Immigration: America Needs Its Newcomers by Quindlen

In her essay America needs its newcomers, Anna Quindlen claims that immigration has always played a crucial role in the history of the US. One of the primary evidence of their current contribution is the sheer number of foreigners working in the most labor-intensive industries. Anna Quindlen states that America has become dependent on a steady influx of newcomers. I agree with this statement and believe that immigration is an integral part of both the American economy and the American identity.

Although immigrants contribute to the unprecedented economic growth in the world’s largest economy, some people nowadays claim that illegal migrants are responsible for the lack of proper workplaces. Nevertheless, Quindlen (2007) points out that most immigrants are employed in spheres that are unpopular among Americans. Therefore, making the immigration process harder for millions of industrious and talented people will not provide Americans with plenty of jobs.

Moreover, first-generation immigrants tend to work hard enough to provide their children with all the opportunities needed to have a typical American lifestyle, including higher education. People who call for immediate action against current immigration policies do not realize the scale of the migrants’ participation in the most crucial industries, such as food processing and construction. Migrants, in general, constitute a substantial part of the workforce, as numerous industries rely on the constant inflow of cheap labor and consumers.

Migrants are involved in the real economy and create cheap goods that help millions of American citizens enjoy high living standards while working in lucrative creative spheres. This should not be hindered by an increasing number of laws that seek to curtail immigration and make life more challenging for some parts of population (mostly Latinos). I strongly believe that any severe immigration regulations will undermine the efforts of multiple generations of migrants who have created an astonishingly wealthy and diverse democracy.


Quindlen, A. (2007). America needs its newcomers. Newsweek. Web.

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