🏆 Best Essay Topics on Aristotle
✍️ Aristotle Essay Topics for College
- Plato’s and Aristotle’s Argument on Forms and UniversalsThe article is a comparison of the theories of Plato and Aristotle concerning the explanation of the nature of forms and universal states.
- Aristotle’s View on the Relationship Between Soul and BodyAristotle’s work called “De Anima” represents a study of the question of the soul and is phenomenal for the time of the thinker.
- Plato and Aristotle’s Philosophy on Common InterestWhile Aristotle strongly rejects Plato’s claim that there is no value in collective unity, this essay illustrates that both philosophers have a common view.
- Aristotle’s Teleological Understanding of Ethics as Virtue in Modern SocietyThe described reasoning concerning Aristotle’s teleological understanding of ethics can be seen as a sensible platform for decision-making in the modern context.
- Aristotle, Mills, and Kant on Ethical DilemmasAristotle, Mill, and Kant provide their approaches to solving ethical dilemmas. The paper compares the three theories.
- Video Advertisement: The Efficiency of the Aristotle’s RhetoricThis essay examines the effectiveness of using Ethos, Pathos, and Logos as the persuasive tools in the “Jason Momoa Super Bowl Commercial 2020. Rocket Mortgage” advertisement.
- Drama: Aristotle’s “Poetics” in “Oedipus the King”One of the scenes that exemplify Aristotle’s “Poetics” in “Oedipus the King” is the one where the citizens have congregated in the King’s court asking for his help.
- Philosophy: Aristotle’s View on SubstanceMetaphysics is the first philosophy in that it seeks to define the essence of being, whereas the other schools of philosophy and science seek to define the classes.
- Plato’s and Aristotle’s Dualism and Theory of FormsThe difference between the ways in which Plato and Aristotle approached the theory of forms offers background into how the philosophers chose their stances on different phenomena.
- Citizenship and Civil Disobedience According to Aristotle and SophoclesSummarizing Aristotle’s ideas on this issue and applying them to a well-known play, “Antigone” by Sophocles, helps bring these concepts of Citizenship into clearer focus.
- Aristotle’s and Machiavelli’s Perspectives on Virtue: A Comparative AnalysisThis paper aims at discussing the essence of virtue, its goals, and contradictions in terms of Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics and Machiavelli’s Prince.
- Plato’s, Aristotle’s, and Machiavelli’s Perspectives on the Ideal Form of GovernmentSince Plato, Aristotle, and Machiavelli each single out a particular characteristic of human nature, their idea of a perfect political regime is tethered to it.
- Comparing Philosophy of Plato and AristotleAristotle is a disciple of Plato. Aristotle believed that Plato’s theory of ideas was entirely insufficient to explain empirical reality
- Cicero’s and Aristotle’s Friendship NotionsIn contrast to Aristotle, Cicero believes that there are some qualities that make a good friend and a bad friend.
- Aristotle’s Ideas of Persuasion in AdvertisingThe analysis of modern advertising campaigns from the point of view that decision-making is not based on logical thinking, but on emotional motivation, as Aristotle proved.
- Aristotle Theory About Euthanasia – EthicsThe paper explains the virtue theory from an Aristotelian perspective and demonstrates how virtuous doctors can use the theory to judge euthanasia patients.
- Aristotle’s Perspective on the Greek TragedyDue to Aristotle’s concept of tragedy, modern audiences can examine a play and form a deep relationship with the protagonist.
- Confucius, Aristotle, and Plato: The Issue of HarmonyConfucius states that harmony is an equilibrium. Aristotle describes harmony as a connection between different and even opposite people. For Plato, harmony is within a soul.
- The Happiness Concept in Aristotle’s EthicsThe concept of Happiness presented by the Greek philosopher Aristotle lies beyond the traditional notion of Happiness that has developed in the collective consciousness.
- Plato’s Political Philosophy and Aristotle’s Political ScienceThis essay will examine the reasons behind different perceptions of Plato’s and Aristotle’s works and their perspectives on government and politics.
- Appropriation of Aristotle’s Ideas in Christian PhilosophyIt should be mentioned that the Christian faith first spread among the Greek elites who were educated in the thought of Aristotle, Plato, or Socrates.
- Plato’s and Aristotle’s Ideas of EthicsPlato and Aristotle were both two individuals who defiantly had brilliant ideas on how to make the world a good place to live.
- Aristotle vs. Aquinas: Views on Happiness and Life PurposeIn his most renowned work, Nicomachean Ethics, the philosopher Aristotle explored the idea of a supreme good of people.
- Seneca’s Views on Anger Arguments of AristotleEveryone gets annoyed at one time or the other. However, there are some people who are always angry. Both Aristotle and Seneca show that fury leads to varying reactions among different people.
- Connections Between Aristotle’s Views of the Universe and Aquinas’sAristotle inspired many philosophers and thinkers with his ideas of how the universe functions. One of the people who built on the ideas of Aristotle was Aquinas.
