Social Services for Undocumented Immigrants in the U.S.: A Complex Debate


Illegal or undocumented immigrants are people who gain entry into a country through illegal means. The challenge of illegal immigrants for the United States has been around for years. While some people are convinced that undocumented immigrants should be deported back to their countries, others are of a contrary opinion. As noted by Segal (120), federal spending on social welfare services has been increasing as a result of the rising number of illegal immigrants.

Generally, those who are opposed to the continued stay of illegal immigrants in the US argue that they are wrongdoers who should be treated as criminals. On the opposing end, American citizens who are in support of the idea of having undocumented immigrants stay in America are of the opinion that illegal immigrants are very central to the advancement of the economy of the United States.

Arguments against Illegal Immigrants Receiving Social Services

As far as opponents are concerned, illegal immigrants are criminals who should not be allowed access to social services in the United States that are supposedly meant for legitimate US citizens. Many reasons have been brought forward. I support this idea. First, there is a common belief among opponents that any activity considered to be illegal should be punished rather than rewarded. Apparently, this is meant to bring illegal activities to an end. Undocumented immigrants are also regarded as a big threat to the security of the United States.

There are also concerns that undocumented immigrants place a hefty tax burden on the workers in the United States. American citizens are, therefore made to pay for individuals who are in the United States illegally. Illegal immigrants have also been accused of secretly exporting resources from the United States to their home countries. The cost of meeting the cost of services offered to illegal immigrants is quite high.

Individuals who are in support of the idea of illegal immigrants receiving social services argue that they are an asset to the US economy. Despite being in the country illegally, undocumented immigrants provide the US economy with a market for goods and services. In this way, illegal immigrants are compelled to indirectly pay taxes for the goods and services they consume while in the United States. In addition, the US manufacturing industry also benefits from the labor force provided by undocumented immigrants.

For this reason, it is totally unfair to deny illegal immigrants access to social services. Denying illegal immigrants access to social services can also be blamed for worsening the state of discrimination in the United States.

If the government of the United States is to win the war against discrimination, it is absolutely necessary to ensure that undocumented immigrants are not refused the opportunity to access social services. Contrary to popular belief, illegal immigrants pay taxes that find their way into the federal government coffers (LeMay 17). It is therefore completely unfair to deny illegal immigrants access to crucial services whenever they need them.

Despite the existence of many reasons to support the deportation of illegal immigrants from the United States back to their respective home countries, doing so will create new problems for the United States (Becerra, Androff, Ayón and Castillo 119). Affordable labor that is offered by illegal immigrants will, for example, not be made available. In the same way, the market for goods and services produced by American firms will shrink.

There are, however, concerns that the people of the United States will be forced to pay for services they should not be paying for. As earlier mentioned, documented US citizens will be forced to meet the cost of maintaining illegal immigrants in the United States. To protect the interests of Americans, it is necessary for the government to listen to those who are opposed to the idea of proving social services to illegal immigrants. In the absence of such arrangements, many innocent people will be made to suffer unnecessarily.


It is quite obvious that the influx of illegal immigrants into the United States must be controlled at all costs. While this strategy will serve to safeguard America citizens from exploitation, it will also create an opportunity for the government to put tough measures in place to curb the entry of illegal immigrants. There are, however, some benefits that are directly or indirectly linked to the presence of illegal immigrants in the United States. Such benefits include an extended market for goods and services, participating in the payment of taxes.

All American citizens, regardless of their status in society, require basic services in order to operate. Since the purchase of goods and services carry a tax element, illegal immigrants are made to pay taxes indirectly. Eventually, the tax paid will end in the hands of the government, and this can then be used to provide basic services to members of the society.

Consequently, it is unfair to refuse undocumented immigrants access to social services. It is, however, important for social security staff to work closely with immigrants and educate them about their rights. Undoubtedly, this will help to help to safeguard the interests of illegal immigrants in the United States.

Works Cited

Becerra, David, David Androff, Cecilia Ayón and Jason Castillo 2012, Fear vs. Facts: Examining the Economic Impact of Undocumented Immigrants in the U.S. 2015. Web.

LeMay, Michael. Illegal Immigration: A Reference Handbook. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO, 2007. Print.

Segal, Elizabeth. Social Welfare Policy and Social Programs: A Values Perspective. Belmont, CA: Cengage Learning, 2009. Print.

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