156 Frankenstein Essay Topics

🏆 Best Frankenstein Essay Topics

✍️ Frankenstein Essay Topics for College

  1. The Science Debate: Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein
    Mary Shelley’s novel Frankenstein, or the Modern Prometheus, appeared at a time when the science fiction genre was only at the initial stage of its emergence and development.
  2. Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein and Bioethics
    Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein provides an explicit example of how playing God can be dangerous. Victor should not have created the monster, as he had no viable reason and right to do so
  3. Importance of Relationships and Family in Frankenstein
    Frankenstein’s novel talks about different thematic outlooks relying on what the reader identifies as the thematic impact of their modern culture.
  4. Responsibility in Mary Shelley’s “Frankenstein”
    In Mary Shelley’s pen, a mad scientist’s quest for creation has a reckoning, where the shadows of responsibility loom large and the boundaries of life and death are shattered.
  5. Frankenstein vs. Paradise Lost
    The main similarity between Adam and Frankenstein’s monster is that they both were created and both disappointed their creators.
  6. Frankenstein: A Child in the Form of the Monster
    Viewing the creature Frankenstein as a child will reveal that he is a victim rather than a monster because he needed assistance to meet social norms.
  7. Predictions Regarding “Frankenstein” by Mary Shelley
    I read the first 4 chapters of Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein. I shall attempt to make a number of specific predictions about future story developments.
  8. Comparing Dr. Frankenstein and Aylmer in “Frankenstein” and “The Birthmark”
    Both Dr. Frankenstein and Aylmer pursue their goals with self-centered motives, and this paper examines how their scientific ambitions are complex.
  9. Shelley’s Frankenstein as “The Modern Prometheus”
    “Frankenstein,” Mary Shelley’s famous novel, which she wrote when she was just eighteen years old, continues to captivate people all over the world.
  10. “Frankenstein” by Mary Shelley and “Lord of the Flies” by William Golding
    “Frankenstein” by Mary Shelley and “Lord of the flies” by William Golding share the research on how the environment influences people and their inner nature.
  11. Victor Frankenstein Character in Mary Shelley’s Novel
    Mary Shelley’s novel features human struggles to unveil the realities of nature through science. Frankenstein’s miseries of life and death have disturbed the world immensely.
  12. Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein: Masculinity and Feminism Theory
    The paper discusses Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein, in which she challenges traditional gender roles and offers a more nuanced view of masculinity and femininity.
  13. Visual Elements in Frankenstein Novel by Shelley
    Frankenstein by Mary Shelley is one of the famous novels which influenced the development of the science fiction and horror genres.
  14. Frankenstein vs. Monster: Characters Comparison
    This paper claims that Frankenstein’s unwillingness to accept responsibility for the fate of his creation led to his excruciating psychological suffering.
  15. Frankenstein, or the Modern Prometheus by Mary Shelley
    Frankenstein or the Modern Prometheus by Mary Shelley was first published in 1818. John Wilson Croker’s review, published right after the novel was released, was negative.
  16. Exploring Themes in Mary Shelley’s ‘Frankenstein’
    Mary Shelley’s novel “Frankenstein” is a novel that has been a classic for two centuries and is still one of the most popular books for movie adaptations, and theater plays.
  17. English Literature: Frankenstein by Shelley
    Victor Frankenstein grew up in a wealthy Swiss family. As a young man, he became interested in science and especially the theory of what gives and takes life from human beings.
  18. Exploring Monstrosity in Mary Shelley’s “Frankenstein”
    Since the definition of monstrosity differs from before, it is interesting to find out that the true monster in “Frankenstein” is not the Creature but its creator, Victor.
  19. Themes of Knowledge and Family in Shelley’s Frankenstein
    This paper examines the themes of knowledge and family comprehensively to illustrate how Shelley’s narrative of Frankenstein relates to the nineteenth century.
  20. Chapters 1-4 of “Frankenstein” and Suggestion of Future Events
    “Frankenstein” is the dramatic story of a scientist whose enthusiasm for science led to terrible consequences and personal misfortune.
  21. “Frankenstein” by Mary Shelley
    In Frankenstein by Mary Shelley, the monster is the creation of Victor Frankenstein that was assembled from old body parts and unknown chemicals.
  22. The Complexities of Victor Frankenstein: A Critical Analysis
    Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein is a world-famous novel about an ambitious scientist, Victor Frankenstein, who finds out the secret of life and creates a monstrous creature from old body parts.
  23. Themes in “Frankenstein” by Mary Shelley
    Frankenstein is one of the greatest books of the nineteenth century. Shelley explores many topics in her work that reflect social and philosophical aspects.
  24. Exploring Human Identity in Mary Shelley’s “Frankenstein”: Appearance vs. Inner Qualities
    Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein, exploring the theme of being human, questions human identity and highlights how society values appearance over inner qualities.
  25. Depictions of Man’s Relationship with Divinity in Shelley’s Frankenstein and Milton’s Paradise Lost
    If one contrasts Shelley’s Frankenstein with Milton’s Paradise Lost, one finds that both works explore the consequences of man challenging divine authority.
  26. Review of “Frankenstein” by Mary Shelley
    The rationalistically conceived Frankenstein, written as if for the glory of thought, science, and its limitless possibilities, ends with a deeply pessimistic conclusion.

