65 General Motors Essay Topics

🏆 Best Essay Topics on General Motors

✍️ General Motors Essay Topics for College

  1. General Motors Company’s Transformation Process
    General Motors was forced to redesign its transformational system and manufacturing strategy so that the company could reclaim its competitive position.
  2. General Motors Company: Strategic Implementation
    The essay examines the strategic implementation of the General Motors Company. The essay determines that the implementation is the most difficult aspect of strategic management.
  3. General Motors Process Improvement: Lean Principles
    Lean philosophy is the approach to process improvement that sees the elimination of all types of waste as its primary objective.
  4. General Motors’ Operations Strategy and Value Creation
    Nowadays, General Motors is a widely known corporation, which has the offices and services present in the different parts of the world.
  5. General Motors Operation Analysis: Project Management
    Speaking of General Motors, the company’s operational objective is improving performance and the level of customers’ satisfaction.
  6. The General Motors Company’s Change Strategy
    There is a need for General Motors to reestablish its name in the automobile market. This paper will examine an appropriate change strategy and its specifics for the company.
  7. General Motors Firm’s Leadership Approaches
    This paper outlines General Motors’ corporation leadership approaches, competitive advantages, possible challenges, and the most appropriate strategies.
  8. Comprehensive Strategic Plan for GM Company
    The purpose of paper is to prepare a comprehensive strategic plan for ‘new’ GM Company. Also, report discusses the vision, mission, objectives of GM, Porter’s 5 Forces, etc.
  9. General Motors Company: Inventory Systems Summary
    The system only recommends the supplier but does not guarantee quality from the supplier; this makes it dependent on the outside environment.
  10. General Motors Structure Company
    General Motors Corporation is one of the examples of the negative influence of both improper governmental policies and global economic recession upon a business company development.
  11. GM Company’s Capacity, Scheduling and Location Planning
    This paper discusses how General Motors uses forecasting and how these forecasts drive the capacity planning strategy.
  12. General Motors Company’s Ethical Dilemma
    In February 2014, General Motors started recalling some of its car models made before 2007 because of their ignition switches which could abruptly shut off the car.
  13. General Motors Operations Analysis
    General Motors (GM) is a symbol of the American automotive industry and culture.
  14. Boeing and General Motors: Management
    This paper aims at discussing the decisions that the management of Boeing and GM could have implemented to prevent adverse results of the relative cases and maximize their profits.
  15. General Motors Company: Operations Management Concepts
    The present essay analyzes the current situation at General Motors and provides some recommendations for effective operations management.
  16. General Motors Company’s Operational Effectiveness
    General Motors (GM) focuses on operations in designing its strategies and sees operations as a key to success.
  17. General Motors Company’s Case of Decision Making
    Decision making is very essential, as it has a significant effect on the organisation or the individual in terms of success or failure. The General Motors faced with a decision regarding investing.
  18. Tesla Motors’ vs. General Motors’ Financial Year 2021
    Tesla’s ROE for the year 2021 stood at 17.47% against that of General Motors 14.95%, indicating that Tesla garners more streams of income from its equity financing than GM.

