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65 Competitiveness Essay Topics

🏆 Best Essay Topics on Competitiveness

✍️ Competitiveness Essay Topics for College

  1. The Coca-Cola Company’s Competitiveness and Profitability
    The Coca-Cola Company is the largest non-alcoholic beverage manufacturer in the world. It produces 32% of all the types of drinks consumed in the world.
  2. The G20 Countries’ Competitiveness in Renewable Energy Resources
    “Assessing national renewable energy competitiveness of the G20” by Fang et al. presents an assessment of competitiveness in renewable energy resources among G20 countries.
  3. Dun & Bradstreet Firm’s Competitiveness Assessment
    Dun & Bradstreet offers an innovative digital tool for evaluating competitiveness. Due to the focus on dating to change and altering the corporate environment accordingly.
  4. Strategic Management and Strategic Competitiveness
    The purpose of the work is to give an idea of the main aspects that ensure the economic stability of PepsiCo with evaluation models: industrial organization and resource-based.
  5. The UK Global Competitiveness in Trade After Brexit
    The long-term goal for UK in international trade is to be globally competitive. One major problem is the negative trend in trade deficit during the last decade with EU members.
  6. Walmart Enhanced Competitiveness Project Plan
    Walmart’s project objectives are to enhance the company’s performance, reputation, and income, increase customer value through discounts, and enhance employee satisfaction.
  7. National Competitiveness and Quality of Life
    The understanding of national competitiveness shows that labor productivity in the economy determines the level of its competitiveness and directly affects the quality of life.
  8. Have the Trade Policies of President Donald Trump Increased the Competitiveness of the USA?
    Donald Trump’s presidency is marked with a number of contradictory policies, some of which concern trade. This paper will analyse whether Trump’s trade policies have increased the competitiveness of the USA.
  9. The Competitiveness of Saudi Pharmaceutical Industry
    This paper describes the competitive factors in Saudi Arabia pharmaceutical industry using the theoretical models of porter and outlines the forces such as the economic and legal factors.
  10. Human Resource Management as a Catalyst for Market Competitiveness
    While employers’ market competitiveness can be indirectly assessed based on the salaries they offer to their workers, this is not the only defining factor.

🎓 Most Interesting Competitiveness Research Titles

  1. Evaluation and Comparative Analysis of Global Environmental Competitiveness
  2. Effects of Trait Competitiveness and Perceived Intraorganizational Competition on Salesperson Goal Setting and Performance
  3. Features of the Region’s Competitiveness in Modern Conditions
  4. Rise and Fall of Competitiveness in Individualistic and Collectivistic Societies
  5. Gender Gap in Latent and Nascent Entrepreneurship Driven by Competitiveness
  6. Determinants of Export Competitiveness of the Manufacturing Industry
  7. Analysis and Evaluation of International Competitiveness of China’s State-Owned Technology Enterprises
  8. Relative Total Costs as an Approach to Competitiveness Measurement of Industries
  9. The Impact of Corporate Social Responsibility on National Competitiveness
  10. Different Views and Arguments on the Competitiveness of Economies
  11. Methodological Approaches to Assessing the Competitiveness of Hospitality Establishments
  12. Exploring Tourism Competitiveness in Developing Economies
  13. Marketing Support of the Enterprise Competitiveness Management System
  14. Impact of Digitalization on the Competitiveness of Entrepreneurial Business
  15. Economic Resilience and Competitiveness in the Euro Area
  16. Happiness Strategy for Competitiveness as a New Perspective to Compete
  17. The Impact of IFRS Adoption on Global Competitiveness
  18. Assessing the Effect of Monetary Policy on the Competitiveness of Agricultural Enterprises
  19. The Impact of Strategic HR Management on the Competitiveness of an Enterprise
  20. Strengthening the Competitiveness of State-Owned Enterprises
  21. Familiness as a Determinant of Competitiveness of Family Businesses
  22. Supply Chain Competitiveness Through Agility and Digital Technology
  23. Urban Tourism Competitiveness in the Context of Sustainable Development
  24. A Tourist Experience-Driven Approach to Measure Destination Competitiveness

💡 Simple Competitiveness Essay Ideas

  1. The Impacts of Environmental Regulations on Competitiveness
  2. Empirical Examination of International Acquisitions From a Competitiveness Perspective
  3. Competitiveness and Employment Relationship in the 21st Century
  4. Evaluating Maritime Port Competitiveness Using MABAC and Bayesian Methods
  5. A CM-DEMATEL Assessment of SME Competitiveness Factors
  6. The Role of Digital Orientation and Strategic Emphasis in Creating Brand Competitiveness
  7. Overall Competitiveness Efficiency: A Quantitative Approach to the Five Forces Model
  8. Culture’s Influence on a Country’s Travel and Tourism Competitiveness
  9. Brand Competitiveness Antecedents: The Interaction Effects of Marketing and R&D Expenditure
  10. Spatial Patterns of Territorial Competitiveness: Peripherality, Urbanization, and Physical Geography
  11. Natural Resource Exploitation: The Nexus Between Structural Capital, Carbon Neutrality, and Sustainable Competitiveness
  12. Revisiting the Competitiveness Theory in the New Global Environment
  13. Business Competitiveness, Its Financial and Economic Parameters
  14. Managing Cultural Diversity: Implications for Organizational Competitiveness
  15. Corporate Governance and Competitiveness: An International Analysis
  16. Time‐Based Competitiveness: A Strategic Perspective
  17. Modern Trends in the Formation of International Competitiveness of the National Economy
  18. Kaizen Strategy and the Drive for Competitiveness: Challenges and Opportunities
  19. The Role of Integrative Technology in Competitiveness
  20. Determinants of Competitiveness in Logistics: Implications for the ASEAN Region
  21. Competitive Intelligence as an Enabler for Firm Competitiveness
  22. Building Maritime Organizational Competitiveness Through Resource, Innovation, and Resilience
  23. Carbon Pricing, Power Markets, and the Competitiveness of Nuclear Power
  24. Factors Affecting the Competitiveness of a Higher Education Institution

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StudyCorgi. 2024. "65 Competitiveness Essay Topics." August 12, 2024.

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