đź‘Ť Good Frankenstein Research Topics & Essay Examples

  1. Literature Studies: Mary Shelley’s Novel Frankenstein
    Mary Shelley’s novel Frankenstein has inspired many film-makers who create movies about scientists trying to carry out dangerous experiments.
  2. Mary Shelley’s “Frankenstein” Novel Revision
    The well-known 1831 revision of Mary Shelley’s novel “Frankenstein” has several meaningful differences from its original 1818 edition.
  3. Frankenstein: An Interpretation of Outstanding Novel
    The tale of Frankenstein’s monster demonstrates the significance of humanism as the ultimate ethical stance regarding interpersonal interactions.
  4. The “Frankenstein” Novel by Mary Shelly
    Mary Shelly’s “Frankenstein” is a novel characterized by complex themes related to humans’ desires to assume the roles of creators and the portrayal of outcasts in society.
  5. Frankenstein Mythology and Paleontology: Comparison
    The thirst for knowledge is universal for many scientific fields, but the novel “Frankenstein” by Shelley illustrates how it may carry one astray.
  6. Communication with the Audience in Mary Shelly’s “Frankenstein”
    Mary Shelly is trying to convey the information that while technology and science have an essential part in human life, the two can only go as far.
  7. Feminist Connotations in Shelley’s “Frankenstein”
    Mary Shelley has cleverly and effectively integrated feminist connotations within the story of “Frankenstein”.
  8. Analyzing “Frankenstein” Written by Mary Shelly
    Frankenstein, written by Mary Shelly, is among the most well-known gothic novels, combining scientific and fantastic elements.
  9. Who Is the Monster, or Who Are the Monsters, in Frankenstein by Mary Shelley?
    Primary healthcare is meeting the needs of the population (each person, family, and community) by providing medical services at the first contact with the health system.
  10. Prejudice and Lost Innocence in Mary Shelley’s “Frankenstein”
    Mary Shelley’s “Frankenstein” raises quite a number of disturbing themes that still hold relevance for modern society.
  11. Concept of the Monster in Frankenstein
    The paper discusses that the Monster in Frankenstein can be described as a metaphor for the relationship between humans and gods.
  12. The Novel “Frankenstein” by Mary Shelley
    The Novel “Frankenstein” by Mary Shelley raises a number of questions, each defined by a difficult choice to take into consideration.
  13. Romeo, Juliet, Ishmael Beah, and Victor Frankenstein
    This article presents the script for a play dedicated to the adventures of Romeo, Juliet, Ishmael Beah, and Victor Frankenstein.
  14. The Self-Identity Problem in Frankenstein
    Frankenstein by Mary Shelley evokes mixed feelings since it has an ethical conflict in the plot foundation. The Creature was designed as experiment and was perceived as a disaster.
  15. The Book “Frankenstein” by Mary Shelley
    Mary Shelley’s novel about Frankenstein and his Creature reveals many human vices and cruelty. There is also a place in the story for love and remorse.
  16. “Frankenstein” Story Retold by Anna Meriano
    “Frankenstein” by Anna Meriano, is a fancy, captivating retelling of the worldwide known legend, the story of a creature seeking love that began in the writings of Mary Shelly.
  17. Shelley’s Frankenstein: The Monster’s Description
    The purpose of this paper is to discuss the main characteristics of the image of the monster and understand what the author put into this image.
  18. Shelley’s “Frankenstein”: Analysis of Frankenstein’s Character
    The story about Frankenstein and his monster raises many questions. People cannot decide what is more important in making a person, nature or nurture.
  19. The Monsters We Create: Analyzing Mary Shelley’s “Frankenstein”
    “Frankenstein” addresses some of the crucial issues of scientific exploration and the juxtaposition of nature and human nature, as well as being a metaphor for ostracism.
  20. Frankenstein by Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley
    Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley’s novel Frankenstein or The Modern Prometheus addresses conventional romantic themes like isolation and beauty of nature.
  21. Themes Raised in Frankenstein by Mary Shelley
    In Frankenstein, Shelly addresses numerous themes such as prejudice, revenge, society and isolation, nature, and death, to name just a few.
  22. Societal Monsters in Shelley’s “Frankenstein” and Achebe’s “Things Fall Apart”
    A special consideration requires different interpretations of social fear in Mary Shelley’s novel Frankenstein, Chinua Achebe’s literary masterpiece Things Fall Apart.
  23. Great Fictional Icons in the Nineteenth Century: Mary Shelley’s “Frankenstein, or the Modern Prometheus”
    Frankenstein is rendered in opulent Gothic prose. It delves into the intricacies of the human mind and reflects on the ambitions of man, his purpose and his relation to God.
  24. Science in Shelley’s Frankenstein and Condorcet’s Philosophies
    This paper compares Condorcet’s opinion on human happiness and the destruction of prejudice in science with Shelley’s perspective on the role of science in human life.
  25. Injustice in Shelley’s Frankenstein and Milton’s Paradise Lost
    The monster created by Mary Shelley in Frankenstein and the character of Satan in Milton’s Paradise Lost are obsessed with the idea of injustice and revenge.
  26. Mary Shelley’s Novel Frankenstein
    Mary Shelley’s novel Frankenstein can be used for discussing the limitations of human knowledge, the inability of a person to foresee the long-term effects of one’s actions

