76 Procurement Essay Topics

🏆 Best Essay Topics on Procurement

🌶️ Hot Procurement Essay Topics

  1. McDonald’s Procurement Risk and Contract Management
    A competitive advantage in the context of procurement by McDonald’s refers to its ability to offer customers quality goods or products with more value relative to competitors.
  2. Canada’s Shipbuilding Procurement Strategy: Evaluation and Future Outlook
    The National Shipbuilding Procurement Strategy is a long-term project that was developed to renew Canada’s federal fleet, specifically the Royal Canadian Navy.
  3. The Strategic Procurement Sourcing
    Sourcing strategies in procurement involve connecting data collection, market research, spending analysis, contracting, and negotiation.
  4. Engineering, Procurement and Construction Strategy
    Saudi Arabia boasts one of the largest oil and gas reserves in the world. The resource is characterized by high price fluctuations that impact the government’s budget.
  5. Public Procurement Law: Case Analysis
    This case study analysis will consider two various scenarios. These scenarios concern Bill, Peradua and the Trust.
  6. Wonderful Widget: Procurement Outsourcing Strategies
    The paper indulges on various approaches that Wonderful Widget Company can use in the manufacturing stage and recommends the appropriate strategy for the firm.
  7. Procurement Management: Selecting Your Wedding Photographer
    This paper will provide a briefing of the factors that should be taken care of in the process of soliciting, selecting, negotiating with, and launching the wedding photographer.
  8. The Analysis of Procurement Methods
    It is of crucial importance to identify the major criteria for creating the customer`s profile and organizing delivery.
  9. Commercial and Procurement: Project Management
    Project management refers to the process of selection and co-ordination of the resources necessary for the procurement and development of a project right from its inception to completion.
  10. Procurement Management and Choice of Suppliers
    Procurement management and choice of suppliers influence profitability because they allow organizations to build customer value by offering customers a wider range of channels.
  11. Finnforest Corporation: Implementation of E-Procurement in Business
    The wave of IT revaluation has shaped our business community to replace traditional procurement with e-procurement.
  12. Employees Training: In-Depth Explanation of the Procurement Plan
    The goal of the outlined project is to choose and install an appropriate application for managing tasks and train the employees to use it efficiently in their daily work.
  13. Strategic Purchasing and Supply Chain Management: Key Insights
    The paper is aimed to identify the relevance and the influence of green procurement on supply chain management among British small and medium-sized enterprises.
  14. How Procurement Optimization Adds Value to Organizations
    The field of purchasing career has attracted the attention of many researchers over the past several decades. Procurement has become one of the most important areas of management.
  15. Effective Procurement Activities’ Added Value
    Procurement is an essential part of business activities because there are many benefits that are accrued from the process. However, there are various drawbacks associated with procurement.
  16. Procurement Management in Car Manufacturers
    For any project to be implemented, resources are needed. These can be either services or materials required to accomplish the project.
  17. Project Risk and Procurement Management
    This report analyses the risk management strategy and processes for achieving organisational goals in the contexts of procurement and complex projects.
  18. Company X Redesigns Information Management for Global Success
    To be represented in the global market and attain impressive success, a company needs to make sure that the quality of its services is top-notch.
  19. Corel vs. Department: Procurement Fairness & Discrimination Issues
    In 1998, a number of discussions took place between the Corel and the Department on the basis of the procurement of an enterprise license for an office automation suite.

đź‘Ť Good Procurement Research Topics & Essay Examples

  1. The Influence of Procurement Methods on Dispute Resolution Mechanism Choice in Construction
  2. Preventing Corruption in Public Procurement
  3. Evaluating Food Commodity Procurement Strategies
  4. Discriminatory Public Procurement, Economic Integration and the Role of Bureaucracy
  5. Advanced Procurement, Contract Management, and Effective Negotiation
  6. Global Procurement: The Risks and Benefits to the Supply Chain
  7. What Are the Different Procurement Methods in Construction?
  8. Capacity-Driven vs. Demand-Driven Material Procurement Systems
  9. Demand-Pull and Environmental Innovations: Estimating the Effects of Innovative Public Procurement
  10. Flexible Strategies for Centralized Public Procurement
  11. Adverse Selection and Renegotiation in Procurement
  12. Factors Affecting the Selection of Optimal Suppliers in Procurement Management
  13. Collusive Market Sharing and Corruption in Procurement
  14. Defense Procurement Fraud, Penalties, and Contractor Influence
  15. Multi-Contract Tendering and Package Bidding in Procurement
  16. Difference Between Design & Build and Traditional Procurement
  17. China’s Government Procurement and Indigenous Innovation
  18. Assessing Vulnerabilities to Corruption in Public Procurement and Their Price Impact
  19. Competition Policy and Public Procurement in Developing Countries
  20. Buying Social Justice: Equality, Government Procurement, & Legal Change
  21. Contract Renewal and Incentives in Public Procurement
  22. Procurement Process Flow and How to Optimize
  23. Corruption and Collusion: Strategic Complements in Procurement
  24. Affirmative Action With the Realms of Procurement and Contracting
  25. Decentralization and Public Procurement Performance

🎓 Most Interesting Procurement Research Titles

  1. Albania Country Procurement and Contract Implementation
  2. Comparing Public Infrastructure Procurement Models
  3. What Is Procurement? Types, Processes, and Technology
  4. Flexible Procurement Contracts for Competing Retailers
  5. Capital Budgeting and Procurement Practices
  6. Fractional Institutional Endeavors and E-procurement in Local Government
  7. Different Procurement Methods: Pros and Cons
  8. Expiring Budgets and Wasteful Year-End Spending in Federal Procurement
  9. Bundled Procurement for Technology Acquisition and Future Competition
  10. Defense Procurement: Theory and UK Policy
  11. Exponential and Power Laws in Public Procurement Markets
  12. Competition and Cost Overruns in Procurement
  13. American Food and Grains: Commodity and Ingredient Procurement
  14. E-Procurement and Human Moments, and Its Impact on Smaller Industrial Distributors
  15. Discriminatory Procurement Policy With Cash Limits
  16. Bid Roundness Under Collusion in Japanese Procurement Auctions
  17. Corruption in Public Procurement: Causes, Consequences, and Cures
  18. Design and Build Procurement Route Changes
  19. Are Discriminatory Procurement Policies Motivated by Protectionism?
  20. Competitive Investing Equilibrium Under a Procurement Mechanism
  21. Bureaucratic Competence and Procurement Outcomes
  22. Differences Among Corporate, Institutional, and Government Procurement
  23. Ethics and Social Responsibility in Procurement
  24. Centralized vs. Decentralized Procurement: Does Dispersed Information Call for Decentralized Decision-Making?
  25. Driving Value Through Procurement and Supply

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StudyCorgi. "76 Procurement Essay Topics." May 7, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/procurement-essay-topics/.


StudyCorgi. 2023. "76 Procurement Essay Topics." May 7, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/procurement-essay-topics/.

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