🏆 Best Criminal Investigation Topics for Research Paper
✍️ Crime Investigation Essay Topics for College
- Labeling Theory and Critical Criminology: Sociological ResearchSociologists are researching offense and deviance to gain more knowledge about the motivations and attitudes of people involved applying theories of criminology based on sociology.
- Aspects of Crime Scene InvestigationCrime scene investigation is a real art that requires care and caution. Criminologists must be careful and persistent in their research.
- Criminology Today by Frank SchmallegerThis paper discusses the first chapter from the book Criminology Today by Schmalleger that tells about the basic topics and defines the basic term.
- Chapter 7 of Statistics for Criminology and Criminal JusticeChapter 7 of Statistics for Criminology and Criminal Justice analyzes populations, sampling distributions, and the sample related to criminal-justice statistics and criminology.
- Feminist Perspectives’ Contribution to CriminologyThe principles of gender inclusivity, equality, and cultural implications bear fundamental roles in the development of criminology perspectives.
- Robert Merton’s Strain Theory in CriminologyRobert Merton’s strain theory explains the link between crime and adverse social conditions and how the former may be precipitated by the latter.
- Contemporary Theories in CriminologyThis paper discusses three methods of measuring crimes, Classical School of criminology and its impacts on the US criminology, and the causes of crime – individuality and society.
- The Bank Robbery Crime InvestigationThe primary objective of securing the crime scene is to preserve all the evidence that can help trace and identify the bank robbery suspect.
- Full-Service Crime Laboratory: Forensic ScienceForensic scientists study and analyze evidence from crime scenes and other locations to produce objective results that can aid in the investigation and prosecution of criminals.
- Variance Analysis in Criminal Justice and CriminologyThe paper states that there are several limitations associated with the ANOVA technique. It may be not suitable against a specific hypothesis.
- The First Responding Officer in Crime Scene Investigation: Primary DutiesAscertaining the situation and providing the support needed to the people affected is the earliest objective of the first officer attending (FOA).
- A Look at Firearms and Ballistics in Forensic ScienceFirearms and ballistics expertise is an essential process and area of study within the framework of forensic science.
- Criminology: The Peace-Making ModelThe purpose of this article is to consider the peacekeeping model in criminology as an alternative to the criminal justice system to solve the problem of a growing crime rate.
- Postmodern Criminology: The Violence of the LanguageAccording to Arrigo (2019), postmodern criminology recognizes the specific value of language as a non-neutral, politically charged instrument of communication.
- Criminology as a Science: Cause and EffectCriminology is a study of the nature and degree of the problem of crime in society. For years criminologists have been trying to unravel criminal behavior.
- Classical and Positivist Schools of CriminologyGeneral and specific deterrence use the threat of negative consequences for illegal acts to reduce crime rates.
- Criminology and Impact of Automation TechnologyThe sole objective of this study is to determine to what extent automation is embraced by law agencies and authorities to solve crimes with a faster and more accurate technique.
- Statistics for Criminology and Criminal JusticeDispersion is important as it is not enough to merely know the measures of central tendency to make assumptions about a distribution.
- Three Case Briefs in CriminologyThis paper gives three case briefs in criminology. Cases are “Macomber v. Dillman Case”, “Isbell v. Brighton Area Schools Case”, and “Wilen v. Falkenstein Case”.
- Integrity as a Key Value: Criminology and WarIntegrity is included in the list of the LEADERSHIP values, which exist to direct military servicemembers toward appropriate conduct.
- Criminology and Victimology: Victim Stereotypes in Criminal JusticeThe paper shall look at this matter in relation to female perpetrated violence as well as male experiences of sexual violence and racial minority victims.
- Criminology: Femininity and the Upsurge of LadettesIn recent years, women in highly industrialized countries are drinking more and behaving more badly than men. These women are called ladettes.
- Crime Scene Investigation in Media and Real LifeThe process of identifying and matching a piece of evidence to a particular person is a long process which requires exact sciences and methods.
- The Use of Statistics in Criminal Justice and CriminologyThis paper discusses small-sample confidence intervals for means and confidence intervals with proportions and percentages in criminal justice and criminology.
- Crime Level Investigation in the United StatesTwo mechanisms that the USA uses to trace the rate of crime in the country are the Uniform Crime Reports (UCR) and the National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS).
