141 Imperialism Essay Questions

🏆 Best Essay Topics on Imperialism

💎 Imperialism Essay Questions to Research

Haven’t you found fresh imperialism essay questions to research yet? Check the ones that we have prepared for you below to become inspired!

Africa and European Imperialism

The era of modern European imperialism in Africa dates back to the 19th century. At that period, European imperial powers colonized and governed most of the continent, grabbing resources and exploiting the people. This brutal colonization had adverse outcomes for African cultural heritage, economics, society, and environment, which still shape this region today.

Imperialism History and Legacy

As empires grew, they increased their power by gaining control over other areas of the world. They seized resources and exploited populations, leaving a legacy of political instability and cultural loss in their wake. However, imperialism also had a significant positive outcome: it fueled modernization and technological development.

American Imperialism and Democracy

The US’s involvement in foreign affairs has been a contentious issue throughout history due to this country’s former colony origin. Besides, America protects the values of democracy, freedom, and independence, which contradict the policy of imperialism. However, some argue that US foreign policy reflects a more nuanced form of modern imperialism, focused on economic and political interests.

New Imperialism

New imperialism refers to the period of colonial expansion by European powers, the United States, and Japan in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. During that time, there was an unprecedented focus on colonizing overseas territories, driven by factors like economic competition, nationalism, and the strive for military glory.

British Imperialism

British imperialism was both a domestically produced and a global process. It was a strategy for meeting the state’s imperatives of geopolitical security and economic growth in the face of external threats. British imperialism created a complicated web of interdependence between Britain and its colonies, with both sides considerably influencing the other’s development.

Colonialism and Imperialism

Even though imperialism and colonialism are very alike at first glance, these terms have major distinctions. While colonialism is the foundation of a colony in a foreign land, imperialism is the application of force or pressure by the government of one country to take over another country or region. There are many examples of colonialism throughout history, but modern-day imperialism is rare.

