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69 Emergency Department Essay Topics

🏆 Best Essay Topics on Emergency Department

✍️ Emergency Department Essay Topics for College

  1. Nursing Philosophy in Emergency Trauma Care
    The purpose of this paper is to analyze how the nursing metaparadigm and the personal nursing philosophy can be applied to serving patients from a trauma and emergency unit.
  2. Reduce Emergency Room Wait Times
    The paper discusses wait time in the emergency unit is reduced. An emergency room is special medical treatment care that usually specializes in emergency cases such as accidents.
  3. Emergency Room Triage in America
    A conceptual analysis of ER triage, defining its meaning and characteristics, and explaining how a particular ER triage system can work under a number of circumstances.
  4. Nurse Staffing Ratios in the Emergency Department
    The study investigates the relationship between nurse staffing ratios to patient outcomes in emergency departments and provides an indicator to assess nursing care.
  5. Key Issues of the Emergency Nurses Association
    This paper investigates and summarizes key issues of the Emergency Nurses Association as an interest group, which places a significant value on its members.
  6. Nurses Liability Issues in the Emergency Room
    The research paper set out to give a detailed description of the various kinds of liability issues that nurses in the emergency room are prone to.
  7. Cutting Unnecessary Usage of Emergency Rooms
    Most emergency rooms in the U.S. are currently experiencing a surge in patients which explains why the issue of delays and diversions has become common.
  8. Increased Suicide in Emergency Departments
    The paper attempts to acknowledge the causes of high suicide attempts resulting in the death of patients and staff in EDs and provide preventative solutions.
  9. Healing a Hospital’s Struggling Emergency Department
    In this case study, the 205-bed general medical and surgical hospital is registering poor performance primarily because of the time it takes to attend to patients.
  10. Practicing Nurses in Emergency Departments
    Falls, traumas, and advanced-degree pressure injuries are common causes of emergency department visits that still require increased attention from registered nurses.
  11. Unnecessary Emergency Department Admissions
    The main goal of a nurse leader is to reduce the number of unnecessary Emergency Department admissions with the help of improving staffing levels at the nursing home.
  12. The COVID-19 Section on the Federal Emergency Management Agency Website for Nurses
    While the main focus of the coronavirus section on the FEMA website is supporting patients with vaccines, finances, and guidance, it is also relevant for public health nurses.
  13. Healthcare Database for Reducing Patient Stay in the Emergency Department
    A database is an efficient tool for reducing the patient’s length of stay to increase the efficacy of the emerging department’s operations and resource usage.
  14. Emergency Department Staff Hourly Rounding Effects on Clients’ Satisfaction in a Pediatric Facility
    The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effect of emergency department staff hourly rounding on clients’ satisfaction in a pediatric facility by holding an interview.
  15. Strategies for Performance Improvements in Operating Rooms and Emergency Rooms
    Medical chart review is an extremely important tool used to collect performance information in operating rooms (OR) and emergency rooms (ER).
  16. Emergency Department Discharge Instructions and Patients’ Understanding of Them
    This paper is an article critique for “Patient understanding of emergency department discharge instructions: where are knowledge deficits greatest?”
  17. Ethical and Justice Considerations of Triage of Critical Care Resources
    The rising scale of the pandemic causes problems with resource allocation when providing health care to the continuously increasing number of patients impacted by the coronavirus.
  18. Violence Against Nurses in the Emergency Room
    In the present-day situations of the health care sector, among the highly complicated as well as perilous risks faced in the workplace is violence.
  19. The American Association of Critical-Care Nurses
    The American Association of Critical-Care Nurses (AACN) work is vital for the healthcare sector. AACN was created following the specific mission.
  20. Upper Airway Obstruction and Gunshot Wound in the Emergency Room
    Airway obstruction is a hindrance in any part of the air passage. It may partially or fully block the air from reaching the lungs.
  21. American Association of Critical-Care Nurses Master’s Essentials
    The paper shows that each Master’s essential proposed by the AACN allows nurses to achieve better results in one or more areas of clinical practice.
  22. The Use of Protocols for Pressure Ulcers in Emergency Departments
    This project aims at summarizing the existing knowledge on pressure ulcers protocols to design an intervention that can be successfully implemented in emergency departments.
  23. National Patient Safety Goals: Critical Care Access
    Limited access to healthcare services has been on the agenda of the modern healthcare system for quite a long, warranting the status of critical concern.
  24. Dry Eye in Critical Care: Evidence-Based Practice
    A common problem for ICU patients is dry eye due to their conditions or medications that block physical mechanisms of maintaining moisture in the eyes.
  25. “Factors That Influence the Development of Compassion Fatigue, Burnout, and Compassion Satisfaction in Emergency Department Nurses” the Article by Hunsaker, S., et al
    Taking into account the overall tendency of the nursing profession to become a demanding and intensive occupation, nurses face a significant problem of workplace burnout.
  26. Violence and Safety Concerns in the Emergency Department
    The present project was aimed at the location of an evidence-based solution to a problem of violence and safety issues faced by nurses working in the emergency department.
  27. Safety and Violence Policies in Emergency Departments
    Ensuring safety in the workplace for emergency workers is accompanied by strong necessity since frequent stresses inevitably entail conflicts and quarrels.
  28. Emergency Room Wait Time: Literature Review
    The paper presents a literature review on the topic of emergency room wait time, receiving treatment services, and patients satisfaction in the emergency department.
  29. Pressure Ulcer Protocol in the Emergency Department
    The study explores whether the implementation of a pressure ulcer protocol initiated in the emergency department reduces the incidence of hospital-acquired pressure ulcers.
  30. Pressure Ulcer Treatment in Emergency Department
    The risk of developing pressure ulcers both in intensive care units and in usual hospital settings predetermined the need to find solutions to this nursing problem.
  31. Moral Distress and Effects on Critical Care Nurses
    Wiegand and Funk explore the moral distress experiences of nurses, the causes of such experiences, and the effects they had on nurses’ practice, attitude, and future decisions.
  32. Stress Influence in Emergency Nursing
    Working as a nurse in emergency departments is particularly stressful, as patients who are there need urgent medical assistance or they can die.

