Issues Presenting Strategic Challenges


The article presents two major problems, including financial crisis and the long-term effects of COVID-19 pandemic, that affect most organizations currently. Firstly, many businesses are have started struggling with raising enough capital following the monetary and fiscal policy moves that have pushed the world towards global recession. Santos and Lousa (2020) confirm that the 2022 report given by the Trade and Development organization is a full proof of financial crisis that many firms are struggling with. Secondly, the authors claim that businesses such as the small and medium enterprises (SMES) are facing the long-term effects of COVID-19 pandemic, including lack of employee motivation towards remote working (Santos & Lousa, 2020). These two challenges have resulted to dissolution of most SMEs as the continued global recession due the long-term impact and financial crisis soar.

Strategic Leadership Actions Taken

The actions taken to solve the above problem included promoting the well-being of workers through incorporation of social values. Santos and Lousa (2020) posit that social values such as trust, equity and non-discrimination and respect, would reinforce the effectiveness of workers, especially those in remote environment. By encouraging social values, which strengthen personal morals, workers are more likely to get motivated, which consequently improves the performance of the small businesses (Santos & Lousa, 2020). Additionally, these values can help the SMEs survive the economy recession since employees can work on fixed salaries while at the same time with high motivation. Generally, inculcating social values to improve the well-being of the staff proves to be a remedy for financial crisis and long-term impacts of coronavirus.

Strategic Communication Messages

The key strategic information communication messages for both internal and external stakeholders include environmental and competitive data. Environmental communication messages entail information relating to external factors affecting the firm such as economic, legal, international and technological factors (Child, 2015). On the other hand, competitive messages provide information about suppliers, customers, and competitors. These messages can provide crucial data for scheme planning, meaning they can be used to convince stakeholders to promote a business strategy.


Child, J. (2015). Organization: Contemporary principles and practice (2nd ed.). Wiley.

Santos, R. S., & Lousa, E. P. (2022). Give Me Five: The Most Important Social Values for Well-Being at Work. Administrative Sciences, 12(3), 101. Web.

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