🏆 Best Essay Topics on Iliad
👍 Good Iliad Research Topics & Essay Examples
- “The Iliad” as a Primary Source for Historians“The Iliad” reflects the basic features of the ancient society, including the ways they made war and peace, the way they traded, and the way they interacted.
- Olympic and Funeral Games in “The Iliad” by HomerHomer’s “Iliad” is a full-scale artistic discovery made in the cradle of world culture — Ancient Greece. This is one of the first epic poems in the history of mankind.
- Comparing Achilles and Hector in the IliadAchilles is ruled by his uncontrollable passions which can be seen in his headstrong ways. But, Hector is motivated by his duty consciousness and this proves him as a noble leader.
- The Concept of “Therapon” in Homer’s “Iliad”Homer’s poem “Iliad” uses a concept of “therapon” which is not typical for any of other writers of those times and of modern times as well.
- God’s Anthropomorphism and Divinity in Homer’s Poem “Iliad”In the “Iliad”, Homer depicts gods as supernatural creatures who live following the rules. Gods are characterized by all human features.
- Phoenix’s Speech in Book 9th of the IliadThe long speech of the phoenix in the ninth book of the Iliad is an important section in the vital subject of the poem. It is an ethical statement, and a minimum share of critical scrutiny is given in its opening part.
- Heroine Analysis: Helen and Penelope in “The Iliad” and “The Odyssey”The story of Helen and Penelope in both works by Homer display different destinies of two most eminent heroines in terms of their participation in the development of actions shown in both books
- Homer’s Iliad and Odyssey — Comparison & CritiqueThe stories of both have been repeated countless times and used in cultural references and in making big budget movies which speaks of their pervasive affect.
- The Poem “The Iliad” by Homer: Hector’s CharacterThe poem “The Iliad” by Homer, depicts many different leadership images, however, some of them are more vivid than others. For example, one of these characters is Hector.
- Supplication in the IliadIn the Iliad there are many scenes of supplication. Two of the most important scenes are the supplication of Chryses to Agamemnon and the supplication of Priam to Achiles.
- Greek Heroic Motifs in “The Iliad”: Agamemnon and PriamIn this essay, the analysis of two particular heroes, Priam and Agamemnon, will be introduced to investigate their lives through the prism of Homeric heroism in “The Iliad”.
- Heroic Code in Homer’s IliadHomer’s Iliad is somewhat unique among the ancient tales because of its tendency to include human features in its heroes.
- The Judgment of Paris in The Iliad: AnalysisNumerous references present the work's characteristics, making it a popular research subject in cultural studies to Greek legends.
- Homer’s “Iliad”, Its Effect and RelevanceThis paper analyzes Homer’s poem and its effect as an object of comparison to modern life and values, stating that despite the apparent difference some aspects did not change.
- Andromache in the Iliad: Character AnalysisThe truth, however, is that women’s roles differed from one culture to another and a blanket statement simply cannot be made.
- Glory of War in the Homer’s “Iliad”Homer forces the characters to choose war as a way of bringing fame to them thus ensuring that their names run down to future generations.
- Agamemnon in the Iliad: Character AnalysisPride, ego, high self-esteem are all harbingers of dissatisfaction and clashes. In the classic Iliad by Homer, Agamemnon is shown to be a person with high of all of these.
- Job’s God from the Bible and Greek Gods from Iliadn the Bible’s story about Job, God’s intervention is limited to allowing Satan destroy Job’s family and possessions, as well as Job’s physical well-being, while the Greek’s Iliad has several interventions from the Gods.
- The Warrior Culture in “The Iliad” by HomerThe essay will concentrate on Paris as one of the major characters in The Illiad whose role was to portray the level in which the society valued the warrior culture.
- Epic Heroes in Literature: Gilgamesh, Achilles, BeowulfGilgamesh from the Epic of Gilgamesh, Achilles and Agamemnon from The Iliad, and Beowulf from the epic Beowulf may serve as the best examples of epic characters, which represent the image of a hero.
- Insignificance of the Doloneia in Homer’s “The Iliad”The Doloneia included a number of archaisms, which create the illusion of the ancient past, although this approach to antiquity has not been used by Homer throughout the story.
- Iliad and Odyssey: Hector and Menelaus ComparisonThe Iliad and the Odyssey have great significance due to the lyrical content they encompass. It is vital to consider two characters in these readings – Hector and Menelaus.
- Ancient Literature. Decision Making in Iliad by HomerThe whole epic in ‘Iliad’ comes because of the Paris declaring the wrong goddess to be the most beautiful, which became the root cause of the war between Greeks and Trojans.
- Achilles and Hector in The Iliad by Homer: ComparisonAchilles and Hector are two heroic characters in Homer’s classic Iliad and both these fearless warriors display honour and virtue in their characters.
- The Iliad by Homer: Interpretation in ArtIn the “Iliad,” Homer tells the story of how the murderer was able to repent and remember when he still had a soul. Achilles is presented in the book as evil.
- Achilles in The Iliad and The Odyssey by HomerAchilles was the Achaian army’s best warrior, honorable, strong, and proud. The Iliad is about the Trojan Conflict and how Achilles’ rage and power affect the war.
