122 Financial Crisis Essay Topics & Research Paper Ideas

Are you looking for a topic for your financial crisis essay? On this page, you’ll find many interesting financial essay topics and questions about a crisis. These titles are concerned mainly with business, international, and public financial crises rather than personal ones. Feel free to use our financial crisis research paper topics for your case studies, argumentative essays, and other assignments!

🏆 Best Finance Essay Topics about Crisis

✍️ Financial Crisis Essay Topics for College

  1. Predicting Financial Crisis of 2008
    Even though numerous countries and separate businesses were caught by surprise by the emerging problems, many experts state that the crisis could be predicted.
  2. Lebanon’s Financial Crisis and Governmental Measures
    Lebanon is known to be facing a financial crisis that continues to worsen. Unemployment, as well as poverty rates, have rocketed, and the currency has devalued substantially.
  3. 2018 Global Financial Crisis: Causes and Effects
    Deregulation in the financial sector was the primary driver of the 2008 financial crisis because it gave banks the power to fund trading activities with derivatives.
  4. 2020-2021 Financial Crisis vs. 2007-2008 Market Crash
    The 2020-2021 financial crisis due to COVID-19 significantly differed from the 2009 Great Recession. The causes and nature of the crises were different.
  5. Financial Crisis and Great Recession: Why Keynesian Model Failed
    The paper states that while Keynesian economics was based on a dubious premise, to begin with, its mismanaged implementation exacerbated the outcomes.
  6. Banking Regulations Undermining Financial Crisis
    Traces of financial crisis and negative externalities have been present across the banking sector for the last several decades.
  7. Financial Crisis of 2008 in the U.S. – Meltdown
    As demand for the subprime mortgages outstripped the supply, Wall Street players continued to inflate the prices of the securities that supported the mortgages.
  8. Public Private Partnership After Global Financial Crisis
    One of the principles of PPPs is to have the public sector gain access to private sector resources. The resources are in the form of expertise and finance.
  9. The Financial Crisis: The USA in 2007
    The financial crisis, which emanated from the USA in 2007, has had profound effects around the world. It is providing new insights into the way financial markets are integrated.
  10. Financial Crisis: Beyond 1929 – 2008 Comparison
    The lack of stability and proper management of financial institutions and financial markets have contributed to the rise of financial crisis in the world today.
  11. The Dodd-Frank Act. Avoiding Financial Crisis
    This paperwork looks into the Dodd-Frank Act to establish the essentials of a legal reform law which need to be taken care of to avoid financial crisis.
  12. Financial Institution in the Financial Crisis of 2008
    One of the major crises that have significantly affected many economies of the world severely was that of 2008. The average level of the global GDP fell significantly.
  13. Global Financial Crisis: Organizational Behaviour and Analysis
    Reports on the global financial crisis seem to associate psychopathic leadership with the financial losses experienced by firms during the world economic crunch.
  14. Financial Crisis in Russia in the 1990s and Lessons for Today
    The financial crisis in Russia which occurred in the 1990s was not only a blow to Russians themselves but also to other major economies.
  15. Global Financial Crisis in the U.S.
    The years of the global economic crisis affected one-fifth of all U.S. banks, every third worker was denied employment.
  16. 1929-1931 Financial Crisis and 2007-2010 Financial Crisis Comparison
    The key players in the 1929-1931 financial crisis and 2007-2010 financial crisis are almost the same: the financial institutions and stock markets.

