John F. Kennedy’s Inauguration Speech Aspirations

John F Kennedy’s political decisions were dedicated to defending liberty in the United States and worldwide. Indeed, the course outlined by him in the inauguration speech made the country entail such foreign policy commitments as the Cold War tensions enforcement and participation in fights against Communism (Hart 114). This paper aims to discuss freedom, the government’s capabilities to protect the nation from enemies of man, and the communistic Soviet Union’s reaction to America’s actions towards defending liberty.

In the 1960s, the confrontation between democratic and communistic regimes and John F Kennedy encouraged the Americans to defend liberty inside and outside of the United States. The 35th President identified war, tyranny, disease, and poverty as the common enemies of humanity, and eliminating them must be the priority for all (Hart 117). Consequently, Kennedy’s reforms included multiple practices of addressing the need to protect the nation and established several novelties in foreign policy to help democracy thrive and prevent the world from wars.

Defeating the common enemies of humanity is a broad goal, and the American government needed to expand its powers to help reach Kennedy’s aspiration. For instance, the President used the rapid development of Civil Rights movements as an example of liberty’s force, and the local administrations became capable of implementing civil practices in their regions (Matzko 818). Moreover, the United States impacted peacemaking worldwide during Kennedy’s presidency, and the government’s power needed to be expanded to address the responsibilities that come from such policy.

Furthermore, the Soviet Union, the leading Communistic country that threatened the Americans’ defense of liberty, enforced their competitiveness after discovering Kennedy’s inauguration statements. The Soviet government reformed its financial policies to spend more on scientific and military research and sent Communism-supporting soldiers to the foreign regions of uncertainty, such as Latin America (Matzko 821). These measures influenced the Cold War, caused the spies to appear in both countries, and led to tyrannic conflicts that were against Kennedy’s initial motives.

John F Kennedy is remembered as one of the most impactful presidents because the United States developed stronger diplomatic policies and solicited their position as the primary protector of democracy. The aim of protecting humanity against war, tyranny, poverty, and disease is a profound foundation for establishing regulations to reach peace in the country and worldwide. The President’s strategies were efficient therefore they forced the Communistic Soviet Union to respond aggressively.

Works Cited

Hart, Darryl G. “5. The Extremities of Defending Liberty.” American Catholic. Cornell University Press, 2020, pp. 112-135.

Matzko, Paul. “The Historical Presidency: “Do Something about Life Line”: The Kennedy Administration’s Campaign to Silence the Radio Right.” Presidential Studies Quarterly vol. 48, no. 4, 2018, pp. 817-831.

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