109 Vietnam War Essay Topics

🏆 Best Essay Topics on Vietnam War

🎓 Interesting Vietnam War Essay Topics

  1. The Vietnam War: The “Hue 1968” Book by Mark Bowden
    The book “Hue 1968” by Mark Bowden narrates about the Vietnam War. The Vietnam War holds a special place in American history and is significant on a global scale.
  2. Veterans After the Vietnam War
    The Vietnam War was one of the most important events in the 20th century, which made a considerable impact on the United States and its society.
  3. The United States’ Loss in the Vietnam War
    The Vietnamese War escalated in 1969 after Kissinger and Nixon agreed on a strategic decision. The essay will look into the reasons why the United States lost the Vietnam War.
  4. America’s Vietnam War and Its French Connection
    The Vietnam war is probably one of the most infamous military conflicts that the United States took part in in the second half of the 20th century.
  5. Oliver Stone’s Interpretation of the Vietnam War
    The paper discusses whether the use of a film could be studied as an effective medium for detailing the facts of historical events.
  6. Effects of the Vietnam War
    The Vietnam War had adverse effects, and bred protests in Vietnam and back in America as antiwar organizations advocated against the war.
  7. Ideology Warfare Before and After Vietnam War
    The Vietnam War from 1955 to 1975 can be classified as ideology warfare, with communist forces supporting North Vietnam and anti-communist coalitions supporting South Vietnam.
  8. The Vietnam War Reasons from Primary Sources
    Some of the infamous takeaways from the Vietnam War were the guerilla tactics employed by the Vietnamese fighters, the Truman Doctrine, and the rise of the US pacifist movement.
  9. Why Vietnam War Was Unpopular: Media Coverage and Antiwar Movement
    This essay will examine the reasons media coverage and the antiwar movement made the Vietnam War unpopular and argue the opposite opinion.
  10. The Vietnam War From 1955 to 1975
    The current essay discusses why President Johnson got the United States so profoundly into Vietnam and suggests what could have he done to avoid the escalation.
  11. The Vietnam War and the United States Involvement
    Shortly after World War II ended, the United States of America was involved in a divisive conflict, the Vietnam War, which lasted for two decades.
  12. American Experience of the Vietnam War
    The Vietnam War is one of the most confusing and complicated wars in the history of humanity. It is significant for the United States as it has influenced its population.
  13. Chain of Command in Vietnam War
    The 6 levels of the chain of command in connection to the limited war ideology in Vietnam will be examined including soldiers, division commanders, and up to the President.
  14. Vietnam War and Iraq War: US Involvement in the War
    Vietnam and Iraq were both wars of choice and involved deceit and misrepresentation by the U.S. government. There are many similarities between Iraq and the Vietnam War.
  15. Vietnam War – American Experience Since 1945
    The Vietnam War was the longest and most unpopular war that the United States ever took part in. there was great loss of life and major financial repercussions.
  16. The Vietnam War and the Cold War
    The Vietnam War and the Cold War were escalated by the assumption that the communist movement would spread out to other Asian states in the south east region.
  17. Reassessing the Vietnam War & Israel-Palestine Conflict
    Military conflicts are difficult to approach from an objective standpoint. Often being emotionally dueled in addition to the political agenda by which they are supported.
  18. The Vietnam War: Interplay Between National Security and Media Freedom
    This paper explains how national security collided with Press Media on societal issues. It reflects on events that took place during the Vietnam War.
  19. The Role of the Central Intelligence Agency During the Vietnam War: An Analysis
    A military confrontation between North and South Vietnam in the 20th century took place for almost 20 years. They were receiving substantial support from two superpowers.
  20. Vietnam War: Cold War Era Conflict (1954-1975)
    Vietnam War was a cold war era military conflict which had started in Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia from 1st November 1954 to 30th April 1975.
  21. 1960s Legends: Vietnam War, Berlin Wall, and Apollo 11
    The 1960s can be defined as an era characterized with a number of hallmark activities, legendary personalities, and signs particularly in the history of United States.
  22. Vietnam War: A Grim Reminder of Human Cruelty
    There were several key points in the Vietnam War that have decided its course and the way people thought about the events taking place.

