81 Consciousness Essay Topics

šŸ† Best Essay Topics on Consciousness

āœļø Consciousness Essay Topics for College

  1. Descartesā€™ and Lockeā€™s Views on Self-Identity and Consciousness
    This paper aims to show the differences and similarities between Locke and Descartesā€™s views on self-identity and consciousness.
  2. ā€œHealth as Expanding Consciousnessā€ Rogers and Neuman Theory
    The theory encourages people to become aware of their health and find a new meaning in their lives. Eventually, this helps them connect with the world and their people.
  3. Margaret Newmanā€™s Theory of Health as Expanding Consciousness
    One of the nursing situations where the use of Newmanā€™s theory will be relevant is care in the oncology department.
  4. Materialist Theory of Consciousness and Counterarguments
    The materialistic theory of consciousness focuses on the idea that consciousness is material and ceases to exist with the annihilation of the body.
  5. Consciousness and Its Main States
    Understanding of different states of consciousness that a person goes through on a daily basis is highly important to gauge sources and solutions to their issues.
  6. Mass Media Influence on Public Consciousness
    The essay states that mass media often serves as means of facilitating, reinforcing, or inhibiting a given situation due to its profound influence on public opinion.
  7. Freudian and Marxist Consciousness Differences
    Freudian and Marxist philosophies are the defining attributes of the social and ideological life of Europe in XXth century.
  8. Power Acquisition: Bias Mobilization and Shaping Consciousness
    Power acquisition and its reflections on bias mobilization and shaping consciousness indicate that this game cannot exist without winners and losers.
  9. Self-Consciousness in Hegel’s Phenomenology of Spirit
    The Phenomenology of Spirit is a philosophical work by Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, first published in 1807.
  10. Consciousness and Psychedelic Sciences in Managing Schizophrenia
    Behavioral management is emerging as a significant intervention in psychiatric treatment, focusing mainly on preserving order for those with clinical mental illness.
  11. The American Dream as a Way of Crossing the Frame of Consciousness
    The American Dream is a concept that describes the ideal life to which the population of the United States aspired in the 30s and 40s.
  12. The Interconnection of Perception, Consciousness, and Attention
    Consciousness is a part of individual identity which is closely tied to culture and diverse perspectives as well as developing awareness of culture in self.
  13. Consciousness and Emotions in Animals
    The paper indicates that animals can sense and respond to external factors and experience emotions generated in their neural system.
  14. The Boundary Between Android and Human Consciousness
    Philip Dick’s work is a unique illustration of how a gray morality can be properly spelled out to reveal the ambiguity of any characters and story.
  15. Consciousness in Thomas Nagel’s View
    According to Nagel, consciousness is generated when there is a subjective way that the world appears mentally or experimentally.
  16. Sociology of False Consciousness
    False consciousness is a concept that draws from the sociology of Marx, who makes the distinction between the elites and low-class individuals.
  17. The Meaning of Consciousness
    No universal definition of consciousness exists despite numerous attempts by philosophers, scholars, researchers, and even practitioners to formulate it.
  18. Blackmore and Sethā€™s Ideas About Consciousness
    Blackmore and Seth’s ideas about consciousness have some common features and are interconnected, since they are built on the ideas of human biological evolution.
  19. Financial Strategy: Risk Consciousness and Strategy of the Firm
    A companyā€™s risk consciousness governs the underlying strategies that are employed by the enterprise. Risk consciousness and strategies are mutually dependent.
  20. Effects of Drugs on the State of Consciousness
    Drugs abuse today is one of the most serious health and social concerns. It is spreading quickly, in young and old, and needs to be controlled.
  21. Consciousness and Your Brain
    Modern technologies allow scientists to study the ongoing processes in a living brain, which makes a precise mapping of its regions and their functions possible.
  22. Brain Death, Consciousness, and Organ Transplantation Problem
    The articles reviewed in the paper touch upon the problem of dead/dying brain and the ethical question of organ transplantation from brain dead patients.
  23. The Psychology of Consciousness
    Conscious is a word that has been adapted from the Latin word conscious, which is translated to mean self-knowledge. Consciousness is a state of alertness and awareness.
  24. Cognitive Psychology and ā€œBlind Spotsā€ in Our Consciousness
    This paper is aimed at explaining blind spots in particular and doing dumb things by people in general on the basis of cognitive psychology theories and concepts.
  25. Animal Mind and Cognition: Animalsā€™ Consciousness
    Analysis of animalsā€™ consciousness being perceived as one of the corners describing general theory about animal mind and cognition.
  26. Consciousness: Science and Technology
    The functionalism theory which asserts that the properties of the psychological state are not the same as the properties of a physical state.
  27. Examination of Consciousness and Personality Theories in the Context of Labeling
    People’s brain creates models of various experiences. This process is known as consciousness. Psychologists have different views regarding its origin.
  28. The Relationship Between Mind, Consciousness, and Body: A Psychological Perspective
    This paper analyzes relationship between the body and the mind. It’s based on the assumption that the mind and the consciousness are generated by the body.