đź‘Ť Good General Motors Research Topics & Essay Examples

  1. Decline in General Motors of 2007
    The year 2007 to the present time has been a bad business period for most companies. In motor industry, General Motors have had a bad experience in most of their markets.
  2. General Motors: Transformational and Inclusive Leadership
    This paper will be focused on the evaluation of the Transformational and Inclusive Leadership styles from the perspective of their capability to ensure the firm’s meeting of its goals and organizational objectives.
  3. General Motors Firm’s Organizational Analysis
    This paper analyzes the organizational model of General Motors (GM) in the context of the ignition switch crisis that led to the deaths of several people.
  4. General Motors Firm’s Electric Vehicle Innovation
    The transformation of General Motors into an auto concern that will focus on the transition to electric vehicles is an important step for the company and the entire planet.
  5. General Motors Cases Discussion
    The court case focuses on three groups of plaintiffs who are suing General Motors for a critical defect in ignition switches
  6. General Motors’ Evolving Competitive Advantages
    General Motors is the largest vehicle producer in the United States. During a hundred-year history, this company was able to win half of the U.S. automobile market.
  7. General Motors 2035: Phasing Out Gasoline and Diesel-Driven Vehicles
    General Motors (GM) has set the 2035 target date to phase out gasoline- and diesel-driven vehicles from its showrooms globally.
  8. General Motors v. the Public
    In the case General Motors v. the Public the majority of the cases were affirmed for the plaintiff due to the inability of the defendant to comply with the product liability law.
  9. Fiat and General Motors’ Corporate-Level Strategy
    The formation of a strategic alliance as a tool in developing the corporate-level strategy of Fiat and General Motors can be assessed as a rather dangerous step.
  10. General Motors Analysis: The Need to Restructure GM
    Even being a world car manufacturing leader, GM has also experienced and still continues to face, the negative effects of the global economic stagnation
  11. General Motors Company’s General Management
    Bailing out of General Motors has become necessary as it will have a larger impact on society and jobs in the United States.
  12. GM Wheat Start-up Secures Venture Capital in Perth
    “GM Wheat Start-up Secures Venture Capital in Perth” addresses Perth-based biotechnology company having received investment from Murdoch Westscheme enterprise partnership.
  13. The Rescue of General Motors Canada Interface
    By all means, the motor companies in the industry required to be bailed out because of the immense advantages they have to the society.
  14. Apple Inc.’s and General Motors Company’s Customer Service
    This paper evaluates the methods and quality of customer service at Apple Inc. and General Motors, and its contribution to organizational growth in a competitive environment.
  15. Joe Hinrichs’ Successful Management in General Motors
    This case study gives several crucial lessons about successful management in terms of planning, organizing, and leading on example Hinrichs in General Motors.
  16. General Motors Company: Financial Performance
    In 2016 and the first three quarters of 2017, GM has been experiencing significant financial issues, namely a steep growth in liabilities.
  17. General Motors Company’s Operations Improvement
    General Motors acknowledged that transformation processes are the key to improving performance. That is why the special focus is made on planning and designing them.
  18. General Motors Company’ Organizational Culture
    This paper will assess the implications of the General Motors company’s organizational culture on the part-defect controversy, as well as the US government’s responsibility to consumers.

🎓 Most Interesting General Motors Research Titles

  1. Macroenvironment and General Motors Corporation
  2. Leadership and Change Management at General Motors Commerce
  3. Toyota Versus General Motors: Success Versus Failure
  4. Big Business Stability and Economic Growth: Is What’s Good for General Motors Good for America
  5. Narcissism Project and Corporate Decay: The Case of General Motors
  6. Risk Management Within General Motors Company
  7. Leadership Development Plan for General Motors
  8. General Motors Company Competition
  9. Strategic and Operational Plans of General Motors
  10. Management Practices, Relational Contracts, and the Decline of General Motors
  11. The Crisis Management and Controversy Today Is General Motors
  12. General Motors: Company Overview and Comparative Analysis
  13. The Current Corporate and Global Strategies of General Motors
  14. International Joint Venture: General Motors and Toyota (1983)
  15. The Primary Internal and External Influence on the General Motors Corporation
  16. Strategic Plan for General Motors Upper Mid Sedan Vehicle Segment
  17. Technology Transfer Between General Motors and Shanghai Automotive Industry Corporation
  18. Liquidity Risk and Correlation Risk: A Clinical Study of the General Motors and Ford Downgrade of May 2005
  19. Foreign Exchange Hedging Strategies at General Motors
  20. Why Did General Motors Fail to Compete With Globalization?
  21. Accrued Product Warranty General Motors Corporation
  22. General Motors and Chrysler Receives Aid From Government to Survive Recession

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StudyCorgi. "65 General Motors Essay Topics." January 16, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/general-motors-essay-topics/.


StudyCorgi. 2022. "65 General Motors Essay Topics." January 16, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/general-motors-essay-topics/.

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