- Criminology: Four Types of EvidenceThere are basically four types of evidence. Every piece of evidence should be analyzed several times throughout the actual investigation by following all the required steps.
- Criminology: The Social Control TheoryFor criminologists, the social control theory means that an effective approach to reducing crime might be to change not individuals but their social contexts.
- The Usage of DNA Technology in Forensic ScienceDNA typing technology gives the forensic science an opportunity to uncover the information considered by the society “intensely private”.
- Smash-And-Grab Crime: Criminal InvestigationThe smash-and-grab crime under investigation is a multi-million-dollar burglary that occurred in March 2022 at a Beverly Hills jewelry store.
- Post-Crime Investigation AnalysisPost-crime investigations are an essential process. One of the most important factors is the scene of the crime and the testimony of the victim and witnesses.
🕵️♀️ Methods of Criminal Investigation: Research Paper Topics
Are you interested in crime investigation techniques? Explore these standard methods in your research paper:
- Forensic science. This method involves gathering and studying physical evidence like DNA, fingerprints, and blood samples using specialized equipment and techniques.
- Behavioral analysis. Behavioral analysis examines criminal and victim behavior to create an offender portrait. This information can be used to narrow down the suspect list and suggest clues to help solve the crime.
- Crime scene reconstruction. It is a method that aims to recreate the crime scene to identify what happened and how it happened. This technique is effective in detecting suspects and finding new evidence.
- Surveillance. Surveillance means monitoring suspects to collect proof and build a case against them. This method can use wiretapping, video cameras, and tracking devices.
- Interrogation. Interrogation entails questioning suspects to gain details about the crime. Interrogation techniques differ depending on the suspect and the crime.
Your research paper can focus on the effectiveness of each technique in solving certain crimes. Or you can analyze how new technologies impact these methods. In addition, you can explore the ethical considerations surrounding specific techniques, such as interrogation, or examine the use of surveillance in a democratic society.
👍 Good Crime Investigation Research Topics & Essay Examples
- Criminal Investigation of the State vs. Garrison CaseOn the evening of January 2, 1982, the defendant was at his sister’s residence in Hartford when the victim, Jeremiah Sharp, arrived.
- TV Shows: Depiction of Criminal InvestigationWhat people see in the TV shows regarding a criminal investigation can encourage them to engage in crime-solving activities.
- Criminal Investigation: Mr. Brewer’s VerdictIn this criminal case, Mr. Brewer is likely to be guilty of the burglary of the Mikkelson house. His fingerprints prove the decision right.
- The Breonna Taylor Case and Criminal InvestigationOn March 13, 2020, Breonna Taylor was shot dead at her home in Louisville, Kentucky. Three police officers in the investigation of involvement in the process of drug trafficking.
- Kelihos Botnet Malware: Criminal InvestigationA Special Agent with the Federal Bureau of Investigation in Anchorage, Alaska, has investigated the Kelihos botnet malware in violation of Title 18, United States Code.
- Researching of Emerging Technologies in CriminologyThis paper reviews the advantages and disadvantages of computer technology for crime investigation and law enforcement and concludes that the former outweighs the latter.
- Procedures Within Crime Scene InvestigationA crime scene investigation is a complex and multistage research process in which a criminology specialist uses various scientific techniques and methodologies.
- Criminology: Legal Rights Afforded to the AccusedThe essay discusses the police actions of arrest and the main features of the arrangement process. The case of John Doe shows criminal procedure specifics.
- Researching Environmental CriminologyEnvironmental criminology is the study of crime and criminality in connection with specific places and with how individuals and organizations form their activities in space.
- “Introduction to Criminology” Book by HaganIn “Introduction to criminology”, Hagan explains survey research and uses it to investigate essential questions that the criminal justice system faces.
- Overview of the Theories of CriminologyCriminology refers to a body that focuses on crime as a social phenomenon. Criminologists adopt several behavioral and social sciences and methods of understanding crime.
- Broken Window Theory In CriminologyIn criminology, the broken window theory is often used to describe how bringing order into society can help to reduce crime.
- DNA Analysis in Forensic ScienceThis paper aims to describe its details, such as the PCR process, loci and their relation to CODIS, and the functions of touch DNA.