👍 Good Financial Crisis Research Topics & Essay Examples

  1. Financial Crisis: Mortgage Lender’s Perspective
    This paper aims to consider the ethical decisions and problems faced by mortgage lenders such as Rebecca Steele.
  2. Causes of 2008 Financial Crisis in Sony Documentary, “Inside Job”
    One of the impacts of the 2007-2008 financial crisis was job loss. Many employees of the companies that had to shut down were laid off or their income was reduced.
  3. Financial Discourse Under Financial Crisis 2007-2008
    This paper studies financial columnists’ writing under the 2007-08 economic crash from world-leader newspapers such as Wall-Street-Journal, National-Post, and New-York-Times.
  4. Types and Causes of Financial Crisis
    A financial crisis refers to a situation where assets of financial institutions keep on reducing on their value.
  5. “The Causes and Current State of the Financial Crisis” by Zindi
    The article “The Causes and Current state of the Financial Crisis” aims to examine the economic effect of the fiscal crisis that had been there for about three months ago.
  6. Euro and the Global Financial Crisis
    The crisis has already affected economies, with a large number of them having negative economic growth. There is hope that recovery will be attained.
  7. Exchange Control and the Asian Financial Crisis
    There are many ways to combat Asian crisis aside from using exchange control. Singapore was able to show that timely adjustments in policies allowed them to remain competitive.
  8. How Financial Crisis Affected Supply Chain Organization?
    The prevailing economic crisis that has affected the entire globe has altered the way in which various organizations views capital investment and cash.
  9. Analysis of the 2008 Financial Crisis: Insights from “The Big Short”
    The discussion uses the documentary “The Big Short” to give a detailed analysis of the financial crisis of 2008 and the issues associated with it.
  10. The Museum of Contemporary Art in Los Angeles: The Financial Crisis of 2008
    The economic downturn of 2008 forced MOCA to transform its institutional roles, typology, exhibition approaches, and planning and implement a suitable managerial structure to achieve its future goals.
  11. Financial Stability in Australian and Canadian Banks
    The recent global financial crisis affected almost all banks in the world with very few banks shielded from this misfortune.
  12. The Global Financial Crisis Indicators and Risk of a New One
    The paper has outlined indicators of economic and financial crises and discussed global policy and regulatory responses to the global financial crisis of 2008-2009.
  13. Housing Bubble Mechanics: The 2008-2009 Financial Crisis
    This paper overviews the mechanics of the ‘Housing Bubble’ and explains why this crisis is best described as having been deliberately triggered by bankers.
  14. Governmental Decision-Making During the 2008 Financial Crisis: Key Lessons
    The problem in leadership and effective decision-making revealed by the financial crisis of 2008 was the lack of system in the short-term reactions of the government.
  15. Analyzing Major British Banking Groups: Their Role in the Financial Crisis
    The purpose of this study is the assess the extent to which financial crisis in the United States of America contributed to the liquidity crash in the Major British banking group.
  16. Effects of the 2008 Financial Crisis: Analysis of Countermeasures and Lessons Learned
    In 2008, the global financial crisis took place. It had started with the financial meltdown in the US financial markets.
  17. 2008 Financial Crisis: Causes, Endurance, and Solutions
    The financial crisis of 2008 had influenced the well-being and prosperity of many countries in a negative way. In the paper, hypotheses concerning the causes of the crisis will be evaluated.
  18. Obama’s Economic Policy Response to the Financial Crisis: An Analytical Review
    There were significant expectations laid on the new president after the election. The economic situation Obama had to face when becoming the president was a true disaster.
  19. The Greek Financial Crisis Resolving
    The article “So, We Meet Again: The Greek Crisis” emphasizes the core issues that the European Union [EU] is considering in determining how to resolve the Greek financial crisis.

🎓 Most Interesting Crisis Topics for Essays on Finance

  1. Factors Generating and Transmitting the Us Financial Crisis
  2. Complexity and Bank Risk During the Financial Crisis
  3. Credit Insurance During the Financial Crisis
  4. Bank Stock and Option Transmissions in Financial Crisis
  5. Bulgaria From Enterprise Indiscipline to Financial Crisis
  6. Current Global Financial Crisis and Islamic Financial System
  7. Constructing Forecast Confidence Bands During the Financial Crisis
  8. European Financial Crisis and Bank Productivity: Evidence From Eastern European Countries
  9. American Option Pricing Under Financial Crisis
  10. 1997 Asian Financial Crisis and China
  11. China’s Financial Linkages With Asia and the Global Financial Crisis
  12. Brazil and the 2008 Global Financial Crisis
  13. Elections, Special Interests, and the Fiscal Costs of Financial Crisis
  14. European Integration and Financial Crisis: Causes, Implications, and Policy Directions
  15. Asset Markets Contagion During the Global Financial Crisis
  16. Corporate Governance and Financial Crisis in the Long Run
  17. Australia and the Financial Crisis
  18. Bank Performance and the Financial Crisis: Evidence From Kazakhstan
  19. Causes and Remedies for a Global Financial Crisis
  20. Asian Financial Crisis and Korean Trade Dynamics
  21. Bank Market Power and Lending During the Global Financial Crisis
  22. Cross-Border Capital Flows Since the Global Financial Crisis
  23. Confronting Emergency Financial Crisis
  24. ECB Policy Making and the Financial Crisis
  25. Bank Performance During the Financial Crisis 2007-2010
  26. Consumption Behaviour and Financial Crisis in the Netherlands
  27. Asia: China’s Policy Responses to the Global Financial Crisis
  28. Cross-Border Bank Lending, Risk Aversion, and the Financial Crisis
  29. Banking Reforms After the Global Financial Crisis of 2008
  30. Bank CEO Incentives and the Global Financial Crisis

