Importance of Excellence in Virtue

The Greek word arête means excellence; it can be used to describe many things that are excellent in a function of which they are capable. However, being applied to people, arête turns from excellence to more of virtue or even excellence in virtue (Carr). It is then an individual’s use that they are capable of and are good at, from the moral and practical perspective (Carr). Since I am capable of taking care of my parents now, I believe that I have excelled in the virtue of being a good child to them.

As an individual of my age, I believe that I have not accomplished excellence in all the virtues I am capable of; however, I think to have been an excellent child to my parents. Since I have been able to take care of myself, I realized that I could also help them when they most need it. Understanding their desires and supporting their undertakings are acts of love and thankfulness for my childhood when they endowed me with their warmth and attention. I believe that such simple things as assisting them with daily activities, helping them plant flowers, assembling a shelf, or even having a heart-to-heart conversation are enough to be called a virtue. I think that so far, the virtue of being a good child is something that I have excelled at the most.

A person, just like any ordinary thing, can have their functions and, therefore, can excel in them. The Greek word arête describes exactly that, and since the best thing a person can do is to be righteous, the word took the meaning of virtue. Presenting the best I can be in terms of being a child to my parents, I believe in having excelled in this virtue. Taking care of them and accommodating their needs as they get older is the most righteous thing that children are capable of as they mature.

Work Cited

Carr, Karen. What is Aarete? Virtue in Greek Philosophy – Definition of Arete. Quatr, 2017.

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