- Sexual Assault: CriminologyThis paper discusses an act of sexual assault. The paper gives the definition of rape, social, personal, and psychosocial factors.
- Theories That Explain Criminal Activities and CriminologyAcademicians have come up with theories that explain why people engage in crime. The theories are classified which may be psychological, biological, or sociological.
- Criminology: The Aboriginal CrisisThe aboriginal people have been living under confinement, in the reserves for a long time. These laws are still under a lot of legal constraints.
- Forensic Science: Psychological AnalysisHuman behavior can be evaluated by studying the functioning of the human mind. This is important information in crime profiling among other operations in forensic psychology.
- Criminology: About Corporate FraudThis article focuses on fraud: professional fraud and its types, accounting fraud, and conflicts of interest are considered.
- The Due Process: CriminologyThe due process clause has been a very essential clause to the ordinary citizens since it is a means of assurance that every freeman has the freedom to enjoy his rights.
- Green Criminology: Environmental Harm in the Niger DeltaThis essay analyzes environmental harm in the Niger Delta, Nigeria using the Green Criminological analysis of victimization and offenders.
- Criminal Investigation: Offense IssuesProsecuting a crime is a process, which is not limited by the processes related to the investigation. Bringing the case to the court is another stage of the prosecution.
- Feminism and Criminology in the Modern Justice SystemFeminist research is a promising method for studying the psychography of crime, motivation, and the introduction of women’s experience in the field of forensic science.
- Legal Insanity in CriminologyIn America, defendants are said to be legally insane if they suffer from cognitive disorder or lack the capabilities to abstain from criminal behaviors.
- Criminal Behavior Investigation and Search WarrantsThis paper discusses issues related to the investigation of criminal behavior, referring to the Fourth Amendment of the US Constitution.
- Frank Hagan’s Textbook: Core Concepts in CriminologyThroughout the chapters, Frank Hagan deliberately made reference to positivism criminological theory as such, which was largely discredited.
- Problem Associated with Undercover Police Investigations: Legal and Ethical IssuesUndercover activities have traditionally been used to target crimes involving corruption, drugs, pornography, and prostitution.
- Organized Business Crime Prosecution and InvestigationMr. Big is charged with operating a criminal enterprise that engages in illicit business activities. The memo proposes the investigative plan to obtain relevant evidence.
- Crime Scene Investigation Effect in Justice SystemMovies have been known to influence popular culture in different parts of the world. Analysts believe that the “CSI effect” is one of the fruits of popular culture.
🔎 Environmental Criminal Investigation Essay Topics
Environmental crime involves many actions that violate environmental laws and pose a severe risk to human health, the environment, or both. Criminal investigations are conducted using various methods, including interviews, forensic examinations, etc.
Here are some interesting topics you can use to write your research paper about environmental criminal investigation:
- The effectiveness of forensics in environmental crime investigations.
- How do advancements in drone technology affect environmental crime rates?
- International collaboration and its importance in environmental crime investigations.
- Potential solutions to combat environmental crime in developing countries.
🎓 Interesting Crime Scene Investigation Research Paper Topics
- Crime Investigation of a Death in Las Vegas
- The Criminal Investigation Developments in the Justice Field
- The Role of a Forensic Psychologist in Criminal Investigation and Prosecution
- Computer Equipment Confiscation for Crime Investigation
- How Technology Has Impacted Criminal Investigation
- Criminal Investigation and the Use of Modern Technology
- The Use of Medical Knowledge in the Crime Investigation
- Cyber Crime Investigation and Digital Forensics
- The Changing Nature of Crime and Criminal Investigations
- DNA Profiling for Crime Investigation
- Criminal Investigation: Electronic Evidence Collection
- Effective Use of the Media in Serious Crime Investigations
- Undercover and Entrapment Work in Criminal Investigation
- Criminal Investigation: A Method for Reconstructing the Past
- False Positive Error Reduction in Criminal Investigation
- The Effectiveness of Forensic Psychology in Supporting the Investigation of Crime
- Application of Artificial Intelligence in Criminal Investigation
- Forensic Linguistics and Its Role in Criminal Investigations
- Investigation and Analysis of Organized Crime
- Crime Scene Investigation: A Guide for Law Enforcement
- Fraud and Financial Crime Investigation
- Cyber Crime Investigation: Making a Safer Internet Space
- Investigating a Crime: Victim and Witness Information
- Criminal Investigation Then and Now
- Importance of Evidence in Crime Investigation
🦹 Criminal Investigation Topics on Organized Crime
Organized crime is a complex of highly centralized enterprises set up to engage in illegal activities, including cargo theft, fraud, robbery, kidnapping for ransom, and more. To investigate such crimes, the FBI uses undercover operations, court-authorized electronic surveillance, informants and cooperating witnesses, etc.
