The history of Jane Addams’ activities in this module seemed particularly interesting. This is due to the fact that my research paper focuses on the study of the activities of women politicians; hence the story of Jane is of particular curiosity. Her contribution to the development of social homes for the development of poor communities can be considered quite progressive and correct. It was worth noting that Addams became something of a celebrity. In 1912, she became the first woman to give a nomination speech at a major party convention when she supported the nomination of Theodore Roosevelt as the Progressive Party’s presidential candidate (Baker). It was mentioned in the reading that “Addams sought the means to make the world a better place” (Baker). Consequently, Jane’s activity was associated with promoting modern progressive politics and support for social justice. Moreover, even in the context of modernity, her struggle for pacifist ideas was significant. Addams argued that the militaristic aspirations of the country are causing the outflow of important resources, which must be stopped since more critical problems need to be solved.

Ultimately, it was suffrage that would mark the full emergence of women in American public life. Thus, all women’s activities and constant protests have led to significant transformations in society. They have given women more freedoms and opportunities.
Andrew C. Baker et al., “The Progressive Era,” Mary Anne Henderson, ed., in The American Yawp, eds. Joseph Locke and Ben Wright (Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 2018)