Starting With Yourself as to Change the Whole World

Surprisingly, people’s relationships with each other are so important for all of humanity, and sometimes it seems that the world rests on this. It depends on a simple human word what impression will be formed about them. Also, the feelings of the person to whom the speech was addressed rely on the word. Perhaps he feels excitement, sadness, happiness, or joy. The whole world is built on this attitude, starting with the family and ending with the international economy. Even though the modern world strives for equality, discrimination still exists. For this reason, the notion that people become more tolerant of each other over time can be considered a mismatch with reality. There are still moments of racism, division into social statuses, and infringement of women’s rights worldwide. This paper disputes that social problems like racism, gender equality, and violation of human rights eventually come to naught. However, despite such issues and the lack of results, humanity must always fight for its rights.

Since absolutely everything starts small, everyone should treat others the way they would like to be treated to avoid racism. No one can condemn a person because no one in the world has any flaws, which is called a person’s uniqueness. However, many people in the world feel their supremacy because they have white skin, which is no secret to anyone. However, some people treat everyone equally and believe everyone has the same rights. Such people always address others how they would like to be treated. Therefore, to avoid racism, people need to treat everyone equally.

Furthermore, a person does not choose which one to be born and which gender to belong to; this is all a matter of nature. In turn, it is the business of humanity to accept each other as they are and not try to condemn a person for this or that quality for which he cannot be responsible. However, frustration and doubt arise when people criticize each other for something that depends only on nature. Perhaps, the world in which humanity lives is not as beautiful as everyone imagines but has its flaws. However, this does not mean people should still follow the old public opinions. On the contrary, it’s time for everyone to become gentler and more respectful towards each other. It is much more important to be humane, listen to the inner voice and understand that there is no need to condemn someone else’s choice for a better life for society’s sake. In this case, no one will be able to hurt feelings of dignity, and consistently, this person will develop confidence in himself and become happier.

On top of everything mentioned above, it’s unfortunate that people are still divided depending on their financial situation. The rich look down on the poor, and it seems that people start to live in prosperity and stop being down to earth. With the acquisition of money and power, humanity forgets about moral values and ceases to understand that money is not the essential thing in life. The most important thing is to remain just a good person despite your wealth. Again, humanity should be more straightforward and appreciate sincerity and spiritual wealth, not material prosperity.

In conclusion, all global problems concerning human rights, such as racism, gender inequality, and social inequality, exist in our modern world. These problems occur daily and are still not eradicated despite the laws adopted to protect human rights. However, these problems are solvable, and the solution lies in each person. Respectful attitude, polite treatment, and everything else should be as the person would like concerning himself. Only in this case can humanity protect its rights to the end.

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StudyCorgi. (2023, June 21). Starting With Yourself as to Change the Whole World.

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