112 Pride and Prejudice Essay Topics

🏆 Best Essay Topics on Pride and Prejudice

🌶️ Hot Pride and Prejudice Essay Topics

  1. Pride & Prejudice and Emma: Compare & Contrast
    This paper will analyze the nature of the father-daughter relationships found in Jane Austen’s novels Pride and Prejudice and Emma.
  2. Pride and Prejudice: Personal Integrity as the Driving Force
    The paper states that from the beginning of “Pride and Prejudice” by Jane Austen, it is obvious that Elizabeth Bennet is a person with a high standard of integrity.
  3. Love in Austen’s “Pride and Prejudice” and Fitzgerald’s “The Great Gatsby”
    The main characters of both modern and traditional works, “Pride and Prejudice” and “The Great Gatsby,” openly say that a human cannot hide her feelings.
  4. Pride and Prejudice (2005): Movie Analysis
    The character of the move that has been chosen for this analysis of personality is Keira Knightley’s character of Elizabeth Bennet directed by Joe Wright.
  5. Theme of Marriage in Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen
    “Pride and Prejudice” by Jane Austen is the most famous novel and it may be considered as a classic of English literature.
  6. Narrative Style of Austen’s Pride and Prejudice and Mansfield-Park
    This paper will examine two novels, Pride and Prejudice and Mansfield Park, and compare their narrative styles.
  7. The Role of Women in Pride and Prejudice
    “Pride and Prejudice” by Jane Austen: Community that treats both partners with equal dignity prospers in various aspects of developments.
  8. Letters in “Pride and Prejudice” by Jane Austen
    In the novel “Pride and Prejudice” by Jane Austen, many of the letters by the characters play a vital role in the development of the storyline and themes of the novel.
  9. Analysis of “Pride and Prejudice” Main Character
    The main character of the “Pride and Prejudice”, Elizabeth Bennet, is one of the most famous female characters in world literature.
  10. An Analysis of ”Robinson Crusoe” and ”Pride and Prejudice”
    The key difference between Robinson Crusoe and Pride and Prejudice is that the latter makes women the main characters of the story.
  11. Historical Context of Pride and Prejudice: Research Paper
    The novel Pride and Prejudice written by Jane Austen is considered to be significant contribution to the world of literature made in 1813.
  12. “Pride and Prejudice” a Novel by Jane Austen
    Jane Austen demonstrates that previous judgment and prejudice can be wrong and harsh; as the result of a long way of reflection, due to the various events in the lives of heroes.
  13. Lydia in Pride and Prejudice: Character Analysis
    The novel “Pride and Prejudice” by Jane Austen is considered to be a masterpiece of classical literature that has gone a long way due to the vivid presentation of the conflicts and interaction of the characters.
  14. Function of Letters in Austen’s Pride and Prejudice
    Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice relies on an imagined enjoyable spot for ladies to gather and chat, even though the book was written during difficult times in England.
  15. “Pride and Prejudice”: Chapter 60
    In the chapter 60 of Austen’s Pride and Prejudice, the narrative dwells on the reflections about Lizzy and Mr. Darcy’s upcoming marriage, relationship, and stance on love and class.
  16. Functions of Letters in Austen’s “Pride and Prejudice”
    Jane Austen is one of the renowned novelists from England. She is majorly known for focusing on women’s positions in marriage.
  17. Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice
    Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice is portraying the relationships between the four daughters of the Bennet family and their neighbors.
  18. “Pride and Prejudice” as Austen’s Book’s Title
    The title affects the perception of the book, and the themes of pride and prejudice develop the plot. The paper analyzes Austen’s “Pride and Prejudice” as a book’s title.
  19. Reinforcement of Sexist Stereotypes in Austen’s “Pride and Prejudice”
    The novel “Pride and Prejudice” describes the love story of a young lady Elizabeth Bennett and an aristocrat Mr. Darcy, developing in the complex context of the English society.
  20. Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen
    To help in her writing, Jane Austen used personal experiences of the happenings during that era as the story describes the middle-class life in England.
  21. Issue of Morality in “First Impressions” (“Pride and Prejudice”)
    The title “Pride and Prejudice” suits Jane Austen’s novel much better than the original one – “First Impressions”, “First Impressions” would partly reveal the actual plot.
  22. Marriage in Pride & Prejudice: Research Paper
    The paper provides several angles to look at the subject of marriage, deals with the institution of marriage as dealt with in the book by Jane Austen, The Pride and Prejudice.
  23. Pride and Prejudice: Book Review
    To understand “Pride and Prejudice”, it is important to understand the conditions of the eighteenth century, to realize the impact of social pressure on the representatives of that society.
  24. Social Life in Canterbury Tales vs. Pride & Prejudice: Compare & Contrast Essay
    This paper compares Chaucer and Jane Austen with a focus on their views of social life in their respective periods, particularly about the institution of marriage.
  25. “Sense and Sensibility” and “Pride and Prejudice” Films
    The creation, development, and effects of “Sense and Sensibility” and “Pride and Prejudice” on people are impressive. Both are strong examples of visualization of Austen’s work.