💡 Simple Financial Crisis Essay Ideas

Out of ideas? Check our online toolkit:
  1. American Financial Crisis and Its Impact on Mexican Economy
  2. Dividends and Bank Capital in the Financial Crisis of 2007-2009
  3. Employment and the Financial Crisis: Evidence From Tajikistan
  4. Bank Regulation and Supervision Ten Years After the Global Financial Crisis
  5. Federal Reserve and Financial Crisis
  6. Credit Default Swaps and Their Role in Global Financial Crisis
  7. Bank Dependence and Investment During the Financial Crisis
  8. Efficient Market Hypothesis and Financial Crisis
  9. American and European Financial Crisis of 2008
  10. Bank Valuation and Accounting Discretion During a Financial Crisis
  11. Audit Quality During the Global Financial Crisis: The Investors’ Perspective
  12. Credit Rating Agencies Role in Financial Crisis
  13. China, Japan, and the Us Stock Markets and the Global Financial Crisis
  14. Explaining Irish Inflation During the Financial Crisis
  15. Factors That Influenced the Global Financial Crisis of 2008
  16. Corporate Governance Lessons From the Financial Crisis
  17. Credit Distortion and Financial Crisis
  18. Bank Capital and Exposure to the Financial Crisis
  19. Bankers’ Stock Options, Risk-Taking, and the Financial Crisis
  20. Equity Markets’ Clustering and the Global Financial Crisis
  21. 1997 Financial Crisis South Korea
  22. Bank Lending During the Financial Crisis of 2008
  23. Asian Financial Crisis and Exchange Rate Pass-Through in Korea
  24. Capital Controls and Recovery From the Financial Crisis of the 1930s
  25. Debt Maturity Structure and the 1997 Asian Financial Crisis
  26. Community Bank Lending During the Financial Crisis
  27. England’s Rental Market Influenced by Financial Crisis
  28. Argentina One Year On: From a Monetary Crisis to a Financial Crisis
  29. Brazil: The First Financial Crisis of 1999
  30. Factors That Caused the 1997 East Asian Financial Crisis

💰 2008 Financial Crisis Essay Topics

  1. Factors that contributed to the 2008 financial crisis.
  2. The role of risky lending practices in the 2008 crisis.
  3. The collapse of Lehman Brothers: lessons learned.
  4. The effectiveness of bailouts and stimulus packages in coping with the 2008 crisis.
  5. The failures and reforms of rating agencies related to the 2008 crisis.
  6. The weakened financial oversight as a factor contributing to the 2008 crisis.
  7. Comparing different countries’ approaches to managing the 2008 financial crisis.
  8. Moral issues in the financial industry exposed by the 2008 crisis.
  9. The effects of the 2008 financial crisis on average Americans.
  10. The role of central banks in mitigating the 2008 crisis.

💸 Economic Crisis Essay Topics

  1. The dot-com bubble burst: the rise and fall of the technology sector.
  2. The 1970s oil price shock: causes and policy responses.
  3. Currency crises: the role of speculative attacks and exchange rate movements.
  4. Analysis of currency devaluation and hyperinflation in the Argentine economic crisis.
  5. The role of financial speculations in economic crises.
  6. The financial crisis in Greece: causes and austerity measures.
  7. A comparison of the dot-com bubble and the cryptocurrency bubble.
  8. The effects of economic crises on social welfare.
  9. Monetary policy measures to prevent financial crises.
  10. How does income inequality contribute to economic instability?

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