“If Poor Get Richer, Does World See Progress?” by Knickerbocker

Brad Knickerbocker in the article “If poor get richer, does world see progress?” dwells upon the problem of poverty in the world. The author expresses several ideas related to the increase of the richer population having related it to the higher number of customers. Brad Knickerbocker expresses personal concern about the problem as there are several aspects which may negatively affect society. The author tries to enumerate both positive and negative outcomes of the increased number of richer people at the expense of poor ones, at the same time stating the real possibility of the issue. The author says that no matter how situation develops, the world is going to suffer in case the number of poor people becomes richer.

The first reason why the world is not going to experience progress if poor people become richer is the economic one. Due to particular processes in the world, even if poor people become richer, current richer people are going to be richer as well. Still, some people will remain poor as they are and a gap between poor and rich will increase. Economically, if poor people become richer, they are going to buy more products. More people will demand more while poor people who will still remain will be unable to buy the things of the first necessity.

Remembering about the fact that many people in the world cannot satisfy the simplest needs, such as clean water and fresh food, the absence of a reasonable balance between poor and rich will never result in progress. Society with big gap in income between poor and rich is never successful. The basic principles of world economics state that there must be poor and rich, and there will always be these two categories of people.

The second reason why world is not going to progress in case poor people become richer is environmental. The growth of richer people means increase of job places, increase of goods rate and increase of wastes which negatively affect the whole mankind. Some wastes are recycling while others are not. Richer people consume more nonrenewable resources that also negatively affect our planet. It is obvious that in case nonrenewable resources reduce unexpectedly fast, people may be unable to invent something to substitute them. Therefore, people are going to fusser shortcomings of some sources and services. There are a lot of conversations about environment pollution and if unexpected raise of poor people is going to take place, our planet may suffer more. Though, there is no place for a progress.

Therefore, it may be concluded that both economical and environmental concerns refer to negative effect from poor becoming richer. Increased gap between poor and rich people as the economic factor and growth of the nature pollution from environmental side assure people in negative affect from the situation if poor people become richer. Therefore, there are no reasons to speak about progress if in case the situation takes place, only negative outcomes are seen.

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StudyCorgi. (2020, October 18). “If Poor Get Richer, Does World See Progress?” by Knickerbocker. https://studycorgi.com/if-poor-get-richer-does-world-see-progress-by-knickerbocker/

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1. StudyCorgi. "“If Poor Get Richer, Does World See Progress?” by Knickerbocker." October 18, 2020. https://studycorgi.com/if-poor-get-richer-does-world-see-progress-by-knickerbocker/.


StudyCorgi. "“If Poor Get Richer, Does World See Progress?” by Knickerbocker." October 18, 2020. https://studycorgi.com/if-poor-get-richer-does-world-see-progress-by-knickerbocker/.


StudyCorgi. 2020. "“If Poor Get Richer, Does World See Progress?” by Knickerbocker." October 18, 2020. https://studycorgi.com/if-poor-get-richer-does-world-see-progress-by-knickerbocker/.

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