🎓 Most Interesting Pride and Prejudice Research Titles

  1. Christian Morals, Marriage, and Courtship in “Pride and Prejudice”
  2. Attitudes Towards Marriage Presented in “Pride and Prejudice”
  3. How Benjamin Franklin and Jane Austen Define Virtue in “The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin” and “Pride and Prejudice”
  4. Different Values Towards Marriage in “Pride and Prejudice”: Elizabeth, Charlotte, Lydia
  5. Intertextual Relations Between “Pride and Prejudice” and “Bridget Jones’s Diary”
  6. Characters Caricatures: The Power of Laughter in “Pride and Prejudice”
  7. Austen’s “Pride and Prejudice”: Elizabeth’s Change of Heart Toward Darcy
  8. How Contrasting Places Contribute to Theme in Jane Austen’s “Pride and Prejudice”
  9. Elizabeth Bennett’s Superiority in the Novel “Pride and Prejudice”
  10. Characters Who Practiced Self-Control in “Pride and Prejudice” by Jane Austen
  11. Jane Austen’s Presentation of the Theme of Love and Marriage in “Pride and Prejudice”
  12. Class and Gender Representations in “Pride and Prejudice”
  13. Light and Shade Marriages Mirrored in “Sense and Sensibility” and “Pride and Prejudice”
  14. How Wealth and Class Contributes to “Pride and Prejudice” by Jane Austen
  15. Does Jane Austen’s “Pride and Prejudice” Follow the Conventions of a Romantic Novel?
  16. “Great Expectations” and “Pride and Prejudice”: Portrayal of Social Classes’ Structure and the Role of Money
  17. Comparing and Contrasting the Two Marriage Proposals in the Novel “Pride and Prejudice”
  18. Jane Austen’s “Pride and Prejudice,” Thomas Hardy’s “Tess of the d’Urbervilles” and the Importance of Social Status
  19. Heroes, War, and Rebellion in “Pride and Prejudice” by Jane Austen and “Red Badge of Courage” by Stephen Crane
  20. Elizabeth Bennet and Fitzwilliam Darcy’s Prejudice Throughout Their Relationship in Jane Austen’s “Pride and Prejudice”
  21. Comical and Satirized Characters in “Pride and Prejudice” and “Sense and Sensibility”
  22. Finding Contrast Between “Pride and Prejudice” vs. “Pride and Prejudice and Zombies”
  23. Jane Austen’s Socially Unconventional Female Characters in “Emma”, “Pride and Prejudice” and “Sense and Sensibility”
  24. Elizabeth Bennet and the Perfect Man: “Pride and Prejudice”
  25. Comparing the Country Estate in “Pride and Prejudice” and “Mansfield Park”

