72 Satire Essay Topics

🏆 Best Essay Topics on Satire

💡 Simple Satire Essay Titles

  1. Satire in the Essay on Criticism by Alexander Pope
    Alexander Pope is considered one of the greatest English poets and an outstanding poet of the early 18th century. He is best known for his satirical and discursive poems.
  2. Satire of Exclusion and Genocide
    The author of A Modest Proposal and Gulliver’s Travels was Jonathan Swift, who wrote these books when England was losing its power and influence in the world.
  3. Bildungsroman Novel: Satire in Voltaire’s “Candide”
    Candide (1759), was written by illustrious/prolific French Enlightenment writer, essayist, and philosopher Francois-Marie Arouet better known as Voltaire.
  4. Satire in “Lanval, The Wife of Bath’s Tale” and “The Wedding of Sir Gawain and Dame Ragnel”
    “Lanval, TheWife of Bath’s Tale,” and “The Wedding of Sir Gawain and Dame Ragnel” have much in common in the plots and the ideas they suggest.
  5. Voltaire’s Use of Satire in ‘Candide’
    The purpose of Voltaire’s Candide was to “bring amusement to a small number of men of wit”. Voltaire’s biographer describes Candide as “short, light, rapid and humorous”.
  6. The Use of Satire as Education by Pope and Swift
    Both authors, Pope and Swift, incorporate satire to highlight their important messages through cool savagery, wit, brilliant damaging rhymes and metaphors.
  7. Francois Voltaire’s “Candide, or Optimism”: Analysis of Satire
    Candide or Optimism – a book which, met with a scandal immediately after publication, has enjoyed great popularity for centuries due to the burning problems discussed in it.
  8. Jonathan Swift’s Hidden Satire in Gulliver’s Travels
    The paper examines the satirical undertones that characterise Gulliver’s Travels and compares the fictional cultures with the society at which Swift directs his acerbic wit.
  9. The Victorian Age Through the Prism of Satire
    “The Importance of Being Earnest” belongs to Oscar Wilde’s high-society comedies, which brings to the stage a satirical mockery of the mores of his contemporary bourgeois.
  10. Satire in “The Apprenticeship of Duddy Kravitz”
    In Mordecai Richler’s novel “The Apprenticeship of Duddy Kravitz”, satirical techniques were used to condemn the protagonist’s actions and their causes.
  11. Social Satire in Canterbury Tales
    Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales were strongly affected by his position in society and ongoing state of events. The Catholic Church still was one of the strongest social and political powers in Europe.
  12. Satire Usage in Film as a Tool for Social Change
    Satire is a corrective form of humor but it can take different forms. The five films analyzed in this essay are all satires but belong in various sub-categories.
  13. Chaucer’s Satire in The Canterbury Tales Essay
    One of the foundational principles of the courtly tradition was a conception of women. According to this view, women were considered extremely delicate and require a great deal of protection.
  14. Cold War Comedy: Kubrick & Jewison’s Nuclear Satire
    Stanley Kubrick in his movie Dr. Strangelove and Norman Jewison in his movie The Russians Are Coming used comedy genre for expressing their criticism of the nuclear strategies.
  15. Satire in Francisco de Goya’s and Banksy Works
    The Family of Charles IV, painted by Francisco de Goya and Flag by Banksy were chosen to demonstrate the use of satire in the visual arts through time.
  16. Satire About Society in “Rape of the Lock” by Alexander Pope
    “Rape of the Lock” is Alexander Pope’s mock-heroic narrative poem written in 1717. In it, the author describes the life of aristocrats in London in the 18th century.
  17. Social Satire and Pilgrimage in Geoffrey Chaucer’s ‘The Canterbury Tales’
    Geoffrey Chaucer uses Canterbury Tales to describe different professionals. Skipper is one of the many characters who narrate their tales as the pilgrimage journey progresses.
  18. Discussion of Satire in “The Boys” TV Show
    The satire that is going to be analyzed and discussed is from the TV show “The Boys” where superheroes indeed exist, but they behave more like celebrities than classic heroes.
  19. Anti-Capitalist Satire in “American Psycho” and “A Modest Proposal”
    The obvious parallel in the mentioned works is the anti-capitalistic message presented through satire. Both works are similar in revealing the vicious nature of the wealthy stratum.
  20. Difficulty of Satire Overview
    Not all satire is humorous, and confident readers may not initially understand the purpose of the text and its honesty.
  21. Political Satire and Stephen Colbert
    Political satire is the field where the concrete remarks and actions of politics are analyzed by means of humor.
  22. Satire in Martk Twain’s Huckleberry Finn
    Satire is one of the tools used by Mark Twain to unveil social issues and changing values, new social relations and self-understand of the main characters.
  23. Satirical Insights: Saunders, Swift, Rothman & Wallace
    Satire is both a genre and a literary device that holds human nature up to criticism and scorn. In literature, writers use irony, humor, and exaggeration to create successful satire.
  24. Benjamin Franklin: Political Satire and Literary Criticism
    The paper focuses on the role of Franklin in the development of political theory, especially his elaborate use of satire in advancing political activism.

