Kimpton Hotels’ EarthCare Program: Sustainability Initiatives and Achievements


This paper includes responses to the questions about EarthCare Program launched by Kimpton Hotels. In particular, the company intends to implement policies that can improve its environmental footprint. This approach can reduce the operational costs of this company and attract clients. Nevertheless, one should also speak about the high price of purchasing eco-friendly products. To implement this strategy, the management should identify a set of best practices that can be adopted throughout the company.

The environmental initiatives taken by the management of Kimpton Hotels can bring several benefits to this organization. For instance, they can reduce some of the costs which are related to the consumption of water or electricity (Lawrence & Weber, 2014, p, 504). Furthermore, these policies can appeal to customers who pay more attention to the environmental performance of various businesses. Nevertheless, there are certain costs that should be taken into account. In particular, one should speak about the high prices of eco-friendly products or technologies. For instance, one can mention the high price of organic linen and towels (Lawrence & Weber, 2014, p, 503). Thus, some senior managers may believe that these initiatives are not sustainable for a financial viewpoint.

In order to justify the implementation of this program, I will stress the idea that environmental initiatives can affect the financial performance of this company. In particular, they are important for minimizing operational expenses. For example, the use of fluorescent bulbs can reduce the consumption of energy by at least 70 percent (Lawrence & Weber, 2014, p, 504). Similarly, much attention should be paid to the reduction of water consumption. By focusing on these tangible benefits, one can promote the adoption of this policy. Additionally, one should keep in mind that there are various certification programs which are aimed at identifying companies with sustainable environmental practices (Lawrence & Weber, 2014, p, 504). In turn, many customers may want to use the services of businesses that reach the highest standards of environmental performance.

The main challenge is that one cannot easily demonstrate that the program can change the attitudes of customers and increase their loyalty to Kimpton Hotels. Provided that the goal is not achieved, the board of directors will be reluctant to invest in those initiatives that do not directly affect the profitability. In order to address this problem, one should carry out the survey of clients and examine their attitudes towards environmental performance of hotels. In particular, one should show that these people are more likely to choose those businesses that want to improve their environmental sustainability. Another important challenge is related to the evaluation and selection of many eco-friendly products. The main task is to select those technologies that offer the best ratio of price and quality. In order to overcome this obstacle, one should involve the employees who can better identify the products or technologies that can appeal to clients. This step is important for reducing the costs of this program.

In order to institutionalize these initiatives, the management should enable the employees to share their opinions about the best environmental practices. These employees should represent various divisions of this organization. Their cooperation can be useful for identifying the policies that can be adopted throughout the company.

While measuring the success of this program, one should focus on quantitative indicators that can throw light on the environmental footprint of this organization. For instance, the managers can report the data about the consumption of water or electricity because in this way, they can show that the company can improve its environmental performance. These results should be published on the Internet.


Lawrence, A., & Weber, J. (2014). Business and Society: Stakeholders, Ethics, Public Policy. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Higher Education.

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StudyCorgi. "Kimpton Hotels’ EarthCare Program: Sustainability Initiatives and Achievements." January 18, 2021.


StudyCorgi. 2021. "Kimpton Hotels’ EarthCare Program: Sustainability Initiatives and Achievements." January 18, 2021.

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