“Is the World Getting Better or Worse?” by Bruce Mau: The Arisen Questions

The article Is the World Getting Better or Worse? by Bruce Mau provides a thorough analysis of the current situations in different spheres, from healthcare to the economy. The insights shared by Mau cover many interesting topics and therefore raise numerous questions which require further exploration and assessment. One of the main themes covered by Mau is the issue of income inequality which affects many countries, including those which are considered to have high living standards, such as Canada. Under the new economic conditions characterized by the rise of automation and an increase in the number of unemployed, income inequality becomes particularly topical. Therefore, it would be reasonable to ask the following question: “Which measures can governments around the world take to efficiently reduce income inequality?”

Another important issue that Mau writes about in the article is the health of the global population. There is clearly a positive trend toward a decrease in the number of diseases around the world due to advancements in research and technology. Innovative approaches enable healthcare professionals to prolong the life span of people and deliver high-quality services. At the same time, Mau (2019) notes that recently, there has been a strong anti-science sentiment, especially in the field of vaccination. As a result, in some instances, the lower rates of vaccination lead to a rise in diseases which can potentially lead to another pandemic. Therefore, it is interesting to know: “What can governments do to persuade people to stop opposing vaccines?”

Finally, climate change is the third crucial area explored by Mau and which raises many questions. Mau states that although the current predictions about climate development are not positive, there are active measures being taken by organizations and governments worldwide to overcome the climate crisis. Yet, it is vital to respond to the question: “How can every individual on the planet make their contribution to the containment of climate change?


Mau, B. (2019). Is the world getting better or worse? The Walrus. Web.

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StudyCorgi. (2023, March 26). “Is the World Getting Better or Worse?” by Bruce Mau: The Arisen Questions. https://studycorgi.com/is-the-world-getting-better-or-worse-by-bruce-mau-the-arisen-questions/

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"“Is the World Getting Better or Worse?” by Bruce Mau: The Arisen Questions." StudyCorgi, 26 Mar. 2023, studycorgi.com/is-the-world-getting-better-or-worse-by-bruce-mau-the-arisen-questions/.

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StudyCorgi. (2023) '“Is the World Getting Better or Worse?” by Bruce Mau: The Arisen Questions'. 26 March.

1. StudyCorgi. "“Is the World Getting Better or Worse?” by Bruce Mau: The Arisen Questions." March 26, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/is-the-world-getting-better-or-worse-by-bruce-mau-the-arisen-questions/.


StudyCorgi. "“Is the World Getting Better or Worse?” by Bruce Mau: The Arisen Questions." March 26, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/is-the-world-getting-better-or-worse-by-bruce-mau-the-arisen-questions/.


StudyCorgi. 2023. "“Is the World Getting Better or Worse?” by Bruce Mau: The Arisen Questions." March 26, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/is-the-world-getting-better-or-worse-by-bruce-mau-the-arisen-questions/.

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