Jane Addams and the Formation of the Women’s Peace Party

The accomplishments of Jane Addams are extraordinary and have empowered many during her efforts and changed the likelihood of underprivileged populations for the better. As mentioned by the author of the original post, empowerment is an act which assists others in overcoming feelings of helplessness but it also means to provide individuals with resources and mobilize intrinsic motivation to take action (Whetten & Cameron 367). While I believe that Addams’ ability to offer motivation was incredibly important for her community, her capabilities in facilitating permanent change are especially impressive and important to overcoming the issues faced by the underprivileged.

One of her more political achievements included assisting the formation of the Women’s Peace Party. The Women’s Peace Party was based on values of pacifism and feminism, and directly opposed the harmful effects of World War I. It was the first American peace organization that commited direct actions, usually in the form of public demonstrations. The first protest garnered as many as 1500 women within New York, who joined in a silent peaceful march (Jane Addams Project, n.d.). The initial activities and ideals of the party promoted peace and empowered women who shared values of equality. As the party became more prevalent, it provided resources for those that were in need. The Women’s Peace Party shaped modern ideaologies concerning both pacifism and feminism (Gibbons, 2021). In fact, the party likely established that they must coexist in order to improve the situation for not only the underprivileged but for society as a whole. Addams played a significant role in its creation and as such provided many individuals with knowledge and resources to continue to aim for their values.


Gibbon, P. (2021). Jane Addams: A Hero for Our Time. National Endowment for the Humanities. Web.

Jane Addams Project. (n.d.). Women and the Peace Movement. Jane Addams Project. Web.

Whetten, D. A., & Cameron, K. S. (2016). Developing Management Skills (9th ed.). Pearson.

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StudyCorgi. (2023, June 29). Jane Addams and the Formation of the Women’s Peace Party. https://studycorgi.com/jane-addams-and-the-formation-of-the-womens-peace-party/

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1. StudyCorgi. "Jane Addams and the Formation of the Women’s Peace Party." June 29, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/jane-addams-and-the-formation-of-the-womens-peace-party/.


StudyCorgi. "Jane Addams and the Formation of the Women’s Peace Party." June 29, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/jane-addams-and-the-formation-of-the-womens-peace-party/.


StudyCorgi. 2023. "Jane Addams and the Formation of the Women’s Peace Party." June 29, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/jane-addams-and-the-formation-of-the-womens-peace-party/.

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