Immigrants Human Rights Violation in the United States

Many families from South America are trying to escape violence, climate displacement, and economic hardships, and seek protection in the U.S. The problem becomes even more pressing when the public receives information about the number of separated families. It has been reported by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) that more than 3 000 children were taken away from their families in May and June 2018 (Eversden, 2019). Therefore, the research question addresses the need to halt family separations at the border by launching long-term cooperation with other states, such as Mexico. This initiative can be the first step in regulating the flow of immigrants and will ensure respect for human rights.

There is an urgency to eliminate the separate detention of parents and their dependents. The DHS not only divides families but also loses track of children, which decreases the chance of the future reunion. The response has already followed from Senator Dianne Feinstein in 2018 (Nilsen, 2018). She proposed the Keep Families Together Act to outlaw unnecessary family separations. Even though this bill is still in the first stage of the enactment procedure, it can serve as a legal framework. Another essential element is to help Mexico enhance the existing capacity to host refugees (Acer, 2019). This regional cooperation to create a route for asylum-seekers requires financial resources and administrative support. This solution is feasible because it discourages anti-immigrant legislation and involves an interested party – Mexico.

Practical contribution of the argument is that families will be provided with decent detention facilities and appropriate living conditions. Therefore, there will be time for the immigration court system in the U.S. to process cases in a fair and non-politicized way. Once a secure channel is established, further collaboration with Mexico and human rights organizations has to take place. The ultimate goal is to tackle the root causes of family displacement, including gang violence, discrimination of ethnic groups, and corruption.


Acer, E. (2019). Protecting refugees and restoring order: Real solutions to the humanitarian crisis. Human Rights First.

Eversden, A. (2019). Why homeland security lost track of kids it separated at the border. Federal Times.

Nilsen, E. (2018). The democratic Senate bill that would stop family separations, explained. Vox.

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