👍 Good Imperialism Research Topics & Essay Examples

  1. British Imperialism in India: Literature Review
    The paper reviews the literature on British Imperialism in India and how British rule instilled positive reinforcement and led to inhumane laws and social divisions.
  2. Marx’s vs. Lenin’s Imperialism Theories
    The term ‘imperialism’ is often used by different scholars and theorists in varying perspectives to refer to a number of ideologies.
  3. Artificial Intelligence as a Part of Imperialism: Challenges and Solutions
    Artificial intelligence is part of the process of imperialism, its offshoot, which is commonly called information imperialism.
  4. Imperialism and Racism During the Colonial Period
    This analysis of primary sources aims to demonstrate how various historical actors interpreted imperialism during different periods.
  5. World War I: Nationalism, Imperialism, Militarism
    This paper analyzes how nationalism, imperialism, and militarism irrevocably led to World War I, and how the alliance system contributed to the ultimate outbreak of war.
  6. Jules Ferry’s Imperialism: Economic and Non-Economic Arguments
    The primary goal of the paper is to understand Jules Ferry’s rationale for the urgency of the colonial expansion while considering offering non-economic arguments in favor of imperialism.
  7. European Imperialism in Africa: The Main Causes
    It is critical to focus on the various factors that contributed to the colonization of Africa by the different European nations.
  8. American Imperialism in the Late 1800s
    In the late 19th century, the United States, the former colony of the British Empire, became the colonizer with the annexation of Spanish territories.
  9. Benefits of Imperialism from a Manufacturer’s Perspective: “The White Man’s Burden” Poem
    “The white man’s burden” is an example of a justified imperialism argument to liberate the countries that lagged in economic, social, and political development in the 19th century.
  10. Christopher Columbus and 16th-Century Imperialism
    Imperialism refers to the process by which powerful nations control weaker nations by influencing or controlling their culture, politics and economy
  11. Modern Imperialism and Economic Globalization
    This paper discusses how does the study of modern imperialism help us to understand why some former colonies fear economic globalization today.
  12. Aspects of European Imperialism
    During European imperialism, East African cultures lost their cultures and tradition due to the introduction of Christianity and Western culture.
  13. Industrial Imperialism: China and Japan
    It is important to note that Asia has always hosted one of the largest, wealthiest, and most powerful empires throughout history. However, the industrial revolution was the key turning point when Europe was able to supersede Asia and subjugate its nations. The given analysis will focus on the comparative analysis…
  14. Patrice Lumumba and Imperialism in Congo
    The life of Patrice Lumumba is connected with the history of imperialism in Congo. In the late 1950s, Africa was referred to in the world press as a “raging continent.”
  15. Cultural Democracy and Internet Imperialism
    The source helps draw a connection between the conscious domination of cultural niches and its impact on global biases within media.
  16. Imperialism in the Context of World History
    Several civilizations, mainly European nations, championed imperialism. It allowed civilized nations to dominate and exploit vulnerable countries across the globe.
  17. American Imperialism and Its Effects
    Despite the moral ambiguity, American imperialism has played a vital part in forming the superpower nation it is today.
  18. Imperialism During the 19th Century in the US
    In the 19th century, the concepts of imperialism spread among the American people and shaped the fundamental principles of foreign and domestic policies for the next decades.
  19. Imperialism Consequences on the Life of People
    The emergence of imperialism was the development of new technologies, and an increase in the population, which led to a rise in taxation and a ban on the import of products.
  20. Reconstruction and the Age of American Imperialism
    After the Civil War, the nineteenth century was a challenging time for the country that tried to shape its political, economic, and social life.
  21. European Imperialism and Its Effects on Colonies
    The effects of European imperialism have been truly devastating, causing multiple smaller ethnic communities to deteriorate, as well as sending ripples through centuries.
  22. European Imperialism and Global Economic Situation
    European imperialism is a crucial moment in history, as it has markedly influenced the current global economic situation, the current way of life, and the views of the people.
  23. U.S. History: Reconstruction, American Imperialism, Immigration
    This paper discusses defined episodes of the history of the United States: Reconstruction, the Yellow Peril Movement, American imperialism, immigration and immigration laws.
  24. Teju Cole’s: Colonialism and Imperialism Ideologies
    An African-American writer Mr. Cole reveals factors emanate from the western cultural ideology that is rigid with colonialism and imperialism phenomenon.
  25. The History of American Imperialism
    At the beginning of the 1890s, the United States rapidly started to be interested in the imperialistic experiences of the European countries.
  26. America and the Great War, Nationalism, Imperialism, and Militarism
    The USA did not become a member of the League, although the state did cooperate with it; in the mid-1920s, the USA was more concerned with the economy.
  27. Legacies of Empire: British Rule in Hong Kong vs. French Rule in Vietnam
    The paper will mainly focus on the British Empire in Hong Kong while drawing comparisons from the French in Vietnam to understand the causal mechanism of the empires’ involvement.
  28. Social Darwinism: Survival of the Fittest in Society
    In the modern context of globalization, it would be both incorrect and inappropriate to express that a less developed country or culture is uncivilized.
  29. The Role of the US and the Treaty of Versailles in WWI
    This paper addresses the role of nationalism, imperialism, and militarism as contributing factors to the start of World War I.
  30. Imperialism and the Destruction of Indigenous Cultures
    Today in communities that are considered tolerant ones, there are signs of discrimination and inappropriate attitude to some categories of people.
  31. Imperialism in Nicholson’s and Pilger’s Studies
    The main feature of imperialism was rapid territorial expansion. The boundaries within which the emperor ruled were much larger than the domestic population.
  32. The Role of History: Should Everyone Study It?
    This study discusses the importance of studying history to research, and analyzes the imperialism in the early twentieth century on the West.
  33. The League of Nations: Formation and Impact
    The First World War was one of the most bloody and large-scale conflicts in human history. It began July 28, 1914, and ended November 11, 1918.
  34. American Imperialism in the 19th Century: Causes, Evolution, Aftermath
    The paper reviews reasons for adopting American imperialism, major events during this period and affected countries, and aftermath of anti-imperialism in the 20th century.
  35. Modern Imperialism and Economic Globalization: Impact and Challenges
    Modern imperialism has intertwined with economic dominance forcing countries to fear economic globalization in the current century.

