107 Antigone Essay Topics

🏆 Best Essay Topics on Antigone

✍️ Antigone Essay Topics for College

  1. Women and Gender Roles in “Antigone” by Sophocles
    Sophocles’ “Antigone” tells a story of a woman who disobeys the order of the ruler of Thebes who decided to leave the body of her brother unburied on the battlefield.
  2. The “Antigone” Play by Sophocles: A Short Analysis
    The main themes discussed in the play “Antigone” by Sophocles are devotion to family versus state, gender and misogyny, tyranny, and fate versus free will.
  3. Feminism in Antigone: Term Paper
    The paper analyzes the feministic statements provided in the “Antigone” play by Sophocle and how the feminist characteristics are demonstrated by the main character.
  4. Why Antigone Cannot Be the Tragic Hero
    Antigone is not the tragic hero because she neither has a rank nor experiences a tragic downfall that makes her recognize her mistakes.
  5. “Antigone” as a Continuation of “Seven Against Thebes” by Aeschylus: Similarities and Differences
    The paper discusses about similarities and differences in Aeschylus’ play centers around evil and ruthless ruler Eteocles and Sophocles’ play shows merciful and compassionate Antigone.
  6. “The Lottery” by Jackson vs. “Antigone” by Sophocles
    Jackson’s short story “The Lottery” describes a tradition in a small town where members draw lottery slips. Sophocles’s play “Antigone” follows one girl’s fight against authority.
  7. Sophocles’ Antigone: Critical Analysis
    The play Antigone is one of the best Greek dramatic works depicting the lifestyle of society and human relations between people.
  8. Antigone as a Tragic Hero: Exploring Sophocles’ Masterwork
    One of the reasons why there is indeed the spirit of tragism to the tragedy Antigone by Sophocles, is that the masterwork’s main character fits rather well the pattern of a ‘tragic hero’.
  9. Female Characters in “Antigone” by Sophocles and “Othello” by Shakespeare
    Female characters Antigone and Emilia, from Sophocles’ play “Antigone” and Shakespeare’s “Othello”, constitute examples of independent women who do not lose control of their lives.
  10. “Creon in Antigone”: Analysis
    Polyneices, brother of Antigone, the daughter of King Oedipus, betrayed his relatives Thebes, took part in the Campaign of the Seven against them.
  11. Creon in “Antigone” by Sophocles
    In the article, the author analyzes the actions and character of Creon from the tragedy of Sophocles’ “Antigone” and reflects on the reasons that prompted him to act as he did.
  12. Opposing Ideas in Play Antigone by Sophocles
    One of the motifs in the play Antigone by Sophocles is the conflicting nature of natural and political law. Many characters continually choose between what is right and wrong.
  13. The Curse vs. Antigone: Compare & Contrast
    “Antigone” by Sophocles is a story about family relations, reason, and passion. The story “The Curse” by Andre Dubus discloses the idea of responsibility for one’s honor.
  14. Cause and Effect in Sophocles’ Antigone: A Noval Analysis
    The given work is aimed to show the cause and effect throughout many instances in the plot of the novel “Antigone”.
  15. Ancient Greek Tragedies: Agamemnon, Antigone and Bacchae
    This paper discusses three ancient greek tragedies: the Agamemnon, Antigone and the Bacchae. All three plays have themes that reflect some of the problems we are facing in the world today.
  16. The Major Themes of the Play “Antigone” by Sophocles
    One of the major themes of the famous play Antigone by Sophocles is the sense of justice. It is possible to note that the play focuses on such moral issue as true justice.
  17. Antigone and Ismene in Sophocles’ Play
    Today the play “Antigone” by Sophocles, written hundreds of years ago, is still widely discussed, not in the least due to the masterfully created characters of Antigone and Ismene.
  18. Moral and Religious Obligations in Socrates’ “Antigone”
    In “Antigone”, as in our culture today, there is always a conflict between our values and religious obligations.
  19. The Theme of Bravery in Antigone: Research Paper
