Incarceration in the U.S and Ireland

In different cultures and social settings, the state of being confined to prison or intercalation is spelled out as a formal structure. In the progressive development of the various aspects elements, different approaches are deployed by the respective authorities to define prison terms and the measures put in place to determine prisoners’ futures. As a way of comparison, the Irish and U.S prison systems significantly differ in the form of incarceration enactment and the rates of recidivism. Irish prisons are more furnished with provisions of services, which creates contrasting statistics with how U.S prisons operate. The creation of the prison country reflects the dynamic nature of the development and changes to various factors from theoretical approaches to political systems, especially in the United States.

While there are high numbers of prisoners in the states, it correlates with its heavy adherence to cultural and religious fundamentals, which are focused on a few of the theories involved in the incarnation or confinement process. The U.S has the highest number of inmates, crime rates, and discrepancies in judicial and racial element considerations (Looman & Carl, 2015). The other difference between the Irish and the U.S prison systems is the involvement of the political players as a way of asserting power through the creation of laws. As a way of ensuring that the inmates are productive during the post-incarnation era, the U.S prison administration as its focuses on the use of a vocational training approach as a way of imparting skills. It can then be viewed that though both countries’ prison systems have a different approach, the logic stays with their aim to have the prisoners rehabilitated to reduce recidivism effectively.

As a way of enhancing the various enactments and rules in place, justification of being part of the civil structure, moral reformation makes the basis of ensuring for a standard approach of carrying out punishment on the offenders, but which depicts a significant disparity in both country systems to due U.S racial inequality. While different theories are put forwards as a way of reducing crimes and punishing offenders, some are more effective in the long term. Retaliation, expiation, and deterrence are among the most common approaches and frameworks for ensuring punishment to the offender. The U.S administration is more into the view of Calvinists as a way of using the various theory choices to ensure strict adherence to set rules and code of law. The Irish prison system contrasts in that it purports to have more lenient fundamentalism, despite being heavily influenced by American beliefs.

The article dramatically depicts what is in the book, as it gives views and analysis insight into how different prison systems work and the application of the various theories. It provides statistics on effectiveness and the use of avid happenings and features of the prison approach to determine their effectiveness. Though the two compared prison systems contrast in some aspects, there is a general logical flow drawing from the cultural and religious histories. The phrase “Prison Country” is consistent due to the high rates of incarceration and recidivism in the U.S.

To sum up, it is imperative that for the incarceration system to work in any administrative structure, there must be integral involvement to ensure that approaches are practical. Also, powerful nations and strategies influence the approaches used for punishments by other countries, though with different results due to differences in some fundamentality. There should be law enactment to determine and enforce more comprehensive approaches toward achieving racial justice and indiscrimination within prison settings.

Work Cited

Looman, M. D., & Carl, J. D. (2015). A country called prison: mass incarceration and the making of a new nation. Oxford University Press.

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