🎓 Most Interesting Imperialism Research Titles

Out of ideas? Check our online toolkit:
  1. Imperialism and Alaska and Puerto Rico
  2. Athenian Imperialism and Democracy
  3. Economic Stages and Anti-imperialism in Theory and Practice
  4. Japans Imperialism and Militarism
  5. European Imperialism and Its Effect on India
  6. Britain and France’s Imperialism and Competition in Egypt
  7. Ecological Imperialism: The Biological Expansion of Europe
  8. European Colonialism and Imperialism
  9. Industrialization and Imperialism 1750-1900
  10. Anthropology and Economic Imperialism: The Battlefield of Culture
  11. Libya and Europe: Imperialism, Crisis, and Migration
  12. Positive and Negative Effects of British Imperialism on India
  13. Differences Between 16th and 19th Century Imperialism
  14. How Western and Japanese Imperialism Affected China Happened
  15. American Imperialism After 1898
  16. Imperialism and Its Effects on Humanity Creative Writing
  17. African Societies and European Imperialism’s Effects
  18. Africa and European Imperialism
  19. European Imperialism Severe Actions During Their Domination
  20. Cultural Imperialism and the Olympics
  21. Difference Between Formal and Informal Imperialism
  22. Old Imperialism vs. New Imperialism
  23. Imperialism, Militarism, and Alliances in World War I
  24. Globalization, Imperialism, and Regulation
  25. 19th Century American Imperialism
  26. Imperialism, Fascism, and National Populism
  27. Japanese War and Japanese Imperialism
  28. Imperialism and the Human Rights Movement
  29. American Imperialism During the Civil War
  30. Racism and Social Darwinism in Regards to Imperialism

📢 Imperialism Topics – Unique Selection

Although many associate imperialism with direct colonization and political subjugation, its influence extends far beyond these boundaries. Below, we will discuss its impact in more detail!

Ecological Imperialism Topics

Ecological imperialism is an explanatory term introduced by Alfred Crosby. It highlights the role of European biological species, including animals, plants, and pathogens, in the success of European colonists. Examples of ecological imperialism include the Jamestown colony in Virginia in 1607. At that time, colonists introduced domesticated livestock, plants, pathogens, weeds, and rats, which disrupted the balance of native species and severely affected the native population life. As a result, ecological imperialism contributed to the spread of smallpox in the Americas, leading to thousands of human deaths.

Here are the top 4 ecological imperialism topics that may come in handy:

  1. The Negative Consequences of Importing European Plants and Animals to America.
  2. Eco-Imperialism and Its Impact on the Fur Trade and Industrial Activities in Siberia.
  3. Ecological Outcomes of the Columbian Exchange.
  4. The Role of French Colonization in Changing Vietnam’s Coastal Ecosystems.

Cultural Imperialism Topics

Cultural imperialism, also known as cultural colonialism, is the process by which a country uses the language, customs, rituals, politics, and economics of the dominant one. This process may take various forms, including formal policies, attitudes, and military actions, as long as they all serve to uphold the empire’s hegemony over culture. This type of dominance not only damages local culture but also sets up the colonizer’s ideals and beliefs, leading to the extinction of indigenous traditions and symbols.

Stuck with your paper? Explore our free toolkit:

Check 4 fresh topics on cultural imperialism that we have prepared for you:

  1. The Significance of International Organizations in Dealing with Cultural Dominance.
  2. The Effect of European Cultural Imperialism on African Arts.
  3. Portuguese Cultural Influence in Brazil and Its Pitfalls.
  4. The Future of Cultural Diversity in a Globalized World.

Social Imperialism Topics

Social imperialism is a political ideology according to which governments turn to colonization to distract and control the people of the state. This strategy uses the promise of national glory and economic prosperity via overseas expansion to mitigate internal instability and social problems. By focusing public attention on imperial ventures, governments can promote a sense of solidarity and patriotism in the people while suppressing dissent.

