110 Masculinity Essay Topics

🏆 Best Essay Topics on Masculinity

✍️ Masculinity Essay Topics for College

  1. Masculinity in The Tales of Roland and Lancelot
    Masculinity in The Song of Roland lies in loyalty to chivalric ideals, courage, and service to the ruler. Lancelot’s masculinity lies in fidelity to the lover, courage, etc.
  2. Masculinity in The Great Gatsby and The Breakfast Club
    The paper demonstrates how the American culture depicts masculinity as reflected in media (movies) and American literature in the course readings.
  3. Masculinity and Sexuality in High School by Pascoe
    This paper reviews C. J. Pascoe’s book “Dude, You’re a Fag: Masculinity and Sexuality in High School” and criticizes the book’s major weaknesses.
  4. Willson’s “Fences”: Where Masculinity Is Born
    Masculinity and its finding are shown in Willson’s play “Fences” through overcoming fences, however high they may be.
  5. Femininity and Masculinity in Media and Culture
    It is evident that media and societal biases play a key role in establishing and promoting dehumanizing ideas of masculinity and femininity.
  6. Feminism, Oppression, Masculinity, and Homophobia
    Feminism, a relatively new movement in the history of social, political, and philosophical thought, has found an important place in modern social studies.
  7. The Masculine Role in Advertisement
    This paper seeks to highlight some of the significant masculine role in the advertising industry based on short stories.
  8. Patriarchy and Masculinity in Things Fall Apart by Achebe
    The theme of the novel “Things Fall Apart” by Chinua Achebe is the clash between traditional African society and the innovations brought by British missionaries.
  9. Masculinity in Shakespeare’s “Antony and Cleopatra” Play
    “Antony and Cleopatra” is one of Shakespeare’s most dramatic plays; it is such a hard play to produce due to its enormous variety of content.
  10. Feminine Men: Masculine and Feminine Qualities
    Modern society is faced with a conflict of typical male and female roles. And there is a modern world in which these roles cease to be relevant.
  11. Masculine Stereotypes: The Problem of Studying Stereotypes
    Many people believe that the psychological differences that exist between men and women are directly related to the biological features of the male and female body.
  12. Impact of Hegemonic Masculinity on Life Chances in Australia
    The paper states that hegemonic masculinity is responsible for how society accepts and helps shape the culturally dominant behavior of men.
  13. Masculine Nature in Media
    The paper states that the indoctrination of masculine values begins at a young age, with hardness, stoicism, heteronormativity, and self-sufficiency.
  14. Toxic Masculinity and Gender Equality in the US
    Masculinity has historically been associated with power, leadership, and wealth. Yet, it becomes toxic when it starts to form particular social expectations from men.
  15. Feminine and Masculine Language
    Incorporate workplaces, communication style is incessantly assessed for qualities such as likeability, empathy, caring, credibility, power, and status.
  16. “Female Masculinity” by Judith Halberstam
    The book “Female Masculinity” by Judith Halberstam reveals the philosophical concepts about what does it mean to be a woman and at the same time a man.
  17. Masculinity Crisis and Hegemonic Masculinity
    Masculinity crisis fosters kinds of hegemonic masculinity. Men’s movements in the early 1970s indicated the evident existence of problems within masculinity.
  18. Sexuality: The Matters of Masculinity and Femininity
    The current work is considering the topic of sexuality through historical and cultural factors, and the matters of masculinity and femininity.
  19. Gender Studies: Feminine Men and Masculine Women
    Women have a vital role in society: they bring up children and ensure the comfort and psychological well-being of all the family members.
  20. Symbolism of Masculinity in John Maxwell Coetzee’s “Disgrace”
    The issue of social isolation and ostracism has been explored extensively in literature, yet it shines through especially vividly in Coetzee’s award-winning Disgrace.
  21. Masculinity of King Arthur in Literature
    The paper discusses how King Arthur is described in the Arthurian literature, reviews the attitude to the character of Arthur and the concept of Arthurian literature.
  22. Masculinity in the Film “Saturday Night Fever”
    Male dominance is evident right from the beginning of the cast, and the plot. The film depicts men as smart, strong, and dominant over women.
  23. Masculinity in James Joyce and Ernest Hemingway’ Stories
    This paper looks at the theme of masculinity as portrayed by both male and female characters in four stories by Joyce and Hemingway. The short stories focus on the inner development of characters.

