Improving Health and Well-Being for Older Adults

There are a lot of various objectives for older adults which are designated to improve the general health and well-being of this age group. Out of many important objectives, there are two of them which might seem to have the highest significance. One is about reducing the amount of inappropriate medication taken and the other one is encouraging to increase the physical activity for older adults with health problems.

Reducing the amount of inappropriate medication for older adults might seem inconvenient at first, since elderly people often rely on various medications in order to live a longer and healthier life. However, certain medications bring a lot of risks rather than benefits to the ones who are taking it. Even if on a surface level these medications have their own benefits such as, for example, reducing pain, it would not be helpful in a long term to take it because of the risks. Hence, it is better to solely use the medication which is guaranteed to successfully improve one’s condition without unnecessary difficulties.

As for the physical activity, it is important to encourage elderly people to move more. Physical activity directly affects the level of one’s well-being and even lowers the chances to develop further disabilities. Essentially, a person can get used to the constant amount of movement quite fast, which will make their body even more prompt to perform any kind of physical activity. This way, the permanence of movement will stabilize the circulation of blood, which will affect the amount of oxygen delivered to the vital parts of body.Therefore, it is extremely important for older adults to move even if they have health problems, as it will have a positive effect on their well-being.


Healthy People 2030. (n.d.) Goal: Improve health and well-being for older adults

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