The Crusades originated to demonstrate power in Muslim communities and were dedicated to ideas against non-believers. According to paragraphs 1 and 2 on p. 233 in “Western Civilization” by Spielvogel, 2020, an essential feature of the Crusades was the desire to rally the perpetrators of Europe against the infidel Muslims. Spielvogel (2020) points out that perhaps the pope wanted to expand Rome’s sphere of influence and the knights’ desire for knowledge of the world (paragraphs 1 and 2 on p. 234 in “Western civilization”). Holy warrior was an image of a knight who sought to prove his faith.
Revival of Trade and Cities
The rise of cities and trade relations arose due to the growth of population and urbanization, which created economic relations. According to paragraphs 2 and 3 on p. 198, some people had valuable skills for trade, and Italian cities began to set trends in trade (Spielvogel, 2020 in “Western civilization”). The main features are the emergence of trade routes through Venice, Genoa, and Pisa. The city’s development can be associated with the merchants’ need to own a place to trade (paragraph 2 on page 199 in “Western Civilization” by Spielvogel, 2020). Consequently, Europe strengthened its territorial influence and set trends in international relations.
The Emergence of Merchant and Craft Guilds
The association of artisans and merchants into guilds resulted from established trade routes and the need to share expertise and technology. According to paragraphs 5 and 6 on page 204, guilds played a leading role in the economic life of cities (Spielvogel, 2020 in “Western Civilization”). Each line of business, such as agriculture, bakers, tanners, and others, had their guild. Guilds arose based on experience transfer from master to apprentice and apprentices. The existence of guilds meant that medieval trade routes became more and more orderly, and the population had the opportunity to receive craft education to organize their lives.
Development of the Gothic Cathedral
The Gothic cathedral as a religious element emerged as an aspiration of Abbot Surgey, who sought to comprehend divine light. According to paragraph 3 on page 210, Gothic cathedrals were characterized by pointed arches, flying buttresses, and abundant bright light (Spielvogel, 2020 in “Western civilization”). According to the video “The Art of western world 2”, one can see the cathedrals’ elevation and refinement compared to Roman churches. The features of a Gothic cathedral can also include the presence of stained glass windows as a basis for the play of light. In addition, the participation of different sectors of society in the construction of cathedrals is not unimportant. Gothic style laid new trends in art, and now, in the Middle Ages, it became a more widespread artistic and architectural trend.
Reflection and Conclusion
I think the division into periods was necessary because the structure of society, religion, and politics differed. I disagree that the transition period should be categorized separately because feudalism did not contain impressive features. I favor the Gothic style because it appeals to me because of its patterns and the presence of the play of light and darkness in a religious context. I like the presence of a high vault and free space above the head, which also reflects the idea of the exaltation of God, which is essential in the context of the Middle Ages. Finally, I think that nation-states allowed for the strengthening of communities because they solidified language and cultural patterns. Decentralization allowed national unity to develop, subsequently shaping cultural and ethnic identity.
Spielvogel, J. J. (2020). Western civilization: A brief history. Vol. I: To 1715. Cengage Learning.
The art of western world 2: A while garment of churches and gothic art [Video] (1989). PBS – TV Series.
The European humanism. (n.d.). [Presentation].
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