Enhancing Information Systems with Computerized Provider Order Entry Technologies


Computerized provider order entry (CPOE) is a concept that is gaining popularity in modern healthcare settings across the world. According to Brown et al. (2017), CPOE refers to an electronic method of entering medical orders of a patient instead of using the traditional paper method. The purpose of the paper is to investigate the relevance of CPOE and the manner in which different healthcare practitioners can use it to improve the efficiency of their operations.

Prgomet, Li, Niazkhani, Georgiou, and Westbrook (2017) argue that the method has a significant impact on the delivery of healthcare in hospitals. It improves communication and ensures that patients are served within the shortest time possible. In nursing care, CPOE helps nurses to understand specific services already offered to the patient and what needs to be done to improve their condition.

Example of Computerized Provider Order Entry

Computerized provider entry is gaining popularity because of its efficiency in sharing patients’ records. A good example of a popular CPOE is the physician’s order entry. Once a patient is admitted, a physician is expected to conduct the initial assessment of their condition before determining a specific specialist who should address their condition (Brown et al., 2017). In some cases, the physician may send the patient to the laboratory for testing if it is established that the condition can be addressed without seeking further attention from a specific specialist within the hospital. According to Brown et al. (2017), the physician is expected to have a proper record of their initial assessment and reasons why the patient is to be attended to by a specific specialist.

In the past, such detailed reports were made on paper, filed, and then taken to the specialist in physical files. However, physician order entry makes it simple and more efficient. The instruction and recommendations made by the physician are electronically transferred to the relevant physician. If the order is meant for the pharmacists, a detailed description of the patient’s condition and information about specific medication for him or her are provided. The main feature of the new system is that data is managed and shared electronically. There is no need to use physical papers in this case. The system is of great benefit to the doctors, nurses, and other clinicians because it simplifies the processes of managing and sharing patients’ data.

Personal Experience

I have experience with how effective CPOE is as a patient. I had visited a local healthcare facility because of abdominal complications. The physician who attended to me ordered several tests to be done (stool and blood tests). I expected him to make the relevant prescriptions on a piece of paper. Instead, I was told to go to the laboratory. All the tests were conducted without any paper trail. At one moment I was slightly confused because other than the detailed information I gave to the physician about my condition, the other clinicians did not ask many questions.

Finally, I was directed to the pharmacy where I was given the relevant medication before being discharged. The problem was effectively addressed after taking the prescribed medication. I noticed that the time taken to serve a patient had significantly reduced at this institution when compared with past visits.

The personal experience was amazing. One of the biggest benefits I noticed was effective time management. After the relevant information was provided to the physician, it was available in the database for ease of access to other practitioners. They did not have to subject me to another process of interrogation. It was clear that they knew what was expected of them. I was able to notice that the process also benefited the clinicians. As Charles, Cannon, Hall, and Coustasse (2014) argue, transferring patients’ files physically is always demanding to all the clinicians involved. When the process is done electronically, it simplifies the entire process.

However, I had a minor negative experience that may need to be addressed by institutions that have embraced the process. I noticed that after tests were done, it was instantly made available to the physician who then went ahead to order the needed medication. I did not get a chance to discuss the condition with the physician further to understand preventive measures. Such problems should be addressed when embracing this new concept.


Computerized provider order entry is gaining popularity as an effective way of managing and sharing information about patients within institutions of healthcare. The purpose of this paper was to provide an understanding of the relevance of this system based on secondary data and real-life experiences. It is evident that the benefits of the new system outweigh the disadvantages. The newfound insight will have a significant influence on nursing care. It will redefine the approach that is used in managing patients’ records. The outlined benefits of CPOE make it an unavoidable tool in the modern day nursing environment. When used effectively, the system simplifies the work of nurses, creating more time to focus on other patients’ needs.


Brown, B.L., Mulcaster, H.L., Triffitt, K.L., Sittig, D.F., Ash, J.S., Reygate, K., … Husband, A.K. (2017). A systematic review of the types and causes of prescribing errors generated from using computerized provider order entry systems in primary and secondary care. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association, 24(2), 432-440. Web.

Charles, K., Cannon, M., Hall, R., & Coustasse, A. (2014). Can utilizing a computerized provider order entry (CPOE) system prevent hospital medical errors and adverse drug events. Perspectives in Health Information Management, 11. Web.

Prgomet, M., Li, L., Niazkhani, Z., Georgiou, A., & Westbrook, J.I. (2017). Impact of commercial computerized provider order entry (CPOE) and clinical decision support systems (CDSSs) on medication errors, length of stay, and mortality in intensive care units: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association, 24(2), 413-422. Web.

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StudyCorgi. (2021, July 23). Enhancing Information Systems with Computerized Provider Order Entry Technologies. https://studycorgi.com/information-systems-computerized-provider-order-entry/

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1. StudyCorgi. "Enhancing Information Systems with Computerized Provider Order Entry Technologies." July 23, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/information-systems-computerized-provider-order-entry/.


StudyCorgi. "Enhancing Information Systems with Computerized Provider Order Entry Technologies." July 23, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/information-systems-computerized-provider-order-entry/.


StudyCorgi. 2021. "Enhancing Information Systems with Computerized Provider Order Entry Technologies." July 23, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/information-systems-computerized-provider-order-entry/.

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