106 Eating Disorder Argumentative Essay Topics

🔝 Top 10 Research Topics about Eating Disorders

✨ Relevant Research Questions about Eating Disorders

What Are Some Hypotheses about Eating Disorders?

Eating disorders can be both a consequence of a psychological disorder and the cause of its onset. There are cases when gaining or losing weight can provoke a person’s depressive states and lower self-esteem. But at the same time, a person may stop eating or overeating because of psychosis or other mental health problems.

What Factors Are Thought to Be Involved with Causing Eating Disorders?

Our state of mind easily influences our eating habits. It can start with a simple dissatisfaction with our body shape. Over time, an unhealthy relationship with food may begin to grow. This state can be accompanied by depression, anxiety, and a desire to punish or hurt ourselves. The issue should be approached comprehensively, as this is a highly complex condition.

What Does Research Say About Anorexia?

Anorexia does not have a single cause of onset. Studies suggest that people who have the traits of obsessiveness, competitiveness, and perfectionism face such a condition. It is also noted a direct connection with genetic predisposition, but often, only this factor is not enough for the development of anorexia. This disease can arise against the background of overcoming difficulties, family conflicts, or puberty.

What Does Psychology Say about Eating Disorders?

Many things can alter the origins of disordered eating. Scientists are still investigating the underlying causes of such devastating conditions. However, if we consider this question from a psychological point of view, low self-esteem often becomes a provoking factor. Lonely people are also frequently prone to eating disorders.

Which Country Has the Highest Rate of Eating Disorder?

Current research shows that more than 9% of people worldwide suffer from an eating disorder. These are only reported cases, so we can only imagine what percentage of people do not seek help. The United States remains the leader among countries with this spectrum of diseases. Almost 30 million people in this country are exposed to such psychological conditions.

What Age Group Is Most Likely to Have an Eating Disorder?

According to statistics, eating disorders can affect different age groups. For example, people from 25 to 70 years old suffer from overeating, from 18 to 26 years old from anorexia, and from 19 to 47 years old from bulimia. But despite this age range, one of the critical triggers is called the pubertal period. Scientists attribute this fact to hormonal changes.

📚 Eating Disorders Research Paper Examples

  1. Perspectives on Anorexia Nervosa: Comprehensive Treatment Approaches and Support
    The purpose of this paper is to review the causes of anorexia nervosa and to propose a treatment plan for patients experiencing this health problem.
  2. Effect of Social-cultural Factors on Eating Disorders
    Research however shows that women get the disease at a lower age compared to men, with most of them beginning at adolescence.
  3. Anorexia Nervosa: Treatment of Eating Disorders
    The main goal of treatment for patients with anorexia nervosa is to restore healthy nutrition, which cannot be achieved through pharmacological treatment.
  4. Behavioral Addictions: Gambling, Eating Disorders, Shopping
    Gambling, shopping, and internet addiction are complicated issues that can be difficult to handle owing to a variety of economic and political variables.
  5. Psychosocial Risk Factors for Eating Disorders by Keel and Forney
    Idealization of thinness and subsequent issues with body image and weight are emphasized by Keel and Forney in the findings.
  6. Anorexia Nervosa Among Eating Disorders in Adolescence
    Anorexia nervosa is characterized by an incessant desire to be thin, hence the unhealthy eating behaviors that include starving.
  7. Eating Disorders and Therapeutic Support
    Eating disorders are significant mental and physical diseases that entail complicated and harmful interactions with food, feeding, exercising, and self-image.
  8. Social Control in Eating Disorders
    The need for food is a basic need aimed at maintaining homeostasis and obtaining the energy and nutrients necessary for life.
  9. Anorexia Nervosa & Bulimia Nervosa
    Anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa are both eating disorders; due to the peculiarities of the course of disorders, it can sometimes be difficult to distinguish them.
  10. Eating Disorders and Programs That Address Body Image Issues
    The paper states that excessive weight and disordered eating are significant public health issues in America and other western countries.
  11. Eating Disorders and Social Interactions
    The paper indicates that social surroundings can make people feel insecure and push towards the development of eating disorders.
  12. Eating Disorders: “Out of Control?” by Claes et al.
    The study “Out of control?” by Claes et al. aims to investigate variations between restrictive and bingeing/ purging eating disorders.
  13. Media Effects on Eating Disorder Symptoms
    In terms of modern technology-based society, media exposure has significantly increased its influence and role in the lives of its large audience.
  14. Bulimia Nervosa Diagnosis and Procedural Plan
    The patient has been showing the tendency to vomit after every instance of food intake, which is the primary sign of bulimia nervosa.
  15. Obsessive-Compulsive and Eating Disorders in Children
    In both OCD and ED, developmental milestones are crucial to consider because they can help indicate points of positive versus adverse health.
  16. Swan’s Case as an Example of an Eating Disorder
    Being focused on success in ballet and becoming a recognized dancer, Swan demonstrates anxiety because of the possible weight gain.
  17. Teen Anorexia: Mental Illness and an Eating Disorder
    Adolescents have increasingly been diagnosed with anorexia. They often have a nervous type of pathology, which is a psychological illness and is accompanied by an eating disorder.