💡 Simple Pride and Prejudice Essay Ideas

  1. Austen’s “Pride and Prejudice”: The Subversion of Victorian Stereotypes
  2. Exploring the Major Weaknesses of the Novel “Pride and Prejudice”
  3. Character Foil Between Darcy and Wickham in the Novel “Pride and Prejudice”
  4. Jane Austen’s Novel “Pride and Prejudice”: Five Married Couples
  5. How Society Viewed Love and Marriage in “Pride and Prejudice” by Jane Austen
  6. Irony, Values, and Realism in “Pride and Prejudice”
  7. Feminism, Contemporary Women, and the Female Protagonists of “Pride and Prejudice”, “The Scarlet Letter,” and “Madame Bovary”
  8. English Social Class Hierarchy in “Pride and Prejudice” by Jane Austen
  9. Misconceptions: “Pride and Prejudice” and Elizabeth’s Imperfections
  10. Love and Respect Over Money and Status in “Pride and Prejudice”
  11. Differing Types and Consequences of Marriage in “Pride and Prejudice”
  12. Class, Money, Pride, and Happiness in “Pride and Prejudice”
  13. Marriage: Honorable Provisions for Young Women in “Pride and Prejudice”
  14. Jacques Derrida’s Philosophical Method of Deconstruction Applied to “Pride and Prejudice”
  15. Elizabeth Bennet’s Arrogance and Preconception in Jane Austen’s Book “Pride and Prejudice”
  16. Gender Roles for Women in “Pride and Prejudice”
  17. Jane Austen and Women’s Roles in 18th Century England: “Pride and Prejudice”
  18. Gossip, Limited Omniscience, and Ambiguity in “Pride and Prejudice” by Jane Austen
  19. Comparing and Contrasting Features of Marriages Presented in “Pride and Prejudice”
  20. Love, Compromise, and Conflict in “Pride and Prejudice” by Jane Austen
  21. Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice: The Journey of Self-Recovery
  22. Marriage and the Marriage Market in the Early 19th Century in “Pride and Prejudice”
  23. “Pride and Prejudice” and “The Edible Woman”: Negative Effects of the Society’s Influence
  24. Elizabeth Bennet’s Revolutionary Character in “Pride and Prejudice”
  25. Confidantes, Marriage, and Friendship in “Pride and Prejudice”

❓ Essay Questions on Pride and Prejudice

Out of ideas? Check our online toolkit:
  1. What Is the Significance of Netherfield in “Pride and Prejudice”?
  2. At What Age Did Jane Austen Write “Pride and Prejudice”?
  3. Why Is Elizabeth Embarrassed by Her Family at the Ball in “Pride and Prejudice”?
  4. What Conflicts Are Revealed in “Pride and Prejudice”?
  5. How Does “Pride and Prejudice” Relate to Feminist Literature?
  6. What Are Some Symbols in “Pride and Prejudice”?
  7. How Does Jane Austen Reveal Character in “Pride and Prejudice”?
  8. What Is the Primary Purpose of “Pride and Prejudice”?
  9. How Essential Is the Setting in “Pride and Prejudice”?
  10. Is “Pride and Prejudice” Historical Fiction?
  11. How Is Jane’s Matrimonial Hope Dwindled in “Pride and Prejudice”?
  12. What Is the Working Title of “Pride and Prejudice”?
  13. How Are Mothers Represented in “Pride and Prejudice”?
  14. How Is Marriage Depicted in “Pride and Prejudice”?
  15. How Are Elizabeth’s Wit and Intelligence First Made Clear in “Pride and Prejudice”?
  16. Are Elizabeth’s Feelings of Love for Mr. Darcy Realistic in “Pride and Prejudice”?
  17. Does Jane Austen Criticize Marriage in “Pride and Prejudice”?
  18. What Universal Themes in “Pride and Prejudice” Resonate Today?
  19. What Does Darcy Say About Elizabeth at the Ball in “Pride and Prejudice”?
  20. How Does Jane Admire Mr. Bingley in “Pride and Prejudice”?
  21. How Do Mr. Bingley and Darcy React to the Assembly in “Pride and Prejudice”?
  22. How Is Darcy’s Attitude Towards Elizabeth Changed in “Pride and Prejudice”?
  23. Who Is Kitty in “Pride and Prejudice”?
  24. Why Do Elizabeth and Jane Stay at Netherfield Park in “Pride and Prejudice”?
  25. What Type of Lady Is Mrs. Bennet in “Pride and Prejudice”?
  26. How Does Mr. Collins Want to Get Reconciled With Me Bennet in “Pride and Prejudice”?
  27. Did Jane Austen Write “Pride and Prejudice” About Herself?
  28. What Charges Does Wickham Bring Against Mr. Darcy in “Pride and Prejudice”?
  29. What Does “Pride and Prejudice” Teach Us About Society?
  30. Why Is Mrs. Bennet Annoyed With Elizabeth in “Pride and Prejudice”?

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1. StudyCorgi. "112 Pride and Prejudice Essay Topics." October 26, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/pride-and-prejudice-essay-topics/.


StudyCorgi. "112 Pride and Prejudice Essay Topics." October 26, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/pride-and-prejudice-essay-topics/.


StudyCorgi. 2022. "112 Pride and Prejudice Essay Topics." October 26, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/pride-and-prejudice-essay-topics/.

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