Information Literacy in Advanced Nursing Practice

Information literacy is critical in nursing practice, especially for advanced practice registered nurses (APRNs). Working with information is a complex process as it involves many different aspects, such as seeking the information, criticizing it, and further applying it within the nursing practice to achieve better patient outcomes and work effectively. Thus, various programs have been developed that involve recommendations, directions, and guidelines for APRNs to enhance their information literacy, ease the processes of working with information and make nurses’ work as effective as possible. One such program is the Technology Informatics Guiding Education Reform (TIGER) Initiative focused on educational reformation and the development of interprofessional community “to maximize the seamless integration of technology and informatics into nursing practice, education and research” (Sensmeier et al., 2017 p. 69). The components of this initiative include basic computer competencies, information literacy, and information management, which are described in detail in the corresponding documents (Sensmeier et al., 2017). Following the recommendations of this initiative, APRNs can enhance their knowledge and skills that relate to working with information and become information-literate professionals.

Furthermore, information literacy is associated with using various digital technologies to successfully achieve the goals associated with information in nursing practice. These goals may include identifying the required information, accessing the corresponding sources efficiently, evaluating the information from a critical viewpoint to decide whether it is appropriate for a specific nursing task, and then using the information for the particular purposes involved in nursing practice. In addition, the use of information is often associated with various economic, legal, ethical, and social issues. APRNs should be aware of the issues related to the particular information they use in their practice. According to Sensmeier et al. (2017), the information existing in the modern healthcare field results from implementing multiple ideas and innovations. Therefore, information literacy in nursing practice is significant because it allows the efficient using the best available sources to work effectively and achieve positive outcomes.


Sensmeier, J., Anderson, C., & Shaw, T. (2017). International evolution of TIGER informatics competencies. Stud Health Technol Inform, 232, 69-76.

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