🧨 How to Choose a Controversial Topic about Eating Disorders

Focusing on one particular topic related to eating disorders can be difficult. Use our tips to help you choose the right theme for your future project:

  1. Select a topic that motivates you to research. There are many works on this topic today that focus on different areas. You might consider topics such as social media influences, the role of genetics, the appropriateness of compulsory therapy, or the impact of medications on eating disorders.
  2. Look for available references. Make sure you have enough credible sources to write a quality paper.
  3. Narrow the research topic. Once you are sure you have all the information you need, we recommend making the topic more specific. You can choose the countries or population groups you will analyze.

👍 Good Eating Disorders Research Topics & Essay Examples

  1. Eating Disorders in Adult Women
    This paper discusses eating disorders in adult women and treatment alternatives to reverse the health care challenge, which is threatening the health of this group.
  2. Orthorexia as an Eating Disorder in the DSM
    Adequate nutrition ensures quality of life, including the level of health and the body’s ability to cope with physical, mental, and psycho-emotional stress.
  3. Binge Eating Disorder: Information for Patients
    The paper highlights Binge-eating disorder as a serious eating disorder in which you frequently consume unusually large amounts of food and feel unable to stop eating.
  4. Genetic Factors as the Cause of Anorexia Nervosa
    Genetic predisposition currently seems the most plausible explanation among all the proposed etiologies of anorexia.
  5. Orthorexia Nervosa and Eating Disorder
    Orthorexia nervosa is becoming a serious problem for the patient’s physical and psychological health, hence the attention of nutritionists should be focused on studying this disorder.
  6. Anorexia Nervosa: Signs and Symptoms, Treatment
    One of the types of eating disorders is anorexia nervosa, which is widely spread nowadays, especially among young girls and women.
  7. The Problem of Anorexia Among College Students
    Anorexia nervosa and eating disorders in college students and adolescents are the problems that require immediate intervention.
  8. Eating Disorders: Why Do We Need to Control Our Nutrition?
    People with confirmed diagnoses of eating disorders need qualified help from specialists since neglecting a healthy diet is fraught with dangerous health outcomes.
  9. Anorexia Nervosa: History, Diagnosis and Treatment
    Anorexia nervosa among the eating disorders which is considered in the psychiatric illness. There are categories that have been advanced in the diagnosis of this illness.
  10. Treatment of Eating Disorders
    Eating disorders are major health challenges currently and in the future if appropriate measures are not taken, so each individual should take a closer look at health issues.
  11. Plausible Causes for Male Eating Disorders
    These days, however, things have changed significantly and out of five million Americans who suffer from eating disorders each year the percentage of males is tangible.
  12. Anorexia Nervosa as a Brain Disorder
    Anorexia nervosa is an eating disorder characterized by an uncontrollable desire to be thin, low weight, food restrictions, and a fear of gaining pounds.
  13. Anorexia Nervosa: Etiology and Treatment Explained
    One of the eating disorders that affect a significant number of young individuals nowadays is anorexia nervosa.
  14. Normal Dieting and Eating Disorders
    Healthy dieting behaviors are essential for people’s health and well-being. This paper discusses the difference between normal dieting and eating disorders.
  15. Anorexia Nervosa: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment
    The design of therapy of anorexia nervosa needs to incorporate both psychological and biological components so the patient could resume proper dieting and gain weight.
  16. Managing Eating Disorders in Inpatients: Effective Countermeasures and Strategies
    This paper explores the efficacy of meal supervision, patient and nurse education as the tools for improving the efficacy of nutrition, and enhancing patient outcomes.