    One shining example of literature that illustrates how bravery might have been demonstrated in other ways is Sophocles’ play “Antigone”.
  20. Sophocles’ “Antigone” Classical Greek Tragedy
    Antigone by Sophocles takes a heroic approach and tragic end due to the conflicts between the two characters because of their faith and beliefs.
  21. Blind Tradition: Character Analysis of Jackson’s “The Lottery” and Sophocles’ “Antigone”
    The characters of “The Lottery” and “Antigone” are having to either follow illogical traditions that are rooted in superstition or a lack of desire to challenge the status quo.
  22. Gender in Sophocles’ Tragedy Antigone
    One such tragedy is Antigone, written by Sophocles; it features a strong female character in opposition to an oppressive, politically bound male.
  23. Creon in the Antigone Play by Sophocles
    Antigone’s opponent Creon in Sophocles’ play is a notoriously very arrogant dictator who demands absolute loyalty from his subjects.
  24. Women in Odyssey, Antigone, and Epic of Gilgamesh
    In Homer’s Odyssey, Sophocles Antigone, and the Epic of Gilgamesh, Penelope, Antigone, and Shamhat demonstrate the example of powerful women in Greek society.
  25. Ethical Substance in Sophocles’ “Antigone”
    Even though Antigone by Sophocle raises a wide range of social, and ethical issues, it is clear that the two predominant themes in the play are related to law and fidelity.
  26. The Role of Women in Sophocles’ Antigone
    Sophocles draws attention to various problems in his tragedy Antigone. The themes of justice, traditions, and family are still actual in society nowadays.
  27. Review of “Antigone” Play by Sophocles
    Despite the essential topics, in “Antigone” playwright particularly emphasized the issue concerning the origins of law and the conflict between the natural law and the civil law.
  28. Civil Disobedience in “Antigone” by Sophocles
    The play “Antigone” by Sophocles demonstrates that even in the fifth century BCE people struggled against the severity of the law.
  29. A New Concept Based on “Antigone”
    “Antigone” is one of the most notable plays of Ancient Greece, which remains relevant to this day and is used by directors around the world.
  30. Theme and Characters in Sophocles’s “Antigone”
    Sophocles’splay “Antigone” in general and the titular heroine’s monologue about the laws of mortals and the higher law will remain relevant in any age.
  31. Suicide and Homicide in Sophocles’ “Antigone” and “Electra”
    Sophocles’ ethics and their multifaceted display are still highly relevant even today, where dilemmas on suicide and homicide issues are no less acute than in ancient times.
  32. Protagonist’s Motivation in “Antigone” Play by Sophocles
    The main character of the play “Antigone” by Sophocles has shown that she is a very loyal person and is not afraid to bend the rules to fight for her beliefs.
  33. Gender Roles Depiction in “Antigone” by Sophocles
    The notion of gender has always been a subject for a continuous discussion, formerly claiming a distinct line between the roles of each gender.
  34. The Role of Antigone’s Pride in Her Death
    The essay outlines how Antigone, Oedipus’ daughter and the main character of her play, is driven by the passion of pride and how this largely contributes to her downfall.
  35. The Factual Character of Socrates & the Fictional Character of Antigone: Comparison
    A great deal of what we know about Socrates the man, in fact, all of what we know of him, is what is written about him by others who may or may not have heard him speak.
  36. Antigone & Socrates’ Philosophy: Critical Analysis Essay
    Socrates believed that the most important pursuit in life was a search for the truth while Antigone felt that it was adherence to the moralities passed down to people by the gods.
  37. Sophocles’ Antigone: Critical Analysis Essay
    Sophocles uses the plot lines of an infamously cursed family to bring to life a heroine knowingly destined for tragedy, who fights only for honor and grace.
  38. “Antigone” by Sophocles: Antigone and Creon Characters
    This paper describes the character and motivation of Antigone and Creon, how are their characters revealed, and what is disclosed through their interactions.

