Intelligence and Cognitive Testing in Education

Wechsler developed the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale to determine the IQ level of an individual. It differs from the Binet test that only applies to children, and accurately assesses a person’s cognitive ability and intelligence (Arihant Experts, 2021). Wechsler’s scale is applicable for adults and older adolescents. The scale incorporates non-intellective properties as they contribute to the overall intelligence score. These items include attitudes, fear of failure, and lack of confidence that are immeasurable using intelligence-based equipment (Arihant Experts, 2021). The WAIS test is innovative due to its capacity to develop a clinical test battery for administration by gathering tasks for non-clinical purposes. It is further essential to consider Wechsler’s scale based on its variation from the timeless design. The developer sought to use a point scale rather than an age scale while including a non-verbal performance scale.

The Stanford Binet Intelligence Scale is a test that involves four components, including quantitative reasoning, short-term memory, visual/abstract reasoning, and verbal reasoning. Its developer aimed for individuals to take almost half an hour to deal with, while the final intelligence is derived from an amalgamation of these scores. The standardized test utilizes large groups of people from each age category whose backgrounds represent the United States (Arihant Experts, 2021). As such, Bint conducted the test severally, administering it to varying groups while calculating their score and determining the average for each group. In this way, the researcher can gauge a person’s intelligence quotient and accurately assess whether they have a below-average or higher-than-average IQ. A collection of correct answers from these tests enables the test taker to determine their general reasoning ability, known as SAS (Standard Age Score), which is directly related to their age (Arihant Experts, 2021). The test’s accommodation of different age groups allows it to develop an accurate measure of intelligence.


Arihant Experts. (2021). Ctet and Tet Child Development and Pedagogy Paper 1 and 2 for 2021 Exams. Arihant Publications India limited.

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