94 Canterbury Tales Essay Topics

🏆 Best Essay Topics on Canterbury Tales

✍️ Canterbury Tales Essay Topics for College

  1. Medieval Society in The Canterbury Tales
    The work and organization of the medieval society proposed in the Canterbury Tales by Charles Chaucer can be easily connected with the organization of modern society.
  2. A Contemporary View of Society in England in the XIV Century Through Chaucer’s “Canterbury Tales”
    Geoffrey Chaucer, the author of “Canterbury Tales” is widely known as the father of English literature, the first English poet and humanist.
  3. Criticism of the Church in Canterbury Tales
    How did Chaucer criticize the church The Canterbury Tales? What characters do reflect this criticism? Check this essay to find out.
  4. “The Canterbury Tales” by Geoffrey Chaucer
    The Canterbury Tales is perhaps one of the most popular collections of tales from the 14th century. It is a collection of stories told by Geoffrey Chaucer.
  5. The Canterbury Tales Costumes as Symbols
    How did Chaucer criticize the church The Canterbury Tales? What characters do reflect this criticism? Check this essay to find out.
  6. ‘The Friar’ in Canterbury Tales
    The Friar, one of Chaucer’s portraits of what he perceived as a corrupt clergy, can simply be described as a fraud.
  7. Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales Analysis
    Chaucer’s The Canterbury Tales is a medieval composition comprising twenty-four short stories touching on themes such as pride and marriage.
  8. Social Satire in Canterbury Tales
    Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales were strongly affected by his position in society and ongoing state of events. The Catholic Church still was one of the strongest social and political powers in Europe.
  9. Comparing “Sir Gawain and the Green Knight”, “The Canterbury Tales: The General Prologue” and “King Lear”
    The following study reviews in brief three literary works; their authors, the historical influences that inspired their composition.
  10. The Knight Character in “The Canterbury Tales” by Chaucer
    In “The Canterbury Tales,” the Knight is presented as a gallant and courageous man, the one who “…loved chivalry, truth and honour, freedom and courtesy.”
  11. Analysis of “The Miller’s Tale” from The Canterbury Tales
    The Miller's Tale is a compilation of issues indicating the causes for failures in lives. Check more data about its place in The Canterbury Tales here.
  12. Knights in Literature: Sir Gawain, Canterbury Tales, & Beowulf Analysis
    The paper will analysis the knight’s tales: “Beowulf”, “Sir Gawain and the Green Knight”, “The Miller’s Tale”, “The Wife of Bath”, “The Nun’s Priest” and the “Pardoner”.
  13. Human Issues in Chaucer’s ‘Canterbury Tales’
    This essay describes the issues and relationship of The Parson and the Plowman, Franklin and Reeve, and Physician and the Pardoner from Chaucer’s ‘Canterbury Tales’.
  14. Romance in Canterbury Tales and Courtly Love in the Lais of Marie de France
    The paper states that The Canterbury Tales and The Lais of Marie de France are love tales with similarities and differences in the idea of romance.
  15. Women’s Status in The Canterbury Tales
    This paper shall try to present the social and legal status of women during the period of Geoffrey Chaucer’s The Canterbury Tales using the manuscripts “The Prioress’s Tale” and “The Wife of Bath’s Tale”.
  16. Social Life in Canterbury Tales vs. Pride & Prejudice: Compare & Contrast Essay
    This paper compares Chaucer and Jane Austen with a focus on their views of social life in their respective periods, particularly about the institution of marriage.
  17. The Canterbury Tales by Geoffrey Chaucer Reviewed
    The Canterbury Tales is a collection of twenty-four short stories written by Geoffrey Chaucer in the fourteenth century.
  18. Medieval Life Through “The Canterbury Tales” Characters by Chaucer
    In “The Canterbury Tales,” characters satirical embody medieval life aspects: religion through the Pardoner, peasant through the Miller, and female through the Wife of Bath.
  19. Social Satire and Pilgrimage in Geoffrey Chaucer’s ‘The Canterbury Tales’
    Geoffrey Chaucer uses Canterbury Tales to describe different professionals. Skipper is one of the many characters who narrate their tales as the pilgrimage journey progresses.
  20. Literature Studies: “The Canterbury Tales” by G. Chaucer
    The Canterbury Tales represent the Medieval English literature. The work was written by Geoffrey Chaucer in the XIV century.
  21. “The Canterbury Tales”: Plot and Structure of the Work
    “The Canterbury Tales” is an unfinished work on which author Jeffrey Chaucer worked until his death; it is composed of some passages which are sometimes controversial.
  22. Character Traits in “The Canterbury Tales”
    The paper discusses Chaucer’s character’s traits as the narrator of the General Prologue in “The Canterbury Tales”, his perception and attitude towards fellow pilgrims and the event.
  23. The Canterbury Tales and the Role of Women
    The concept of gender roles exists as long as a society that’s why The study of women’s position is a subject of discussion.
  24. The Canterbury Tales by G. Chaucer: The Miller’s Position about Marriage and Power
    At the end of the 14th century, Geoffrey Chaucer introduced his Canterbury Tales, where several people share their stories about British history, identities, and values.
  25. General Prologue to a Contemporary Version of The Canterbury Tales
    This story is about the voyage to the capitol of a group of very different people to attend the Presidential Inauguration.
  26. Chaucer’s Satire in The Canterbury Tales Essay
    One of the foundational principles of the courtly tradition was a conception of women. According to this view, women were considered extremely delicate and require a great deal of protection.
  27. The Canterbury Tales: The Knight’s Tale Analysis
    Geoffrey Chaucer’s work has been notable for the tone that it manages to set in the context of depicting people and their lives.

