Know Your Customers’ Jobs to Be Done Video Analysis

This video has an evident informative character, in which everything superfluous is excluded. Each classification of applied advice, along with a detailed decomposition of the concept of “job to be done,” is accompanied by a real-life example that leads to commercial and sustainable success that is almost impossible to copy by competitors (Christensen, 2018). I find this video extremely helpful as it highlights the financial aspects of marketing and the implications and emotional experience of selling. Each transaction is considered closed after the money has been received from the client; however, the issue of returning the client to the store or for the service should be laid in advance at the time of the sale itself. It is not just about the service for the care of the product received but also about the client’s experience: the company’s innovation policy should broadcast this unique experience with each transaction.

A prominent example is the food delivery startup Maple, which failed in 2014-2017. While the market was brimming with such services, Maple benefited from branded and specially packaged cookies that came as gifts with any order (Del Rey, 2017). The business model initially included even shipping costs and tips, which markedly increased the price compared to the market. However, despite attempts to optimize the process, as soon as this addition in the form of a pleasant dessert disappeared from orders, customers began to use other, cheaper, or attractive delivery services. This fact directly indicates that the emotional component prevails in some instances over the functional and efficient ones: customers were ready to overpay for cookies, which were not even part of the direct order.

In my opinion, one of the possible “job to be done” is just in the field of advertising. Many commercials and pop-up contextual offers may interest customers, only delayed. Saving such offers for the future, with a possible promotional offer deadline coach, could be a handy tool for many consumers. At the moment, any advertisement immediately transfers to the customer’s website, and the current browser bookmarking tools are too versatile and may not be used for such purposes for several reasons.


Christensen, C. M. [Harvard Business Review]. (2018). Know Your Customers’ Jobs to Be Done [Video]. Harvard Business Review. Web.

Del Rey, J. (2017). The food-delivery startup Maple has shut down. Vox. Web.

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