Dun & Bradstreet Firm’s Competitiveness Assessment

Understanding the extent of competition in the target market, as well as evaluating a company’s ability to withstand the observed rivalry rates, are crucial steps in securing a company’s position in the chosen business environment. Dun & Bradstreet offers an innovative digital tool for evaluating the competitiveness of an organization. Due to the focus on dating to change and altering the corporate environment accordingly. The proposed tools can benefit researchers and analysts tremendously as an opportunity to identify and analyze the latest trends.

The tools created by Dun & Bradstreet can be best applied by analysts as the means of identifying not only key market characteristics but also factors that shape them. Thus, organizations will locate emergent trends and develop the ability to forecast changes with a substantial amount of precision (“Do you have analytic flexibility?” n.d.). As a result, organizations will succeed in the target business environment by adjusting their products and services to customers’ needs.

However, the specified opportunity provided by the organization and its innovative tools is not devoid of flaws. Some of the limitations that the services offered by Dun & Bradstreet have included a seemingly high complexity rate of the tool and the lack of instructions concerning its use. Although one could claim that the tools offered by Dun & Bradstreet will be used by experts, who are likely to be aware of the means of applying digital analytical devices to the assessment of the target market environment, additional support for people who are new to the competition assessment would be welcome. Nevertheless, the product created by Dun & Bradstreet is sufficiently impressive. The company has devised a tool that allows for managing market rivalry in different contexts, including some of the most competitive ones. Therefore, it is exceptionally useful for any company willing to build a market presence.


Do you have analytic flexibility? (n.d.). DNB.com. Web.

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StudyCorgi. (2023) 'Dun & Bradstreet Firm’s Competitiveness Assessment'. 1 April.

1. StudyCorgi. "Dun & Bradstreet Firm’s Competitiveness Assessment." April 1, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/dun-and-amp-bradstreet-firms-competitiveness-assessment/.


StudyCorgi. "Dun & Bradstreet Firm’s Competitiveness Assessment." April 1, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/dun-and-amp-bradstreet-firms-competitiveness-assessment/.


StudyCorgi. 2023. "Dun & Bradstreet Firm’s Competitiveness Assessment." April 1, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/dun-and-amp-bradstreet-firms-competitiveness-assessment/.

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