🌿 Recovering from an Eating Disorder: Research Topic

Out of ideas? Check our online toolkit:

Recovery from disordered eating is a hard journey that includes physical, psychological, and social aspects. On the road to healing, individual needs and concerns should be considered. The goal for almost every patient is acceptance of their body. Here are some ideas for research related to this topic:

  1. Peer support in recovery from an eating disorder.
  2. Body image and recovery after anorexia nervosa.
  3. Rumination disorder and nutritional rehabilitation.
  4. Co-occurring conditions in eating disorder recovery.
  5. Curing bulimia nervosa through mindfulness in eating.
  6. How do sociocultural factors affect eating disorder recovery?
  7. Benefits and risks of exercise in recovery from anorexia.
  8. Cognitive behavioral therapy for recovery after binge-eating disorder.

🎓 Most Interesting Eating Disorders Research Titles

  1. Theoretical and Methodological Considerations for Research on Eating Disorders and Gender
  2. Body Dissatisfaction and Eating Disorders
  3. Eating Disorders Among Different Cultures
  4. Causes, Effects, and Solutions to Eating Disorders
  5. Adonis Complex Eating Disorders
  6. Are Eating Disorders Really About Food
  7. Eating Disorders and the Treatment Applicable Effectiveness
  8. Linking Eating Disorders With Genetics
  9. Childhood Sexual Abuse and Eating Disorders
  10. Nutrition Intervention for Eating Disorders
  11. Photoshopping Images and How It Impacts Eating Disorders
  12. Eating Disorders and Its Effects on the Lives and Relationships
  13. The Correlation Between Social Media and The Development of Eating Disorders
  14. Eating Disorders Affecting American Women
  15. How And Why People Develop Eating Disorders

💡 Simple Eating Disorders Essay Ideas

  1. Theories Behind Eating Disorders: Negative Impact on Young Youth
  2. Examining Eating Disorders and Social Learning Theory to Draw Useful Conclusions
  3. Hidden Eating Disorders During Bodybuilding
  4. Eating Disorders and Methods of Its Treatment
  5. The Relationship Between Ghrelin and Eating Disorders
  6. Body Image and Eating Disorders Among Young Ballerinas
  7. Eating Disorders Are Common Among American Children
  8. Fashion Triggers Eating Disorders
  9. Bulimia and Anorexia: The Dangers of Eating Disorders
  10. Cognitive Behavior Therapy and Eating Disorders
  11. The Three Major Eating Disorders in the United States
  12. Childhood Factors and Eating Disorders Symptoms
  13. Causes and Analysis of Eating Disorders and The Theory of Social Learning
  14. The Prevalence and Causes of Eating Disorders in the United States
  15. The Role Of Social Identity In Eating Disorder

❓ Eating Disorder Research Questions

  1. Why Do Athletes Struggle With Eating Disorders?
  2. What Is the Connection Between Body Image and Eating Disorders?
  3. Can Affirmations End Binge Eating Disorder?
  4. Do People With Eating Disorders See Themselves Differently?
  5. What Is Eating Disorder Most Common Among College Students?
  6. How Does Beauty Standards Cause Eating Disorders?
  7. Why Is Looking in the Mirror So Hard for People With Eating Disorders?
  8. Do Athletes Struggle With Eating Disorders?
  9. How Can a Patient Overcome an Eating Disorder?
  10. Which Personality Trait Is Linked to Eating Disorders?
  11. Can You Control if You Have an Eating Disorder?
  12. What Kinds of Medicine Are Helpful to Patients With Eating Disorders?
  13. Do Eating Disorders Have a Genetic Link?
  14. Which Eating Disorder Is Most Likely to Be Helped by Antidepressants?
  15. Can Perfectionism Translate Into Eating Disorder?
  16. What Interpersonal Factors Can Cause Eating Disorders?
  17. Is Clinical Depression Associated With Eating Disorders?
  18. What Are the Four Main Psychological Emotional States That Associated With Eating Disorders?
  19. Which Personality Type Is Most Likely to Have an Eating Disorder?
  20. Can Stress Cause Eating Disorders and Depression?
  21. Why Might There Be a Strong Connection Between Eating Disorders and Depression?
  22. Which Eating Disorder Has the Highest Mortality?
  23. Do Females Have the Same Rates of Eating Disorders as Males?
  24. What Is the Most Important Part of Treating Eating Disorders?
  25. How Does Social Media Influence the Prevalence of Eating Disorders?

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