Impact of IOM Report on Nursing: Leadership & Workforce


The Institute of Medicine (IOM) has cooperated with the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) to develop an initiative that will drive the development of the nursing profession (Institute of Medicine, 2011). IOM Future of Nursing Report is the important result of this cooperation that has an impact on the way nursing occupation is perceived at present. Overall, this initiative encourages nurses and other specialists to occupy leadership roles and exhibit their professional skills in different care settings.

The purpose of this paper is to review the work of the two bodies on this initiative, discuss the importance of the report, and determine the role of state-based action coalitions in advancing the nursing profession.

Cooperation Between RWJF Committee and IOM

It should be noted that the report was finalized in 2010. It was initiated by a joint effort of IOM and the Committee of RWJF. The committee had an important goal to specify the differences in institutional frameworks at different regulatory levels (Institute of Medicine, 2011). After gathering the information, the body had to prepare a report on the future of nursing. Notably, RWJF decided to collaborate with the Institute of Medicine to achieve greater scalability.

The organizations have united both their staff members and resources. It has allowed them to explore the issues of the nursing profession more comprehensively (Institute of Medicine, 2011). RWJF has offered its research expertise, which was an essential prerequisite for finding new solutions to the existing challenges (Institute of Medicine, 2011). The two organizations have determined the potential of the industry in achieving quality improvements, the ways to make access to services equal, the strategies to decrease expenditures, and methods to encourage specialists to take on leadership positions. These findings have been finalized in the form of “Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health” report. The document reflects the strategies that are needed for reaching effective health care.

Importance of the Report

The report is linked directly to the changes that have already taken place within the healthcare and educational sectors. In addition, the further alterations and advancements in the nursing profession will also be based on the postulates and tenets developed in the initiative (Battie, 2013). Importantly, the document has been valuable in calling for leaders. Moreover, the central stakeholders operate based on the principles described in the document. All of the key transformations on both the state and local level stem from the report.

Nursing Practice

The core of the report lies in the idea that the scope of nursing practice should be based on the expertise and training of each particular specialist. Therefore, all nurses should perform the duties and bear the responsibilities that fall within their academic capacity.

Such distinct delineation of liabilities has allowed removing the existing barriers within the industry (Battie, 2013). In their turn, policymakers were made responsible for outlining the regulations that would make sure that specialists practice within their expertise. Apart from that, the document has encouraged the initiatives aimed at allowing patients to select specialists whose characteristics suit them the most. Such measures have led to decreased expenditures and enhanced quality of care.

Nursing Education

The main changes that have appeared in the educational sector are linked to the fact that nurses have been given an opportunity to progress in their education barrier-free. The IOM Future of Nursing Report has stated that all nurses should be duly trained. After the guidelines and recommendations of the initiative have been implemented, American institutions have reported increased enrollment rates. Many nurses have enrolled to receive a bachelor’s degree (Institute of Medicine, 2011). Experts in education forecast a significant growth in specialists pursuing a doctoral degree within the next five years.

Nursing Workforce Development

An important aspect of the paper is the discussion on nursing workforce development. In particular, the document highlights that employees working in different organizations should have an opportunity to advance. Institutions should employ effective data collection methods to be able to analyze the way workforce can be developed. Therefore, organizations should possess an effective information infrastructure (Institute of Medicine, 2011).

These guidelines correlate with the overall aim of the report, which is to enable nurses to take on leadership responsibilities. The initiative has revealed the way this goal can be achieved. The immediate consequence of it is the various workforce development programs that have appeared in response to this need (Institute of Medicine, 2011). Such programs as Title VIII are currently implemented to furnish financial support to nurses. Importantly, these programs encompass all the educational levels.

State-Based Action Coalitions

Coalitions assist greatly in implementing the guidelines promoted by the report. They ensure that the recommendations are executed in each state of the country. Coalitions include all central nursing organizations and associations, as well as active leaders eager to make a change in their area. In terms of the “Campaign for Action”, the coalitions are responsible for promoting activism at all levels (Institute of Medicine, 2011).

Each entity has to carry out constant research regarding the most effective nursing strategies and approaches that can be shared with specialists and determine the path of future study so that the nursing profession can advance further. Apart from that, they consider the practices that can be useful in addressing such critical issues as workforce shortage.

Florida Action Coalition

Florida faces various difficulties and barriers within the healthcare industry. Florida Action Coalition provides assistance in resolving these issues through a considerate approach to the nursing profession (“Florida action coalition,” n.d.). The first initiative introduced by it is the Florida Center for Nursing. It makes sure that specialists perform within the scope of their knowledge and expertise (Florida Center for Nursing, 2017).

Another initiative is Florida Blue Foundation. It ensures that nurses have a possibility to operate in accordance with their training. Moreover, both initiatives enable specialists to seize their fullest potential when providing care to the residents of the state.

The state has various current barriers to advancement. For instance, the population is growing at a faster speed than the number of trained nurses does. In addition, the healthcare needs of people are becoming more diverse, and specialists need to collaborate actively to ensure that quality care is provided. At present, such interprofessional collaborations are not effective enough. Nursing advocates can overcome these problems by analyzing the most common barriers met during interprofessional cooperation (Institute of Medicine, 2011). Apart from that, they should outline practice challenges at institutional levels that hinder the advancement of nursing. Moreover, advocates should search for the new ways in which nursing workforce can address the changing environment.


Thus, it can be concluded that the IOM report is intended at expanding and refining the area of nursing practice. It provides recommendations, which all central stakeholders should follow to achieve quality in care provision. Each state has a coalition that assists in meeting these guidelines. Despite the fact that certain challenges appear constantly, nursing advocates strive for taking the necessary measures to overcome them in a timely manner.


Battie, R. N. (2013). The IOM report on the future of nursing: What perioperative nurses need to know? Aorn Journal, 98(3), 227-234.

Florida action coalition. (n.d.). Web.

Florida Center for Nursing. (2017). About the FCN. Web.

Institute of Medicine. (2011). The future of nursing: Leading change, advancing health. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press.

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