If you are looking for topics about organized crime for your essay, check out these suggestions:
- The role of informants in the prediction and control of organized crime.
- Reducing vulnerability to loan sharking in Serbia.
- How can FBI undercover operations stop drug export?
- The effective methods of investigating human trafficking in Asia.
❓ Crime Investigation Questions
- What Are the Proper Steps in a Crime Investigation?
- How Is DNA Used in Crime Investigation?
- What Are the Most Common Types of Crime Investigation?
- Which Method Is Used in Crime Investigation?
- Is Medical Knowledge Effectively Used in the Crime Investigation?
- What Are the First Steps in a Crime Investigation?
- How Are Modern Technologies Used in Crime Investigation?
- Why Is a Crime Investigation Necessary?
- What Are the Techniques for Conducting Interrogation During Police Investigation of Crimes?
- What Is the Main Purpose of Crime Investigation?
- How Do the Police Conduct Crime Investigations Before Arrest?
- What Is the Role of Crime Investigation in Criminal Justice?
- Has Modern Technology Affected Crime Investigation?
- What Is the Most Important Part of Crime Investigation?
- Are There Ethical Issues Field Crime Investigation Applied Wrongful?
- What Is the Most Important Goal of a Crime Investigation?
- How Has Crime Investigation Process Developed Over the Years?
- What Is the Best Method of Crime Scene Investigation?
- What Is the Role of Police Enforcement in Crime Investigation?
- How Are Methods of Inquiry Used in Crime Investigation?
- What Skills Are Needed for an Effective Crime Investigation?
- Is Documentation the Most Important Part of a Crime Scene Investigation?
- What Are the Methods of Inquiry in Crime Investigation?
- How Do Investigators Gather Evidence for Crime Investigation?
- What Are the Key Questions That Can Help Start a Crime Investigation?
💡 Investigative Essay Topics about Campus Crime
Campus crime refers to violent and criminal behaviors on college or university campuses. It includes sexual and physical assault, theft, robbery, etc. Campus police or security teams typically investigate campus crimes using a combination of witness interviews, surveillance footage review, forensic evidence collection, and collaboration with local law enforcement when needed.
Check our investigative essay topics about campus crime below:
- The effectiveness of off-campus site patrol in ensuring campus safety.
- Collaboration between campus security and student organizations in promoting safety initiatives.
- Crime prevention seminars and their role in minimizing crimes on campus.
- The role of after-hours building check-in and check-out in reducing campus crime rates.
🚨 Crime Scene Investigation & Criminal Justice Research Topics
- Comparative Criminal Analysis: Examining the Differences in Crime Scene Investigation Protocols between Two Countries
- The Influence of Media Portrayals on Public Perceptions of Crime Scene Investigation and Its Effects on Juries
- Challenges and Innovations in Juvenile Justice: Addressing the Specific Needs of Young Offenders in the Criminal Justice System
- Psychology of Criminal Behavior: Profiling Techniques and Their Effectiveness in Criminal Investigations
- GIS Technology in Crime Mapping and Its Application in Criminal Justice Research
- Crime Scene Reconstruction Using Virtual Reality Simulations and 3D Modeling
- Utilization of Ballistics Analysis in Linking Firearms to Crime Scenes and Suspects
- Evolution of Crime Scene Investigation Techniques: From Traditional Methods to Modern Forensic Technologies
- Artificial Intelligence in Crime Scene Analysis and Its Potential Implications for Justice Outcomes
- Implications of Crime Scene Contamination and Ways to Prevent It During Investigations
- The Reliability and Admissibility of Forensic Evidence in Criminal Trials: A Critical Examination
- Analyzing the Impact of Body-Worn Cameras on Law Enforcement Practices and Transparency in Crime Scene Investigations
- The Integration of Facial Recognition Technology in Identifying Suspects and Witnesses in Crime Scene Investigations