- Achilles’ Second Self in The Iliad by HomerWhen analyzing the events of Homer’s The Illiad, one can note that Achilles’ visible personality can intersect with another, which is called the second self.
- The Myth and History Relationship in Homer’s IliadThe paper will examine the connection between myth and history to comprehend Greek civilization through Homeric poetry.
- The Poem “The Iliad” by Homer: Achilles’ Motivation in Ransoming HectorIn Homer’s poem “The Iliad”, Achilles ransomed Hector’s body to return it safely to his family for proper burial to prevent further anger from the gods.
- “The Iliad of Homer” by ButlerHomer’s epic poem, The Iliad, raises some existential questions pertaining to the roles of humans and gods in determining destiny.
- Homer’s Iliad and Sophocles’ Three Theban PlaysThe article is an analysis of Homer’s “Iliad” and Sophocles’ “Three Theban Pieces” – plays proving the greatness of ancient Greek literature.
- “The Iliad” by Homer: Using of SuppliancyMost ancient Greek writers used suppliancy in poetry and short stories and this became a unique identification mark amongst writers from various regions of the world.
- “Iliad” by Homer and “A Thousand and One Nights”: ComparisonThe paper compares “Iliad” by Homer and “A Thousand and One Nights” by their main characteristics: supernatural power, theme-dream, use of symbols, and settings.
- Decision Making in The IliadDecision-making in ‘The Iliad’ by Homer is given by primary gods, as the most powerful creatures who could form peoples’ lives and change their destinies according to their fads.
- The Iliad’s Oral TraditionThere are several suggestions that perhaps Homer’s The Iliad is the product of a much longer oral tradition that Homer wrote down and passed along as an artist.
- The Iliad and The Odyssey – Homeric Epics AnalysisThe reason that The Odyssey had to be perceived after reading The Iliad is rather ponderous argument. The poems were titled by one and the same author.
- The Aeneid, the Iliad and the Odyssey Literature ComparisonHomer’s Iliad and Odyssey show that humans’ actions can lead to their sufferings. The works of Homer and Virgil refer to death of warriors and innocent individuals.
⛵ Diverse Iliad Essay Prompts
Is the Iliad Anti-War?
It is somewhat complicated to say whether a tale as large and epic as the Iliad. Homer doesn’t definitely answer that question throughout the story. Instead, he leaves the judgment up to the audience’s discretion. The Iliad depicts events realistically, with their highs and lows, without omitting anything.
What Is Achilles Conflict?
In Homer’s Iliad, Achilles’ conflict stems primarily from his sense of pride and anger. This starts when King Agamemnon takes the young warrior’s prize. This causes Achilles to refuse to take part in the war. Throughout the story, Achilles tries to fight against his fate – however, he ultimately accepts it when he returns to fight.
Is the Iliad Fact or Fiction?
Even up to this day, there is still discourse in academia whether the Iliad is based on true events or not. In fact, Homer’s stories are some of the only records of the Trojan War. Therefore, it is hard to say whether these depictions are accurate or complete fabrications.
What Are the Most Important Themes in the Iliad?
The main questions that are explored in the Iliad are tied to the character of Achilles. His struggle, anger, and tragic journey are often the focus of the story. Throughout the epic, Homer also explores the ideas of war and conflict, reconciliation, and isolation.
Why Should Students Read the Iliad?
The Iliad is considered an immortal piece of writing for a reason, and every student should acquaint themselves with it. It is a foundational piece of Western literature that sets the idea of heroism. It also tells the story of war and its effect on mankind.
🎓 Most Interesting Iliad Research Titles
- Achilles’ Hero Behavior Cycle in the Iliad
- The Trojan War Between the Greeks and the Trojans in Homer’s The Iliad
- The Iliad vs. Today’s Standards
- Iliad Key Plot Points
- Divine Power and ‘The Iliad’ by Homer
- The Iliad: Understanding of Connections in The Civil Law and It’s Developing
- Ransom: Iliad and Achilles’ Actions
- Homer’s Iliad and Greek Art
- God and Godlike Humans in the Bible and Iliad
- The Iliad: The Definition of a Tragic Hero
- Iliad and the Materialistic Views on Life
- Free Pride and Hubris in the Iliad
- The Main Female Characters in the Iliad and Their Relationship With the Male Characters
- Bible God vs. Iliad Gods
- Diomedes, the True Hero of Homer’s Iliad
- Revenge, Justice, and Destiny – The Major Themes in Homer’s Iliad
- How Ethical Are the Gods in the Iliad?
- Greek Rhetoric and Argument in Homer’s Iliad
- Achilles’ Influence and Morality in the Iliad
- The Created and Existent Gods in Homer’s Iliad
- Comparison Between Homer’s Iliad and Wolfgang Petersen’s Troy
- Love Issues and Romances in the Homer’s Iliad
- The Iliad: Tragedy and Miracle of Life and Mankind
- The Interaction Between Fate and Choice in the Iliad
- Epic Heroism and Values of the Iliad
- Egypt’s Burial Rites and Homer’s ‘The Iliad’
- Historical and Biographical Criticism of the Iliad by Homer
- Speech Development and Characters of Andromache and Nestor in Homer’s ‘The Iliad’
- The Kings Requests and Obedience of the Iliad
- Aeneid and Iliad: How They Relate to the Modern World
⚔️ Iliad Essay Topics: How to Choose the Best One?
