œDollā€ in Her Marriage from “A Doll’s House”?
  17. What Does Noraā€™s Relationship with Her Children Tell Us About Her?
  18. What Are the Literary Techniques and Structure in “A Doll’s House”?
  19. How Does Ibsen Use Symbolism Throughout the Play “A Doll’s House”?
  20. What Is the Symbolism of the Christmas Tree or the Tarantella Dance in “A Doll’s House”?
  21. What Is the Significance of the Letterbox in the Helmer Household?
  22. How Does Ibsen Employ Dramatic Irony in the Play “A Doll’s House”?
  23. In What Ways Does the “A Doll’s House” Structure (Three Acts) Affect Its Pacing, Development of Tension?
  24. How Does Ibsen Use Dialogue to Reveal the Power Dynamics Between Nora and Torvald?
  25. What Is the Effect of Having the Play Set Entirely Within the Helmer Household?
  26. What Is the Historical and Social Context in “A Doll’s House”?
  27. How Does “A Doll’s House” Reflect the Social and Cultural Attitudes Toward Women?
  28. How Can Noraā€™s Decision Be Interpreted in the Context of the Womenā€™s Rights Movement?
  29. How Does the Title “A Doll’s House” Reflect Noraā€™s Life and Her Role and Marriage?
  30. In What Ways Does the Title “A Doll’s House” Symbolize the Illusion of Happiness and Stability?

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