🎓 Most Interesting Frankenstein Research Paper Topics

Need more ideas for your research? Check our free toolkit:
  1. Frankenstein and His Use of Science
  2. Frankenstein: Abandonment, Loneliness, and Rejection
  3. Frankenstein and Human Nature
  4. The Debate Between Fate and Free Will in Frankenstein
  5. Frankenstein and King Lear: A Look Into Religion, Politics, and Literature
  6. Frankenstein and Male Reproduction
  7. Emotion Over Reason: Frankenstein and the Great Gatsby
  8. Frankenstein and Genetic Modification
  9. Frankenstein and the Human Mind
  10. Creature and Victor Frankenstein
  11. Frankenstein and Natural Order
  12. Doctor Frankenstein’s International Organization
  13. Feminine Nature and Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein
  14. Frankenstein: Embryonic Stem Cell and Curiosity
  15. The Creative Symbolism Woven Into Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein
  16. Frankenstein and the Romantic Era
  17. Frankenstein and His Creation Gone Wrong: Who Is the Real Victim Anyway
  18. Frankenstein: Aesthetics and Memory Box
  19. Discovering the True Nature of Frankenstein
  20. Frankenstein Less Human Than His Creation
  21. Frankenstein and Percy Shelley’s Moral Science
  22. Frankenstein and Unforeseen Consequence
  23. Family Values and Frankenstein
  24. Frankenstein: Cultural Criticism Critique
  25. Frankenstein and Secret Waiting
  26. Biblical Adam and the Creature in Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein
  27. Frankenstein and the Modern Pandora
  28. Frankenstein and His Creature Are the Same People
  29. Euthanasia and Frankenstein
  30. Frankenstein and the Industrial Revolution

đź’ˇ Simple Frankenstein Essay Titles

  1. Frankenstein and Gothic Literature
  2. Destiny and Frankenstein
  3. Comparing Candide and Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein
  4. Frankenstein and Societal Norms
  5. Birth Traumas and Frankenstein
  6. Frankenstein Challenging Extreme Romantic and Enlightenment
  7. Comparing Frankenstein, Aylmer, and Dr. Phillips
  8. Existence Issues Surrounding Frankenstein’s Monster
  9. Family Relations and Alienation in Frankenstein
  10. Symbolism and Autobiographical Elements in Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein
  11. Frankenstein and Science
  12. The Characters, Conflict, and Plot in Frankenstein by Mary Shelley
  13. Frankenstein and His Monster
  14. Frankenstein Explain How the Character of the Monster Develops
  15. Dangerous Knowledge Was All Throughout the Novel Frankenstein
  16. Frankenstein and the Effects of Isolation
  17. Frankenstein: Lust, Love, and Sin
  18. Exploring the Many Themes in the Novel Frankenstein
  19. Byronic Hero: Manfred and Frankenstein
  20. Sympathy for the Monster in Frankenstein by Mary Shelley
  21. Faust and Victor Frankenstein: Unconcerned With Reality
  22. Does Frankenstein Deserve His Fate?
  23. Frankenstein and Rur: Depiction of Human Behavior
  24. Frankenstein and Human Cloning
  25. Dr. Victor Frankenstein and the Artificial Life
  26. Frankenstein and the Role of Parents in the Process of Childs Development
  27. Frankenstein and Blade Runner: Disruption and Identity
  28. Ecocriticism and Frankenstein
  29. Frankenstein Being More Human Than Monster
  30. Frankenstein and Blade Runner: Dangerous Implications of Scientific and Technological Development