When it comes to stories as great as the Iliad, there is never a lack of ideas for an essay or literary analysis. In fact, you just might be struggling to choose between all the great topics! Here, we want to provide you with a way to choose the best title for your paper on the Iliad:
- If you are interested in themes…
There are plenty of fascinating themes to explore in this epic. You can talk about the wrath of Achilles or his alienation from the Greeks. Or you might want to concentrate on the depiction of the war and conflict in this story. - If you are interested in the characters…
You could conduct an in-depth character analysis of one of the heroes or antagonists of the Iliad. Achilles is the focus of the story but he is not the only interesting part of the epic. Agamemnon and Diomedes also play an important part, alongside the Achaians and the Trojans. - If you are interested in literary devices…
Homer’s timeless epic has plenty of different aspects to explore. From the format it was written in and its language to the symbolism that permeates the story, the Iliad is great for literary analysis.
💡 Simple Iliad Essay Ideas
- The Rage and Love of Achilles in the Iliad, a Poem by Homer
- The Importance and Role of Respect for Authority in The Iliad by Homer
- The Iliad and Idea of Kleos through Warriors in Poem
- Oedipus Rex, the Iliad, and the Odyssey and How These Works Relate to Gender
- The Competition for Power and Ultimate Victory Throughout the Iliad
- The Relationship Between the Gods and Mortals as Portrayed in the Iliad
- The Relationship Between Men and Women in Homer the Iliad
- Achilles: The Tragic Hero of the Iliad
- The Tragic Heroes and the Effect on Humankind in Homer’s The Iliad
- The Understanding and Concern of the Character of Telemonian Aias in Homer’s Iliad
- The Role and Influence of the Gods on the Conflict in the Iliad by Homer
- Achilles and Greek Heroism in Homer’s Iliad
- Conflict Within the Mythology of the Iliad by Homer
- The Conflict Between Hector and Achilles in the Iliad
- The Iliad: The Glory of War vs. Family Life
- Violence, Power, and Goals in the Hebrew Bible and the Iliad
- Critical Thinking About Fate and Free Will in Homers’ Iliad
- Sacred Rituality and Especially Hiketeia in the Iliad
- Ring Composition for Nestor’s Speech in Book XI of the Iliad
- The Battle Between Egoism and Altruism in the Iliad
- Male Issues and the Character of a Mediocre Man in the Iliad
- Humankind, Life, and Tragedy in ‘The Iliad’ by Homer
- Heroism in the Iliad: Achilles vs. Hector
- Literature and the Epic Nature of the Iliad by Homer and Gilgamesh
- The Trojan War Myth: Fact and Fiction of Homer’s The Iliad
- Trojan War, Homer and the Other Historical Embracements of the Iliad
- Imagery and Epic Simile in ‘The Iliad’ by Homer
- The Role and Importance of Achilles in the Iliad
- Homer’s ‘The Iliad’ and Classifications of Women
- Reasons Why the Iliad by Homer Is a Morality Play
❓ Iliad Essay Questions
- How Does Homer Depict War in “The Iliad?”
- How the Iliad Portray the Ideal Epic World in Terms of Ancient Greek Values?
- How Ethical Are the Gods in the Iliad?
- How Does the Iliad Reveal the Issues of Gods and the Fate?
- Why Are the Gods in Bliss When the Men Go to War in Iliad?
- What Is the Mythological Paradeigma in the Iliad?
- What Is the Human and Divine Relationship in Homer’s Iliad?
- How the Peloponnesian War Is Depicted in the Iliad?
- What Is Arthut Adkins’ Perception of the Iliad?
- Why Does the Iliad Conclude with the Funeral of Hektor
- What Is the Function of Digressions in the Iliad?
- What Makes Achilleus and Hektor the Heroes of the Iliad?
- Which Warrior Best Encompasses the Idea of Kleos in the Iliad?
- What Does the Image of a Predator Mean in the Iliad?
- How Modern Paroemiology and the Use of Gnomai in Homer’s Iliad Can Be Linked?
- What Is the Role of Tragic Form and Feeling in the Iliad?
- What Is the Theme of the Mutilation of the Corpse in the Iliad?
- How the Divine Audience and the Religion Are Illustrated in the Iliad?
- What Is the Paradigmatic Nature of Nestor’s Speech in Iliad?
- What Is the Relationship Between Men and Women in the Iliad?
- What Is the Quarrel Between Agamemnon and Achilles in Iliad?
- What Is the New Critical Edition of the Scholia to the Iliad?
- What Are the Similarities and Differences Between the Iliad and the Odyssey?
- What Is the Formularity of the Place Phrases of the Iliad?
- What Is the Interaction Between Fate and Choice in the Iliad?
- What Is the Civil Law and How It Developed Through Time in Iliad?