🎓 Most Interesting Antigone Research Titles

  1. The Bravery and Courage of Orestes, Oedipus, and Antigone
  2. Antigone Deserves More Sympathy Than Creon
  3. Iphigenia and Antigone: Women of Honor
  4. Audience Identification and Tragic Catharsis in Antigone by Sophocles
  5. Family Bonds and Loyalty as the Crucial Themes of Antigone, a Play by Sophocles
  6. Antigone’s Characters Choice Between Religious and Civil Obedience
  7. Contrast Between Oedipus the King and Antigone by Sophocles
  8. Antigone Moral Obligation and Civil Disobedience
  9. The Triumph and Elements of Tragedy in Jean Anouilh’s Antigone
  10. Lady Macbeth and Antigone – Premature Fatalities, Power, Respects
  11. The Relationship Between Haimon and Ismene in Sophocles’ Antigone
  12. Antigone’s Fatal Flaw and Downfall
  13. Women Behaving Like Men in Antigone
  14. Antigone’s Selflessness Versus Creon’s Pride in Antigone, a Play by Sophocles
  15. Character Changes Involving Antigone and Creon
  16. Male and Female Power in Sophocles’ Tragic Play, Antigone
  17. Antigone and Gender Inequality
  18. Matriarchial vs. Patriarchial Values in Antigone
  19. Antigone and Letter From a Birmingham Jail Analysis

💡 Simple Antigone Essay Ideas

  1. Natural Law and State Law in Sophocles’ Antigone
  2. Similarities Between Antigone and Martin Luther King
  3. Justice and Social Order in Antigone
  4. Female Protagonists and Masculine Traits: Destructive Tendencies in Antigone and Salome
  5. Violence and Its Functions in the Odyssey and Antigone
  6. King Lear and Antigone as Tragic Hero
  7. Allusion Between Romeo and Juliet and Antigone
  8. Divine Law vs. Human Law in Sophocles’ Antigone
  9. The Difference Between the Views of Antigone and Creon
  10. Foil and Parallel Characters in Oedipus the King and Antigone
  11. Antigone Boldly Challenges the Submissive Role of Women in the Ancient Greek Society
  12. Fifth Century Bce Women as Represented by Medea and Antigone
  13. Antigone and the Burial of Her Disgraced Brother
  14. Respect for Family and Elders: The Moral Lessons of Antigone
  15. Actions, Characters, and Hubris in Sophocles Antigone
  16. Blood Wedding and Antigone Comparison
  17. Values and Motives Affecting Fate From the Beginning of Antigone
  18. Light and Darkness Found Within the Gospel of John and in Sophocles’ Drama Antigone

❓ Antigone Essay Questions

  1. Does Sophocles’ Antigone Fit Aristotle’s Definition of a Tragic Heroine?
  2. Are There Similarities Between Martin Luther King and Antigone?
  3. What Influence Does the God Dionysus Have on the Chorus in “Antigone”?
  4. Is the Moral Conflict in “Antigone” Resolved?
  5. What Influenced Sophocles to Write “Antigone”?
  6. How Does Antigone Demonstrate Pre-Feminist Ethics?
  7. What Is the Seeming Reason for Haemon’s Suicide? Does He Kill Himself Only Out of Desperate Love for the Dead Antigone?
  8. Why Is “Antigone” Considered a Tragedy?
  9. What Lesson Does the Greek Tragedy “Antigone” Teach?
  10. How Many Times Does Antigone Appear on Stage?
  11. Who Does Sophocles Side With in “Antigone”?
  12. What Are the Elements of Tragedy in “Antigone”?
  13. Are There Contradiction Between Morals in Sophocles’ “Antigone”?
  14. Why Is Antigone a Tragic Hero With Quotes?
  15. How Does “Antigone” Fit Aristotle’s Definition of a Tragedy?
  16. What Is the Moral Conflict in “Antigone”?
  17. Who Is the Tragic Hero According to Aristotle’s Definition Creon or Antigone?
  18. In What Way Is the Final Scene of “Antigone” Similar to the Final Scene of “Oedipus”?
  19. What Personal Characteristics Lead Antigone to Defy Creon in Burying Her Brother?
  20. How Does the Symbolism of Birds Change Throughout the Play “Antigone”?
  21. What Is the Primary Conflict in “Antigone”?
  22. How Do Ismene and Antigone Differ in Their Beliefs About What Is Lawful and Just?
  23. What Are the Main Personality Traits of Antigone?
  24. Why Does Antigone Not Allow Ismene to Join Her in Her Death Sentence?
  25. What Does the Play “Antigone” Say About Obligations to Family and Obligations to Authority?

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