👍 Good Satire Research Topics & Essay Examples

  1. Pointing Out the Evils in Society Through Mark Twain’s Satire
  2. Humor Works in Funny Ways: Examining Satirical Tone as a Key
  3. Determinant in Political Humor Message Processing Determinant in Political Humor Message Processing
  4. Satire in the Age of Enlightenment
  5. How Does the Use of Satire Help to Define Shakespeare’s Tragedies?
  6. The Use of Satire as a Social Criticism in the Works of Swift and Voltaire
  7. Aristophanes’ and Cervantes’ Uses of Satire
  8. The Politics and Aesthetics of Satire in Will Self’s Works
  9. How Fake News Use Satire as a Medium to Address Issues on Racism
  10. Satire in Swift and Voltaire: Towards a Humanist Dialectic
  11. Chaucer’s Use of Satire Towards the Corruptness of the Medieval Church
  12. Broadening Humor: Comic Styles Differentially Tap into Temperament, Character, and Ability
  13. The Differential Impact of News Versus Satire Exposure on Net Neutrality Knowledge Gain
  14. More, Pope, Swift: The Use of English Satire Within the Intellectual Historical Narrative
  15. Satire in the Middle Byzantine Period: The Golden Age of Laughter?
  16. Political Satire: The Humor of Washington on Television
  17. The Ideas of the Satire in the 18th Century: A New Function in the Ideology of the Enlightenment
  18. Political Satire and Its Influence on Youth Political Perception
  19. Roman Satire and Its Effect on Literary Devices
  20. Eighteenth-Century Literary Satire in the Works of Daniel Defoe and Jonathan Swift
  21. The Effects of Satire: Exploring Its Impact on Political Candidate Evaluation

🎓 Most Interesting Satire Research Titles

  1. English Satire: The Great Works of 18th Century
  2. Analyzing the Means and Significance of Satire
  3. What Is Satire? How to Use Satire in Literature, Pop Culture, and Politics
  4. Humor and Satire in Children and Adolescents’ Cartoons
  5. Humor and Satire on Contemporary Television
  6. The Fundamental Function Of Satire
  7. How Swift’s Satire Didn’t Change the World
  8. Isolation and the Individual in Satire
  9. The Religious Satire of Erasmus and Voltaire
  10. Satire: The Enlightenment to Postmodernism
  11. Persona and Satire: John Betjeman and William Blake
  12. A Powerful Satire: How The Tortilla Curtain Effectively Exposes Hypocrisy and Racism in Our Society
  13. Satire News and Its Effect on Our Nation
  14. Mark Twain’s Humorous Satire in Running for Governor
  15. Sustaining Attention to Any Specific Political Issue: Satire of Political Cartoons
  16. Irony, Satire, Symbols, and Symbolism in Voltaire’s “Candide”
  17. Satire, Swift and the Deconstruction of the Public Intellectual
  18. Satire and Outrage: Parallel Functions and Impact
  19. Seeing Satire in the Eighteenth Century
  20. The Distinction Between Horatian and Juvenalian Modes of Satire

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