Kaiser Permanente’s Plan to Combat Antibiotic Resistance by 2025

Kaiser Permanente has proposed a system-wide practice change that seeks to fight the current problem of antibiotic resistance. This organization intends to transform the field of healthcare by the year 2025. The outstanding goals are to promote and educate more people about the responsible use of different antibiotics and encourage the production and use of environmentally-friendly products. This paper proposes a superior plan for implementing this change and offers a detailed analysis of the major issues revolving around the intended initiative.

Proposed Plan for Change

Kaiser Permanente is yet to consider a powerful change plan that has the potential to deliver positive results. The use of Kurt Lewin’s model can support the entire process and make it successful. Those involved will begin by focusing on the refreezing stage of the theory. During this phase, the stakeholders will identify the current usage of existing antibiotics and the challenges they present (Jindal, Pandya, & Khan, 2015). Patients, citizens, and organizational leaders will be updated about the predicament of bacterial resistance.

The next step is the implementation of the intended initiative. During this stage, the organization will encourage hospitals and facilities to provide both inpatient and outpatient services to embrace the use of ecological antimicrobial products. The agency will also introduce superior programs to sensitize and encourage people to purchase environmentally-friendly soaps (Klugman & Black, 2018). The identified institutions will also benefit from modern EHR technologies.

The organization will integrate new standards to dictate how institutions will acquire new products. The targeted materials should be safe, sustainable, and easy to dispose of. The regulations will ensure that all antimicrobial agents do not contain triclocarban or triclosan agents, including soaps, sanitizers, lotions, and paints. This agency will consider the last or refreezing stage to ensure that all standards, products, and guidelines become norms in the selected sectors (Klugman & Black, 2018). Hospitals and individuals will receive timely updates to select products and materials that can support the suggested change.

Reasons for Undertaking the Initiative: Projected Feasibility

There are various reasons why this initiative is necessary. Firstly, it will address the problem of antimicrobial resistance that continues to affect the healthcare sector. Secondly, it is expected to minimize most of the illnesses many people face today. Thirdly, the approach will safeguard the integrity of the natural environment. The project is feasible since many stakeholders acknowledge the prevalence of the problem. The organization can also partner with other stakeholders who can support the initiative (Brown, 2018). People are currently becoming more aware of their health outcomes, thereby encouraging them to be part of the process.

Project Goals and Potential Barriers to Achievement

The first objective of the proposed project is to discourage more people from using unsustainable antibacterial compounds. The second one is to minimize the current level of resistance to antibiotics. The third objective is to make the environment sustainable while at the same time improving people’s health outcomes (Alpert, 2016). Several barriers might affect the success of this initiative. For instance, many individuals tend to be reluctant to embrace new change. Industrial players might also fail to support the process since they will be required to produce new or advanced products.

Leadership Commitment to the Initiative

The quality of leadership put in place will dictate the success of this initiative. Kaiser Permanente implements and uses effective managerial practices to deliver positive results. Since the agency is committed to this initiative, chances are high that it will engage stakeholders to introduce appropriate programs to support the process (Brown, 2018). The agency plans to identify competent leaders from other sectors to guide all followers.

Plan for Project Management: Composition of Project Team

There is a need for the effective use of project management strategies. Due to the nature of the initiative, and an overall manager will guide subordinates, outline goals, and implement initiatives to deliver the transformation. The professional will create a project team by attracting different players, including industrial manufacturers of antimicrobial products, specialists from the cosmetic sector, health practitioners, policymakers, and members of the public (Brown, 2018). These individuals will represent different sectors in an attempt to address a major health challenge facing all American citizens.

Needed Resources: Steps toward Implementation

Various resources are essential if this initiative is to emerge successfully. The required ones include hardware and software systems, training materials, writing materials, microscopes, sample compounds, drugs, and human resources (Brown, 2018). Additionally, the ones presented below will be essential throughout the change process.


The success of this initiative requires enough financial support. The estimated amount for the entire process is around 200,000 USD (Brown, 2018). All stakeholders and governments agencies will be required to present their resources to make the change successful.

Protected Staff Time

Staff members will be required to work for not more than eight hours a day. They will be entitled to leaves whenever necessary. All stakeholders and participants will have their time protected throughout the period (Jindal et al., 2015). Companies, health institutions, and firms involved will also receive similar suggestions to protect their employees’ expectations.

Hardware and Software Requirements

Modern computer systems are needed for this change initiative. Technologies such as EHR and Customer Relationship Management (CRM) tools will guide change leaders to monitor the process. Those involved will coordinate efforts using coordinated hardware systems (Brown, 2018). This means that computers and EHR software technologies are essential for the entire process.

Steps toward Implementation

A powerful model comprised of different steps will support the implementation process. During the refreezing phase, leaders will utilize training materials to inform every stakeholder about the importance of the initiative (Alpert, 2016). The second stage is that of introducing new samples and encouraging beneficiaries to pursue the benefits of the change. Advanced computer systems will ensure that the implemented transformation becomes standard practice for tackling bacterial resistance.

Plans for Evaluation, Revision, and Maintenance of Initiative

The project team will not be dissolved after the successful implementation of this change. The members will liaise with the communication manager to acquire ideas that can make this change sustainable. The team will engage in constant evaluation and revision (Alpert, 2016). The organization will use microscopes and technologies to monitor the effectiveness of introduced chemicals and materials. The team will also formulate new procedures to ensure that the initiative becomes standard practice.

Plan for Communication of Results to all Stakeholders

A professional communication manager will prepare materials, support the strategy, and share information using social media platforms, emails, notice boards, and office memos. All stakeholders will present ideas and reviews for continuous improvement (Brown, 2018). A communication team will also be formed to represent each stakeholder group.


The current situation is that Kaiser Permanente has managed to outline the nature of the targeted change and its objectives. When implemented successfully, stakeholders in the fields of nursing, medical practice, and public health will promote the purchase and use of appropriate compounds that can minimize bacterial resistance. Such an achievement will have a positive impact on public health.


Alpert, P. T. (2016). Superbugs: Antibiotic resistance is becoming a major public health concern. Home Health Care Management & Practice, 29(2), 130-133. Web.

Brown, M. (2018). Kaiser Permanente announces continued commitment to fighting antibiotic resistance. Web.

Jindal, A. K., Pandya, K., & Khan, I. D. (2015). Antimicrobial resistance: A public health challenge. Medical Journal Armed Forces India, 71(2), 178-181. Web.

Klugman, K. P., & Black, S. (2018). Impact of existing vaccines in reducing antibiotic resistance: Primary and secondary effects. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 115(51), 12896-12901. Web.

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StudyCorgi. (2020, December 30). Kaiser Permanente’s Plan to Combat Antibiotic Resistance by 2025. https://studycorgi.com/kaiser-permanentes-system-implementing/

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1. StudyCorgi. "Kaiser Permanente’s Plan to Combat Antibiotic Resistance by 2025." December 30, 2020. https://studycorgi.com/kaiser-permanentes-system-implementing/.


StudyCorgi. "Kaiser Permanente’s Plan to Combat Antibiotic Resistance by 2025." December 30, 2020. https://studycorgi.com/kaiser-permanentes-system-implementing/.


StudyCorgi. 2020. "Kaiser Permanente’s Plan to Combat Antibiotic Resistance by 2025." December 30, 2020. https://studycorgi.com/kaiser-permanentes-system-implementing/.

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