đź‘Ť Good Vietnam War Research Topics & Essay Examples

  1. Advancing the Peace Movement: Music During the Vietnam War
  2. S. Involvement in the Vietnam War and the Creation of Myths
  3. American Leaders and the Vietnam War: Lessons We Should Learn
  4. Post-traumatic Stress Disorder in U.S. Vietnam War Soldiers
  5. Bombs Away: Different Reactions to the Vietnam War in “Across the Universe”
  6. African Americans During the Vietnam War
  7. Difficulties Associated with Fighting the Vietnam War
  8. Technological Differences Between the Vietnam War and the Gulf War
  9. Censorship Policies During the Vietnam War
  10. Agent Orange and Napalm in the Vietnam War
  11. Facts about the Vietnam War as One of the Most Unique Wars Ever Fought by the United States
  12. Chemical Weapons During the Vietnam War
  13. Reasons for the Rise of the Anti-Vietnam War Movement in the USA
  14. The Working Class’s Loss of Faith in the American Government During the Vietnam War
  15. Paternity Deferments and the Timing of Births: U.S. Natality During the Vietnam War
  16. Martin Luther King’s Voice Against the Vietnam War
  17. Cultural and Political Views of the Vietnam War
  18. Recruitment and the Draft During the Vietnam War
  19. Aviation’s Impact Upon the U.S. Military and Economy During the Vietnam War
  20. Ethical Journalism During the Vietnam War
  21. Conditions That Influenced Sino-Soviet Involvement in the Vietnam War
  22. Secret Economics: The Economic Impact of the Vietnam War
  23. American Foreign Policy After the Vietnam War
  24. How the Vietnam War Changed the Nature of Conflict in the World
  25. Anti-war Movement During the Vietnam War

đź’ˇ Simple Vietnam War Essay Ideas

  1. Factors That Make the Vietnam War Unique
  2. American Politics During the Vietnam War
  3. Lyndon Baines Johnson’s Presidency and the Vietnam War
  4. Before, During, and After the Vietnam War
  5. Endurance and Change: The Vietnam War
  6. Vietnam War and Its Effects on Society During the 1960s
  7. America’s Strengths and Weaknesses Highlighted During the Vietnam War
  8. Police Brutality During the Vietnam War
  9. Cambodia: Vietnam War and Indochinese War
  10. Shattered Youth: How the Vietnam War Changed a Generation
  11. Freeze Frame: Photographer Philip Jones Griffiths’ Depiction of the Vietnam War
  12. Analyzing the Civil Rights Movement and the Vietnam War
  13. Executive Power: The Role of Lyndon B. Johnson in the Vietnam War
  14. Diplomatic Presidential and Cultural Lessons of the Vietnam War
  15. President Nixon: Vietnam War and the Watergate Scandal
  16. Changing Attitudes Towards the Vietnam War in Australia
  17. Racial Segregation and the Military During the Vietnam War
  18. Anti-Communism and the Vietnam War in Australia
  19. General William Westmoreland’s Attrition Strategy During the Vietnam War
  20. Drug Testing During the Vietnam War
  21. Comparing the Iraq War and the Vietnam War
  22. Geneva Convention Violations Represented by the Vietnam War
  23. Emotional Effects During the Vietnam War
  24. Argument Opposing the American Involvement in the Vietnam War
  25. Cultural Revolution During the Vietnam War

âť“ Vietnam War Essay Questions

Out of ideas? Check our online toolkit:
  1. In What Three Countries Was the Vietnam War Fought?
  2. Why Was the Vietnam War Was Called a Dirty War?
  3. What Effect Did the Vietnam War Have on the Power of the President?
  4. What Role Did Religion Play in the Vietnam War?
  5. What Caused the Vietnam War?
  6. What Was the Outcome of the Vietnam War?
  7. What Were the Vietnam War Protesters in the US Called?
  8. How Did the Cold War Lead to the Vietnam War?
  9. How Was Napalm Used in the Vietnam War?
  10. How Were the Korean Conflict and the Vietnam War Alike?
  11. Why Is the Vietnam War an Example of Decolonization?
  12. How Long Was the Vietnam War?
  13. What Position Did America’s Hawks Take During the Vietnam War?
  14. How Did the Vietnam War Affect the Society?
  15. What Was Ho Chi Minh’s Role in the Vietnam War?
  16. Who Was the Leader of Vietnam During the Vietnam War?
  17. Why Did Civil Rights Leaders Oppose the Vietnam War?
  18. How Many Vietcong Died During the Vietnam War?
  19. How Did the Vietnam War Change Journalism?
  20. What Countries Were Involved in the Vietnam War?
  21. What Effects Did the Vietnam War Have on American Popular Culture?
  22. How Did Physical Geography Affect the Vietnam War?
  23. Did Richard Nixon End the Vietnam War?
  24. What Impact Did the Vietnam War Have on the American People?
  25. Did a Peace Movement End the Vietnam War?
  26. Who Served as the Secretary of Defense During the Vietnam War?
  27. What Year Did the US Enter the Vietnam War?
  28. What Did the Nixon Administration Do about the Vietnam War?
  29. How Did Imperialism Cause the Vietnam War?
  30. How Did the Vietnam War Influence the Foreign Policy of Richard Nixon?

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StudyCorgi. 2022. "109 Vietnam War Essay Topics." December 30, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/vietnam-war-essay-topics/.

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