šŸŽ“ Most Interesting Consciousness Research Titles

  1. African American Consciousness and Self-Contempt
  2. Collective Consciousness Theory: 100 Years Later
  3. Demystifying Consciousness With Mysticism: Cognitive Science and Mystical Traditions
  4. Exploring Self-Consciousness From Self- and Other-Image Recognition in the Mirror: Concepts and Evaluation
  5. Crime and Society: False Consciousness and the Carnival Mirror
  6. Detecting Brain Activity Following a Verbal Command in Patients With Disorders of Consciousness
  7. Music and Disorders of Consciousness: Emerging Research, Practice, and Theory
  8. Computational Methods for Resting-State EEG of Patients With Disorders of Consciousness
  9. Environmental Consciousness From the Days of Moby Dick to Present Day
  10. Barack Obama’s Political Centralism: The Development of Political Consciousness
  11. Afro-Americans Double Consciousness: Janieā€™s Journey Into Selfhood
  12. Courting Consciousness: The Future of Thinking Machines
  13. The Human Default Consciousness and Its Disruption: Insights From an EEG Study of Buddhist Jhna Meditation
  14. Animal Consciousness, Physicalism, and Personal Identity According to Nagel and Locke
  15. Does Consciousness Exist Outside the Brain?
  16. Political Enlightenment and Consciousness in Governance
  17. Consciousness Through Family Connections
  18. Eastern and Shamanic Approaches to Altering Consciousness
  19. Cost Consciousness: Conceptual Development From a Management Accounting Perspective
  20. Double Consciousness Through Generations: The Souls of Black Folk
  21. Consciousness Across Sleep and Wake: Discontinuity and Continuity of Memory Experiences as a Reflection of Consolidation Processes
  22. Europe During the 19th Century and National Consciousness
  23. Black Reformation Through Double Consciousness
  24. Consciousness and the Prefrontal Parietal Network: Insights From Attention, Working Memory, and Chunking
  25. Critical Consciousness and Its Impact on the Education System

šŸ’” Simple Consciousness Essay Ideas

  1. Diffusion Tensor Imaging and White Matter Abnormalities in Patients With Disorders of Consciousness
  2. Luctis Cogitatio and Noctis Reflection as the Forms of Consciousness and Human Exploration of the World
  3. Between Theory and Clinic: The Contribution of Neuroimaging in the Field of Consciousness Disorders
  4. How Neuroscience Will Change Our View on Consciousness
  5. Cultivating Positive Youth Development, Critical Consciousness, and Authentic Care in Urban Environmental Education
  6. Geometrical Psychology: Mathematical Models of Consciousness by the 19th-Century Psychologist Benjamin Betts
  7. Modern Factors Affecting the Development of Self-Consciousness
  8. Artificial Intelligence: Does Consciousness Matter?
  9. How Humans Living Together as a Group Affects Their Common Social Consciousness and Problems
  10. Oedipus the King: Expansion of Human Consciousness
  11. Difference Between Ordinary and Non-ordinary States of Consciousness
  12. Marxist Industrialism and the Abolition of Class Consciousness
  13. Health Consciousness Among Urban Population
  14. Perception, Language, Cognition, and Consciousness in Classic Indian Philosophy
  15. Environmental Consciousness and Moral Hazards in International Agreements to Protect the Environment
  16. Neural Computations Underlying Phenomenal Consciousness: A Higher-Order Syntactic Thought Theory
  17. Dramatic Monologue and Stream of Consciousness in Poetry
  18. Involuntary Entry Into Consciousness From the Activation of Sets: Object Counting and Color Naming
  19. How ā€œUncle Tomā€™s Childrenā€ Represents a Black Revolutionary Consciousness
  20. Relationship Between Double-consciousness and African American Youth Identity Development in Public Schools
  21. Dreams: Freudā€™s Three Levels of Consciousness

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