If you cannot find a perfect topic for your work on social imperialism, look at the ones we have for you below:

  1. Analyzing the Peculiarities of Social Imperialism in Russia.
  2. The Rise of Social Imperialism in the German Socialist Party.
  3. How Were the Wars Used to Distract from Social and Economic Issues?
  4. Mussolini and His Strategies to Foster Social Unity and Control.

💡 Simple Imperialism Essay Ideas

  1. British Imperialism and the Boer War
  2. Economics Imperialism Versus Multidisciplinarity
  3. Europeans’ Driving Force Leading To Imperialism of Africa
  4. Russian Imperialism and the Warsaw Pact
  5. China and Japan During the Age of Imperialism
  6. British Imperialism and Its Impact on India
  7. American Expansionism and Imperialism in the Late Nineteenth
  8. International Relations and Imperialism
  9. Imperialism and the Price of Human Life
  10. Geopolitics, Imperialism & the New World War on Iraq
  11. British Colonialism and the Impact of British Imperialism
  12. European Imperialism and Its Effects on the World
  13. Marxist Theory: Nationalism, Legitimacy, Imperialism
  14. Imperialism, the Cold War, and Japan’s Occupation During WWII
  15. Motives for Europe’s Embarkation of Imperialism
  16. Native Imperialism and Its Implications on Aboriginal
  17. American Imperialism and the Colonization of the Philippines
  18. Reasons for the U.S. Turning To Imperialism at the End of the 19th Century
  19. British Imperialism During the British Colonization of India
  20. Athenian Imperialism and Her Changing Relations with Allies
  21. African Women During European Imperialism
  22. Capitalism and Regressive Imperialism
  23. Contemporary Imperialism and the Agrarian Question
  24. British Imperialism and the Crisis in Sudan
  25. European Imperialism and Africa During the Age of Industry
  26. Imperialism and Its Human Nature
  27. American Politics and Imperialism
  28. European Colonialism, Imperialism, and Cultural Superiority
  29. Japanese Imperialism: War and Depression
  30. Identify the Issues Raised by Imperialism in Africa in the 19th Century

❓ Imperialism Essay Questions

  1. What Issues Were Raised by Imperialism in Africa in the 19th Century?
  2. How Important Was the Boer War in Changing Attitudes in Britain to Imperialism?
  3. What Are the Reasons for the European Imperialism in the Late Nineteenth Century?
  4. What Are the Republican and Federalist Roots of American Imperialism?
  5. What Are the Similarities Between Imperialism and Post-Colonialism?
  6. What Is the History Behind Lumumba’s Struggle Against Belgian Imperialism?
  7. How New Imperialism and Western Expansion in Asia and Africa Are Connected?
  8. What Is a Structural Theory of Imperialism?
  9. Does Imperialism Still Exist in the Twenty-First Century?
  10. How Post Napoleonic Europe’s Rise of Imperialism Can Be Explained?
  11. What Are The Economic Factors Contributing to American Imperialism of the 19th Century?
  12. What Effect Did Imperialism Have on the Policies and Governance of America?
  13. What Are the Emergence and Impact of Imperialism in Europe in the Early 20th Century?
  14. Why the Theory of Ancient Economic Imperialism Was So Quickly Forgotten?
  15. What Are the Pros and Cons of Imperialism in the United States of America?
  16. What Were the Beginnings of English Imperialism?
  17. In What Ways Is “The New Imperialism” Really New?
  18. What Are the Economic Aspects of Spanish Imperialism in America in 1492-1810?
  19. Why English Is One of the Instruments of Cultural Imperialism?
  20. What Is the Relationship Between Eastern and Western Imperialism?
  21. What Are the Three Major Factors That Started the American Imperialism?
  22. Were Economic Factors Primarily Responsible for British Imperialism?
  23. What Women Really Want When Women Want Imperialism?
  24. How Did Imperialism Affect Hong Kong’s Globalization?
  25. Was the Mexican War an Exercise in American Imperialism?
  26. Why Was Imperialism Effective Against Other Political Philosophies?
  27. Where Does Imperialism Help the Country to Grow Stronger and Be Better?

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