Instagram’s Impact on Self-Improvement and Self-Esteem Evaluation


In today’s world, social networks play an important role in human lives. Instagram is one of the most popular social networks, and many people use it to seek recognition and assert their self-reliance. In this post, we will discuss some of the motivations for self-improvement and self-assessment using the Instagram platform. This platform allows users to share photos and videos, create content, and connect with others.

Self-Enhancement and Self-Verification Motives for Self-Esteem

Typically, a person imitating others on Instagram experiences self-improvement motivation. They can use the platform to compare their achievements with those of others and try harder. For example, if they see that someone has achieved great things, they may also try to achieve similar achievements (Zheng et al., 2020). It can also be helpful for those who want to develop professionally, as they can use the Instagram platform to see how other people in their profession are succeeding.

Evaluation of Self-Presentation

The rating of an Instagram posts page depends on what type of posts it contains. For example, a page of posts representing a person, activity, or event may be rated positively. This will show that the author uses the page to present their achievements or promote their brand. A person can rate the page based on the posts it presents. For example, posts that present emotional stories or offer ideas for developing or improving relationships can be rated positively (Zhang et al., 2019). Instagram can serve as a useful tool for self-improvement and self-examination. This allows them to view their efforts and evaluate themselves. Thus, they can take action to improve and progress in their development.


Thanks to Instagram, people can use the recognition of others and self-verification to gain self-worth. For example, getting a lot of likes, comments, or followers on their posts can help them understand themselves confidently. They can use the self-review platform to see if others like their posts and learn more about how people perceive them. It helps them to receive support and encouragement from others, which will be more motivating than self-examination.

Accuracy of Online Profiles

Online portraits of people on Instagram are not accurate. This is because people can be inspired by other profiles and post content that doesn’t reflect the true nature of their personality. In addition, the content posted on Instagram can often be fake, and sometimes, people use these portraits to make a profit or raise their status. In general, online portraits of people on Instagram could be more reliable.

Exposure to Social Media

The prevalence of social factors in social networks significantly impacts individual behavior and the development of a social personality. In particular, studies have shown that individual behavior in social networks can be regulated or interpreted in accordance with socially accepted standards of behavior (Sun& Zhang, 2021). In this regard, there is a learning process called social learning, in which individual behavior, influenced by social factors, acquires new knowledge, skills, and habits, such as forming an idea of social authenticity.

Positive and Negative Aspects of Social Media

Positive experiences with social networking sites can be powerful. It allows people to maintain and keep in touch with friends and family members regardless of distance. However, there are also negative aspects associated with social networking sites. The most common problems are loss of privacy, psychological health problems, and addiction (Zheng et al., 2020). Moreover, many users can be easily exposed to scams and hackers who can access their personal information.


In conclusion, the Instagram platform can help people improve their self-esteem and self-assessment efforts. This can help them understand themselves better, appreciate their achievements, and accept the recognition of others. Social media can play an important role in our lives, and Instagram can be one of the best platforms for self-improvement and self-assessment for self-esteem, despite its negative aspects.


Sun, Y., & Zhang, Y. (2021). A Review of Theories and ModelsAapplied in Studies of Social Media Dddiction and Implications for Future Research. Addictive behaviors, 114, 106699.

Zhang, C., Fan, C., Yao, W., Hu, X., & Mostafavi, A. (2019). Social Media for Intelligent Public Information and Warning in Disasters: An Interdisciplinary Review. International Journal of Information Management, 49, 190-207.

Zheng, A., Duff, B. R., Vargas, P., & Yao, M. Z. (2020). Self-presentation on Social Media: When Self-enhancement Confronts Self. Journal of Interactive Advertising, 20(3), 289-302.

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