- Equality in “The Politics” by AristotleOne of the outstanding works that discuss the origins of political life and organization of society is “The Politics” by Aristotle.
- Plato, Aristotle and Preferable Response to LiteratureThe main task of the present paper is to analyze Aristotle and Plato’s points of view concerning art and to choose the one that is the most appropriate to reading literature.
- Aristotle’s Biography: Philosopher’s Teaching and OutlookThe path Aristotle followed as a philosopher was by large predetermined by his family background and circumstances of early years.
👍 Good Aristotle Research Topics & Essay Examples
- Plato vs. Aristotle: Philosophy, State, and Social ViewsIt is worth noting that the two great philosophers Plato and Aristotle had polar views on the essence, and the philosophy in general.
- Aristotle’s Conception of ScienceAristotle’s conception of science has remained a fundamental principle for guiding modern scholars to pursue new truths.
- Comparison Between Plato and Aristotle’s View on WomenPlato and Aristotle have separate views on women where one of them advocated for equality, and the other proposed that there should be ab alienation of women.
- Theories of Governance: Plato’s and Aristotle’s TheoriesThis paper explores Plato’s and Aristotle’s theories of governance and their relevance to governance thought throughout history, as well as current gun issues.
- “The Nicomachean Ethics” Book by AristotleThe work “The Nicomachean Ethics” by Aristotle is a major guiding force in academic and political ethics, which is a fundamental factor for human existence.
- St. Thomas’s Natural Law Teaching and Aristotle’s Teaching in EthicsJean-Jacques Rousseau criticized all prior natural law theories by stating that it was impossible to understand the laws of nature without understanding real nature.
- Plato’s vs. Aristotle’s Political ApproachesAristotle’s political approach is different from Plato’s approach in the sense that Plato’s approach is not applicable in the ideal society.
- Discussion of Aristotle RhetoricThe reading discusses the idea of rhetoric as a means of persuasion because Aristotle argues effective persuasion depends on the successful use of ethos, logos, and pathos.
- How Kreon Is the Tragic Hero, Based on Aristotle’s PrinciplesKreon is the tragic hero based on Aristotle’s principles because he meets all the four characteristics that go with that title.
- Ideas of Plato and Aristotle as a Basis for Medieval and Early Modern Period Concept of SoulDepending on the solution to this problem, the emphasis is shifted either to the biological nature of a person or to their spiritual essence.
- Han Fei and Aristotle: Interpret of the Passage by ConfuciusThe primary aim of the current work is to interpret the passage by Confucius and analyze it from the philosophical perspectives of Han Fei and Aristotle.
- Happiness in Aristotle’s “Nicomachean Ethics”In the “Nicomachean Ethics,” Aristotle argues that there are different lives people tend to consider happiness; they include the life of political action, money-making, etc.
- Aristotle’s Views on the Concept of FriendshipFriendship, in Aristotle’s understanding, refers to any kind of interpersonal relationship that is both affectionate and beneficial.
- Plato’s, Aristotle’s, and Socrates’ Philosophical IdeasDespite the lack of similarity, the teachings of different philosophies are identified more easily, and their nature, as well as the similar concepts that appear in philosophy.
- Explaining Aristotle’s Understanding of VirtueFor Aristotle and his followers, virtue is not a simple term connected to positive levels of morality in a human being.
- Virtue: Views of Aristotle and MachiavelliThe paper discusses Aristotle and Machiavelli had divergent perspectives on the concept of virtue, as it is a balanced approach to life in both civic and moral aspects.
- Aristotle’s Concept of Virtue EthicsAristotle attached particular importance to the moral ethics of the individual’s personality traits, rather than social duties and rules.
- Analysis of Aristotle’s Nicomachean EthicsIn this article, Aristotle’s concept of Nicomachean ethics is based on the philosophical view that happiness is the only justifiable ultimate end that people pursue.
- Socrates in Aristotle’s and Plato’s WorksThis paper discusses the depiction of Socrates in Aristophanes Clouds, Plato’s dialogues, and how Aristophanes Cloud’s depiction differs from Plato’s dialogues.
- Aristotle’s Ethical Theory and Its InfluencesThe essay describes the importance of Aristotle’s ethical theory to modern ethics and analyzes the key points of his most iconic writings.
- Aristotle and Plato Works ComparisonAlong with Socrates and Plato, Aristotle is believed to be one of the most ancient Greek philosophers. Being arguably the most educated man of those times, Aristotle had a wide range of interests.
- Kant’s and Aristotle’s Ethical PhilosophyKant claims that a person who helps others, with pleasure, from motives of natural sympathy displays no moral worth. It is helpful to take a look at Aristotle.