🎓 Most Interesting Canterbury Tales Research Titles

  1. The Moral and Lessons From the Wife of Bath’s Tale From Canterbury Tales
  2. The Knight and the Squire From the Canterbury Tales
  3. Canterbury Tales and Medieval Women
  4. The Decameron and the Canterbury Tales Parallels
  5. Canterbury Tales and Lady Bath
  6. Canterbury Tales: The Character of the Prioress
  7. The Franklin’s Tale From the Book The Canterbury Tales
  8. Catholic Church Corruption and the Canterbury Tales by Geoffrey Chaucer
  9. The Moral Aspects Described in Geoffrey Chaucer’s The Canterbury Tales
  10. Canterbury Tales and the Song of Roland
  11. Canterbury Tales: The Squire and Absolon
  12. Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales – Dominance and Control in the Wife of Bath
  13. The Prioress Madame Eglantine From the Canterbury Tales
  14. Tones, Moods, and Irony in the Canterbury Tales
  15. The Satire and Humor in the Canterbury Tales by Geoffrey Chaucer

💡 Simple Canterbury Tales Essay Ideas

  1. The Miller and the Reeve in the Canterbury Tales
  2. Christian Duty and Religious Doubt in The Song of Roland and The Canterbury Tales
  3. The Canterbury Tales: Irony, the Pilgrims and Their Moral Lessons
  4. Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales and Enrique Iglesias
  5. The Struggle for Dominance in Canterbury Tales
  6. Canterbury Tales and Nationalism
  7. The Divine Comedy, Inferno, and the Canterbury Tales
  8. The Morals Chaucer Had While Writing the Canterbury Tales
  9. Canterbury Tales Critical Analysis of the Wife of Bath
  10. The English Church Exposed in Canterbury Tales
  11. The Canterbury Tales Story of the Pardoner
  12. The Attitudes Towards Marriage in The Canterbury Tales by Geoffrey Chaucer
  13. The Seven Deadly Sins in the Canterbury Tales by Geoffery Chaucer
  14. Canterbury Tales: Contrasting Knight and Skipper
  15. The Catholic Church and the Canterbury Tales

❓ Canterbury Tales Essay Questions

  1. Who Wrote the Prologue to “The Canterbury Tales”?
  2. Is “The Canterbury Tales” Prose or Poetry?
  3. Who Told the First Tale in “The Canterbury Tales”?
  4. What Is the Most Famous Story From “The Canterbury Tales”?
  5. What Is the Shortest Story in “The Canterbury Tales”?
  6. What Is Ironic About the Yeoman in “The Canterbury Tales”?
  7. How Many Stories Does Each Character Tell in “The Canterbury Tales”?
  8. How Far Do the Pilgrims Travel in “The Canterbury Tales”?
  9. Who Is the Most Corrupt Man in “The Canterbury Tales”?
  10. How Many Characters Are in “The Canterbury Tales”?
  11. Who Is the Protagonist in “The Canterbury Tales”?
  12. Is “The Canterbury Tales” an Epic Poem?
  13. What Does the Nun’s Bracelet Say in “The Canterbury Tales”?
  14. What Social Class Is the Doctor in “The Canterbury Tales”?
  15. What Is the Parson’s Motto in “The Canterbury Tales”?
  16. How Is the Reeve Satirical in “The Canterbury Tales”?
  17. What Is Ironic About Skipper in “The Canterbury Tales”?
  18. What Is the Franklin’s Job in “The Canterbury Tales”?
  19. Is Fable Used in “The Canterbury Tales”?
  20. Is “The Canterbury Tales” appropriate for kids?
  21. How Do “The Canterbury Tales” Reflect Our Society?
  22. What Attitude Toward Humankind Emerges From “The Canterbury Tales”?
  23. Why Were “The Canterbury Tales” Controversial?
  24. What Does County Folk Mean in “The Canterbury Tales”?
  25. What Is the Premise of “The Canterbury Tales”?
  26. When Does “The Canterbury Tales” Prologue Begin?
  27. Who Are the Religious Characters in “The Canterbury Tales”?
  28. What Is the Narrator’s Occupation in “The Canterbury Tales”?
  29. Why Were “The Canterbury Tales” Unique for the Period?
  30. How Do “The Canterbury Tales” Reflect European Culture?

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