ARNPs in Miami-Dade: IRB-Approved Research Proposals


There are many ARNPs (advanced registered nurse practitioners) living in Miami-Dade County who submitted their research proposals to IRB (institutional review board) and were accepted by the commission. Jessica Maclntyre who occupies the position of director of clinical operations at Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center is one of them. The following paper will present an essay based on the recent interview with ARNP Jessica Maclntyre regarding her experience that she gained when the nurse was working on and submitted her research proposal to IRB.


As mentioned previously, Jessica Maclntyre submitted her research proposal to IRB several years ago. During the interview, the medical worker said that she was developing the process and elaborating on the paper that provided an overview of her experiment regarding the prevalent issue of falls among people in Miami-Dade County (Allen et al., 2015). The research’s purpose was to provide statistics about how many individuals fall and how many of them require medical help. Maclntyre said that the work was challenging and that she did not expect that her project would be accepted on the first try. Nevertheless, the nurse reported having certain problems with the organization of the research and the structure of her proposal’s paper. It appeared that the format requirement must have been precisely followed because even a minor mistake could have made the entire paper’s presentation unacceptable (Berger & Polivka, 2015).

During the interview, Maclntyre said that one of the most complicated problems that she faced in the process of her proposal’s development was the sampling methodology. As the ARNP’s research was based on the elder populations, she could not find enough people to participate in the experiment at first because she would be responsible for their health. Participants of the study should have been able to move appropriately by themselves, but also have a history of falling. Also, the professional nurse said that she could hardly fit the deadline given to her. To make the proposal properly structured and concise, it was necessary to pay much attention to every detail of it, which required time (Berger & Polivka, 2015).

Also, the topic of the research proposal had to be both unique and common in a selected society. According to Maclntyre, it was essential to obtain accurate statistics to develop treatment plans and other solutions to the problem (Brock-Utne, 2015). The prevalence of falls had to be assessed in recent years once again to understand the percentage of the Miami-Dade population that required help and assistance regularly. Another part that required much time during Maclntyre’s proposal development implied a literature review and comparison of previous studies performed by her colleagues regarding the health issue of falls in Miami-Dade County. However, this procedure was necessary to make the nurse’s project unique, innovative, and reasonable (Brock-Utne, 2015).

The interviewee did not want to talk about her greatest achievements because she did not want to judge herself, and wanted other people to identify whether her works were helpful or not instead. However, it is known that Jessica Maclntyre had not only contributed to the problem of falls among elder generations, but she was also working on several projects about cancer to calculate the possible risks of people in Miami to face this illness. As to the issue of falls in Dade, her works were used by other experienced scholars to identify relevant treatment and assistance methods.


In conclusion, it would be proper to state that Jessica Maclntyre’s research proposal regarding common falls among old patients from Miami-Dade was successfully accepted by the IRB commission. During the interview, the professional nurse also said that she realized her research after its submission and that it was beneficial for her colleagues who addressed the problem by helping their patients when they fell and nursing them appropriately. Also, her research was taken by many other nurses who required falls statistics for their studies designed to address the same health issue.


Allen, C. J., Hannay, W. M., Murray, C. R., Straker, R. J., Hanna, M. M., Meizoso, J. P.,… Proctor, K. G. (2015). Causes of death differ between elderly and adult falls. Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery, 79(4), 617-621. Web.

Berger, J., & Polivka, B. (2015). Advancing nursing research in hospitals through collaboration, empowerment, and mentoring. JONA: The Journal of Nursing Administration, 45(12), 600-605. Web.

Brock-Utne, J. G. (2015). Case 35: Tips on how to get the institutional review board (IRB) submission completed and passed. Clinical Research, 1(1), 87-90. Web.

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StudyCorgi. (2021, January 5). ARNPs in Miami-Dade: IRB-Approved Research Proposals.

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