- Ethics and Morality as Philosophical Concepts: Definitions According to Aristotle, Dante, and KantThe work is aimed to tell about enlightenment according to Kant, Aristotle’s theory of ethics, moral philosophy and the arrangement of Dante’s hell and definition of justice.
- Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics: Friendship, Virtue, and HappinessThis paper will discuss and analyze the importance of friendship, virtue, and endurance and the way Aristotle presents these concepts.
- Virtue Perception by Aristotle and Today’s SocietyBy analyzing Aristotle’s view of virtue, as well as its relevance in today’s society, one may comprehend its critical aspects and crucial impact on humanity.
- Aristotle and Augustine on Doing WrongAristotle, the Ancient Greek philosopher who lived in the 4th century BC and was a student of Plato, had a huge intellectual range and was involved in many different branches of science.
- Aristotle’s Involvement in Social IssuesAristotle’s philosophy united several approaches and regarded a human being as a multidimensional creature, which accounts for his entirely new look at society.
- Kant vs. Pascal: The True Purpose of Moral LawThis paper compares the positions of Kant, Mill, and Aristotle on the nature of morality and its relationship with reason or intellect, and with feelings.
- Aristotle’s Views on EthicsEthics for people’s lives viewed in Aristotle’s argument stating that all humans share a certain function in life. This paper will present an objection to Aristotle’s function argument.
🎓 Most Interesting Aristotle Research Titles
- Aristotle and His Views on Political Success
- Aristotle and the Irony of Guilt
- Aristotle and Plato’s View of Slavery
- Antigone and Creon Appreciated From Aristotle’s Theory of Poetics
- Aristotle and Adam Smith on Reason and Sentiment
- Nature and Biology According to Aristotle
- Aristotle and Human Origins
- Aristotle’s Rhetoric and the Ethics of Modern Advertising
- Aristotle and Plato’s Views on Knowledge
- Aristotle & Alchohol Abuse
- Aristotle’s Most Ideal Social and Political Good
- Aristotle and Charles Darwin: Two of the Great Biologist of All Time
- Human Reproduction and the Views of Aristotle
- Aristotle and Plato’s Views on Reality
- Plato and Aristotle’s Impact on Rhetoric
- Aristotle and the Development of Value Theory
- Aristotle and Citizenship Intellectual Virtue
- Friendship and Marriage According to Barbara Whitehead and Aristotle
- Happiness and the Good in Humanity in Nichomachean Ethics, a Book by Aristotle
- Aristotle’s Distinction Between Tragedy and Epic Poetry
- Goodness, Happiness, and Virtues in Nicomachean Ethics by Aristotle
- Aristotle and Buddhism: Comparing Philosophies
- Aristotle and the Canadian Political System
- Ethics and Religion According to Augustine and Aristotle
- Aristotle’s Definition and Description of Human Function
- Ethics and Psychology Theories of Aristotle
- Aristotle and His View of Women
- Plato and Aristotle’s Life-Blood Philosophy of Dialect Discussion
- Aristotle and the Philosophy of Happiness
- Oedipus and Othello Exemplify Aristotle’s Definition of a Tragic Hero
💡 Simple Aristotle Essay Ideas
- Aristotle’s Life and Contributions to Western Civilization
- Aristotle: Substance, Demonstrative Knowledge, Luck, and Chance
- Alfarabi and Aristotle: The Four Causes and the Four Stages of the Doctrine of the Intelligence
- Philosophy: Aristotle and Medical Knowledge
- Aristotle’s Ethical Theory and How It Conflicts
- John Stuart Mill and Aristotle‘s Opposing Argumentative Theories
- Man’s Final Good and Methods of Determination in Nicomachean Ethics by Aristotle
- Aristotle and the Four Causes of the End Purpose of an Object or Action
- Aristotle’s Three Motivations for Friendship
- Aristotle and Juvenile Delinquency
- Comparing and Contrasting the Philosophers Aristotle and Plato
- Aristotle and His Basic Philosophies
- Ethics and Morals According to Kant and Aristotle
- Aristotle and the Correspondence Theory of Truth
- Aquinas vs. Aristotle: Justice as Virtue
- Aristotle and the Appeal to Reason
- Aristotle and His Idea of the Ideal Constitution
- Aristotle and Open Population Thinking
- Human Nature and the Views of Augustine and Aristotle
- Ethics and Morality According to Aristotle in the Legal Defense of a Guilty Man
- Aristotle and His Followers of the Aristotelian Tradition
- Similarities Between Aristotle and Aquinas
- Aristotle and Freud and the Theory of Tragedy
- Happiness and Morality According to Aristotle
- Aristotle’s Poetics: Catharsis and Rasas
- Aristotle and Epicurus Debate on Pleasure and Politics
- Plato, Aristotle, and Machiavelli on Democratic Rule
- Ancient Political Thought: Aristotle and Plato
- Aristotle and His Ethical Beliefs
- Abortion and the Philosophies of David Hume and Aristotle