🎓 Most Interesting Emergency Department Research Titles

  1. Building Cyclic Schedules for Emergency Department Physicians
  2. Hospital Emergency Department and Supply Chain Management
  3. Emergency Department for Treatment of Unexplained Fever
  4. Teamwork and Moral Hazard: Evidence From the Emergency Department
  5. The Emergency Department Trauma Team
  6. Treatment Speed and High Load in the Emergency Department—Does Staff Quality Matter?
  7. Reducing Primary Care Utilization of the Emergency Department
  8. Pain Management for the Pediatric Emergency Department
  9. How Have Stroke Patients Been Affected by Emergency Department Overcrowd?
  10. Inadequate Staffing and Emergency Department Capacity
  11. Collaboration Meeting for Process Excellence in the Emergency Department
  12. Geriatric Emergency Department Care
  13. Emergency Department Overload: Creating Positive Changes Under Conflicting
  14. Aggressive Behaviors and Assault in the Emergency Department
  15. Impact Of Interruptions In Emergency Nursing Department

đź’ˇ Simple Emergency Department Essay Ideas

  1. Anaphylaxis and the Emergency Department
  2. Emergency Department Nursing Informatics
  3. Emergency Department Nurse’s Ethical Dilemma
  4. The Emergency Department and Its Effects on Health Care
  5. Delivering Safe and High-Quality Healthcare in the Emergency Department
  6. Demographic Factors Influencing Nonurgent Emergency Department Utilization Among a Medicaid Population
  7. Suspected Ischemic Cardiac Chest Pain in Emergency Department
  8. Burnout Among Emergency Department Nurses
  9. Emergency Department Patient Satisfaction
  10. Copayments and Emergency Department Use Among Adult Medicaid Enrollees
  11. Associated Factors With Sexual Assaults in a Gynaecology Emergency Department
  12. Urgent and Unscheduled Care in Accident And Emergency Departments
  13. The Problems In The Emergency Department Of Services
  14. Waiting Times in Emergency Department
  15. Essay on Triage Nursing in the Emergency Department

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