đź‘Ť Good Masculinity Research Topics & Essay Examples

  1. Defining Masculinity and Femininity: The Yin and Yang of Gender
  2. Advertising and the Construction of Violent White Masculinity: Gender Differences in Advertising
  3. Hegemonic Masculinity and Its Influence on Young Male Growth
  4. Gender Masculinity and Its Effect on Women
  5. How Manhood and Masculinity Have Been Shaped by Stereotypical Representation in Advertising
  6. Distinct Hegemonic Masculinity Behaviors Between Heterosexual and Gay Men
  7. College Male Masculinity and Its Effects on Likeliness to Intervene Sexual Assault
  8. Girly Men: The Media’s Attack on Masculinity
  9. African-American and African Cultural Beliefs on Masculinity
  10. Masculinity and Femininity: Essential to the Identity of the Human Person
  11. How Boys Develop Masculinity Through Sports
  12. Masculinity and Internalized Homophobia in Films
  13. Oppression and Depression: The Effects of White Masculinity
  14. Challenging the Masculinity Index: The End of a Cross-Cultural Myth
  15. Japanese Fathers’ Masculinity and Power in Japan
  16. Greek Heroes and Changes in Feminism and Masculinity
  17. Socrates and the Ideal Athenian Masculinity
  18. Femininity and Masculinity During the Rise of Feminism
  19. Black Masculinity Through the Media
  20. Masculinity and Femininity: Do Sex, Race, and Social Class Matter?
  21. Automotive Advertising and Masculinity
  22. Gender Roles and Issues Regarding Feminisms and Masculinity
  23. Masculinity, Patriarchy, and Contemporary Women
  24. Homosociality and the Maintenance of Hegemonic Masculinity
  25. Crime, Violence, and Masculinity

đź’ˇ Simple Masculinity Essay Ideas

  1. Advertising Dictates Our Perception of Masculinity and Femininity
  2. Ernest Hemingway’s Failed Masculinity
  3. Men’s Angst With Society’s Perception of Masculinity
  4. Gender Differences Between Masculinity and Femininity
  5. Chinese Connection: Reconstructing Masculinity Through Adversity
  6. Sovereign Masculinity: Gender Lessons From the War on Terror
  7. Heterosexual Masculinity and Homophobia
  8. Japan, Alcoholism, and Masculinity: Suffering and Sobriety in Daily Life
  9. Correlation Between Masculinity and Empathy
  10. Making Masculinity and Framing Femininity
  11. Police Crime Fighting Image and the Celebration of Masculinity
  12. Men, Masculinity, and the Rape Culture
  13. Geek Masculinity and Its Effects on Society
  14. How Female Masculinity Empowers Women in Society
  15. Masculinity and Evolutionary Psychology
  16. Black Masculinity and the Hip-Hop Culture
  17. Psychoanalytic Theory and the Crisis of Masculinity
  18. Gender Roles and Socialization of Hyper Masculinity
  19. Masculinity and Interaction With Women
  20. Changing the Meaning of Masculinity
  21. Modern Masculinity and Its Impact on Modern Society
  22. Connection Between Domestic Violence and Society’s Definition of Masculinity
  23. Hegemonic Femininity and Masculinity: What Makes a Perfect Man
  24. Psychological Correlation Between Masculinity and Empathy
  25. Masculinity: Gender and Violence

âť“ Questions About Masculinity

Out of ideas? Check our online toolkit:
  1. What Is Meant by the Cultural Values of Individualism and Masculinity?
  2. Is Masculinity a Biological Distinction?
  3. How Does Masculinity Affect Society?
  4. What Are Contemporary Norms Associated With Masculinity?
  5. How Is the Theme of Masculinity Depicted in Literature?
  6. Is There a Concept of Female Masculinity?
  7. What Can Be Done to Support Men in Rethinking and Fighting More Harmful Masculinity Codes?
  8. How Does Advertising Manipulate Viewers Through Masculinity?
  9. Are There Unique Qualities of Masculinity?
  10. How to Define Toxic Masculinity?
  11. What Factors Get in the Way of Expressing Positive Masculinity?
  12. What Manifestations of Masculinity Does Society Encourage?
  13. What Is the Social Organization of Masculinity?
  14. What Activity Is Associated With Being Masculine?
  15. Why Is Toxic Masculinity So Deeply Rooted in Society?
  16. What Is Conscious Masculinity?
  17. How Do Children Develop a Sense of What Is Considered Masculine?
  18. What Are African Cultural Beliefs About Masculinity?
  19. Are Violence and Masculinity Related?
  20. What Attributes Are Traditionally Associated With Masculinity?
  21. What Defines Masculinity?
  22. How Popular Is Masculinity in Mainstream Cinema?
  23. How Do Standards of Masculinity Differ Across Cultures and Historical Periods?
  24. Do Women Have Traditionally Masculine Traits?
  25. What Are Theories of Masculinity?
  26. Does Patriarchal Masculinity Cripple Men?
  27. Does a Country With Low Levels of Masculinity Have a Finer Differentiation Between Gender Roles?
  28. How Has the Definition of Masculinity Changed Over Time?
  29. What Is the Concept of Dominant Masculinity?
  30. Why Is Masculinity the Subject of So Much Debate?

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StudyCorgi. 2022. "110 Masculinity Essay Topics." December 30, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/masculinity-essay-topics/.

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