Ineffective Leadership in Business


Ineffective leadership transpires when the management in a certain firm fails to execute the company’s vision by losing focus on the culture and tone that is set for a particular business. In business, leadership is necessary to organize members and plan for the metrics required for entrepreneurship. The corporate sector may experience ineffective leadership which might lead to downfall of businesses. When the leaders do not practice what they preach, it will be difficult for the junior-level employees to stick to the company’s portfolio requirement. This paper presents information about ineffective leadership in the corporate sector.

Factors Leading to Ineffective Leadership in Corporate Sector

Failure to Serve

The corporate sector comprises of companies that make part of a domestic economy without the general responsibilities of government, private households, and individuals who work in non-profit organizations. The banking sector, insurance firms, saving and credit cooperative organizations (SACCOs), consultancy firms among others may belong to the corporate division. In such areas, ineffective leadership can be evident especially if the leaders do not have the vigor to serve (Alexander, Carson & Mackey, 2019). For instance, a team leader in an insurance company in charge of making reports about premium rate changes may be ineffective if they do not catalyze the members to research substantial information. Therefore, if the members lack the strategy of their boss, they may undertake the assignment inappropriately.

Negative Attitude Towards Team Members

Poor work attitude, leading without love and lack of enthusiasm are key contributors to ineffective leadership in the corporate sector. When a manager in a microfinance firm does not trust whether the sales team can manage to meet the financial targets, they will be reluctant to assist them (Lis, 2020). Due to the negativity, the field members may face challenges and fail to seek help from their manager for fear of condemnation, rebuke, and scrutiny. Similarly, if a leader loses enthusiasm in their roles, the work may have few chances of being completed successfully. Thus, such behaviors may cause unproductive leadership due to the drawbacks evident in the line of duty.

Lack of Leadership Responsibility

In the corporate sector, business metrics keep on changing due to the changes that are evident in consumerism. Thus, it is expected for any leader to be keen on monitoring the current trends in executing business duties. For instance, technology is advanced whereby many equipment and machines use artificial intelligence. In SACCOs and banking businesses, cloud software has taken wider margins by replacing most of the human workforce (Kwadade-Cudjoe, 2020). For example, financial reports, audit work, and general postings are done using applications that utilize microservices architecture. Due to the advancement, cybersecurity issues are witnessed, and therefore, a leader must keep track of the risks involved.

Most inefficiencies in leadership for this sector are evident when managers do not want to request expertise and information power from specialists. As a result, there is rampant information breach and system failures that lead to loss of resources. Other instances where ineffective leadership is evident is when management does not provide the required resources for working or has few incentives that can encourage employees to work (Alexander, Carson & Mackey, 2019). Lastly, failing to provide a quality working environment such as faulty machines and insecurity issues may be termed leadership ineffectiveness.

Effects of Ineffective Leadership

Ineffective leadership in business can lead to a lack of direction as the company’s mission and vision are not followed. In this case, the leader’s actions may be unclear hence making the junior employees opt for shortcuts during working sessions. Secondly, there is a lack of teamwork and proper coordination. For instance, in a consultancy firm, poor leadership may lead to giving shallow content to customers during inquiries. Therefore, for coordinated data that has a logical flow, members must work together for that purpose (Lis, 2020). Loss of morale may be rampant especially if leaders practice authoritarianism instead of conservativeness. Business needs to have flexibility by allowing staff to develop other frameworks that will take the company to another level. Lastly, ineffective leadership may result in the closure of a business after the management fails to leverage aspects such as planning, and mobilizing resources among others. A business needs to have clear monitoring of the type of leaders present in the departments


Ineffective leadership is realized when members in charge of business divisions are unable to perform their duties efficiently. In the corporate sector, ineffective leadership is caused by poor attitudes, failure to serve, and lack of leadership responsibility among others. To combat ineffective leadership, a firm should ensure that the person leading various departments qualifies for the position, and also, they should be capable to deliver the work linearly. Leaders who have qualified for positions must ensure they serve with the junior-level staff during activities in given fields. Ineffective leadership is mostly brought by the laxity of members who do not think about potential individual or group liabilities.


Alexander, K., Carson, J., & Mackey, J. (2019). Destructive leadership, ineffective leadership, and interpersonal mistreatment constructs: A Review. Academy Of Management Proceedings, 2019(1), 17761.

Kwadade-Cudjoe, F. (2020). The leadership of change: Examination of transactional, transformational, and charismatic leadership, and evaluation of the concept of charismatic leadership in the current information-driven business environment. Archives Of Business Research, 8(8), 294-305.

Lis, A. (2020). Leadership and corporate social responsibility: Mapping the conceptual structure of research. Journal Of Corporate Responsibility and Leadership, 6(1), 7.

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