KE Adventure Travel Company Analysis


KE Adventure Travel is a company that organizes trips and vacations for its clients. This is a task that they have been accomplishing for over thirty years (KE Adventure Travel, 2022). The recreation style promoted by this company is active, they provide, for example, hiking, swimming, and skiing (KE Adventure Travel, 2022). The company caters to a wide range of clients, as seen on its website, and the low prices, or discounts, have facilitated the diversity in clients. Many programs in this company have integrated children’s activities and resort selection functions for families. Therefore, it is apparent after conducting an industry analysis that this is a company offering travel and recreational activities to tourists.


The marketing director in this company may opt for either the PEST or Porter’s Five Sources to analyze the business environment. The PEST analysis focuses on politics, economy, social, cultural, and technological factors affecting business operations. The most useful information for the marketing director will be gathered by integrating Porter’s five sources. The reason for the effectiveness being ensured by Porter’s framework is that it evaluates the industry’s competitive forces, and this information is invaluable to the marketing director. First of all, an industry analysis is conducted of potential entrants into the market and the threat they may possess to the industry. Substitute products are analyzed as well; the bargaining power of the buyers and suppliers is scrutinized, and finally, the industry and rivalry between firms are put into consideration.


When the marketing director integrates Porter’s five sources, there’s the possibility of formulating a competitive strategy and balancing the competitive forces that enable effective recommendations for corporate marketing.

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StudyCorgi. (2023, September 21). KE Adventure Travel Company Analysis.

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StudyCorgi. 2023. "KE Adventure Travel Company Analysis." September 21, 2023.

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