âť“ Frankenstein Essay Questions

Out of ideas? Check our online toolkit:
  1. What Is the Specter of Orality in “Frankenstein”?
  2. What Are the Approaches to Teaching Shelley’s “Frankenstein”?
  3. What Is the Dilemma of Creator and Creation in “Frankenstein”?
  4. What Is the Narrative Structure and Reader Skepticism in “Frankenstein”?
  5. How Godlike Science and Unhallowed Arts Are Depicted in “Frankenstein”?
  6. How the Character of the Monster Develops in “Frankenstein”?
  7. What Is the Significance of the Birthing Scene in “Frankenstein”?
  8. Which Story Is More Terrifying: “Dracula” or “Frankenstein”?
  9. How Does Isolation Play a Big Role in the Novel “Frankenstein”?
  10. How Does Mary Shelley Convey Horror to the Reader in “Frankenstein”?
  11. What Is the Main Conflict in Frankenstein?
  12. How Does Mary Shelley Explore Suffering in “Frankenstein”?
  13. How Does the Language in Mary Shelley’s “Frankenstein” Reflect Its Gothic Genre?
  14. How Forbidden Topics Are Transferred as Gothic in “Frankenstein”?
  15. What Are the Female Roles and Responsibilities in “Frankenstein”?
  16. What Does Light and Fire Represent in “Frankenstein”?
  17. What Mary Shelley’s “Frankenstein” Suggests About Parenting?
  18. Who Was Mary Shelley and What Inspired “Frankenstein”?
  19. Why Does “Frankenstein” Begin and End With Walton’s Letters
  20. What Is the Historical Background of “Frankenstein”?
  21. What Are the Major Themes in “Frankenstein”?
  22. What Philosophers Influenced “Frankenstein” and How?
  23. How Does “Frankenstein” Relate to the Real World?
  24. What Is the Philosophy of “Frankenstein”?
  25. How Does “Frankenstein” Represent the Enlightenment?
  26. What Is the Main Idea of the Introduction of “Frankenstein”?
  27. What Is the Last Line of “Frankenstein” and What Does It Mean?

đź“– Inspiring Frankenstein Thesis Ideas

  1. The Sympathetic Monster Trope
    Discuss the trope of the sympathetic monster and its impact on readers’ perceptions of the creature.
  2. Critical Analysis of Victor Frankenstein’s God Complex
    Examining how Victor Frankenstein’s scientific ambitions intersect with notions of playing God and the ethical implications of his actions in the context of romanticism.
  3. Mary Shelley’s Feminist Vision
    Analyzing how Mary Shelley’s personal experiences and beliefs are reflected in the novel’s themes, particularly those related to women’s roles and autonomy.
  4. Frankenstein in Popular Culture
    Revealing the enduring influence of “Frankenstein” on literature, film, and other forms of media, and its portrayal in various adaptations.
  5. The Gothic and Romantic Elements
    Discussing the incorporation of gothic and romantic literary elements in “Frankenstein” and their contribution to its overall atmosphere.
  6. Religious and Moral Parallels
    Exploring the novel’s intersections with spiritual and moral themes, including the creation narrative and the concept of playing God.
  7. Ethics of Scientific Discovery
    Investigating the ethical responsibilities of scientists in pursuit of knowledge, drawing parallels to contemporary discussions on scientific ethics.
  8. Narrative Structure and Multiple Perspectives
    Assessing the use of multiple narrative perspectives and their impact on understanding the story’s themes and characters.
  9. Eco-Critical Readings of “Frankenstein”
    Exploring environmental and ecological themes in the novel and their relevance to contemporary eco-critical discussions.
  10. Enlightenment Ideas and Romantic Critique
    Analyzing how “Frankenstein” engages with Enlightenment ideals of progress and reason and the romantic critique of these ideals.

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