Landscape Painting: Degas and Monet


Even though his landscape paintings are not his most well-known work, Degas was a talented painter. His mastery of painting skills is evident in a landscape he did in 1892, representing an area covered by vegetation.


The many shades of green look soft and expensive, with variations in color intensity bringing three-dimensionality. For example, the areas behind the hills show the horizon, indicating that some details are hidden. Additionally, the vegetation in the valleys is greener than in up-hills. In addition to vegetation, Degas varies the light in the painting, especially in the areas with tall trees. The varying light intensity shows the three-dimensionality of the painting, in addition to the shadows formed by trees and escarpments.

Claude Monet is another artist known for his great landscape paintings. Such paintings include the Parc Monceau, which focuses on the swaths of green grass and blooming trees. The painting is incredibly appealing to look at, depicting a warm environment created by the day’s sunny weather. Three dimensionality is well presented, clearly showing irregular earth service and numerous background components. Shadows are the primary indicators of the three-dimensionality of the painting. The trees in the garden form a shadow on the ground, indicating that the light has been blocked. The structure on the painting’s left side is also blocked by the trees, which leads an observer to wonder what details are hidden.


These artists use different colors for different components they include in their paintings. Through this, the edges of one component are differentiable from other components. In some instances, one component has different intensities of color, showing manipulations of light. While presented on a two-dimensional surface, the final paintings are clear and appealing. The dimensionality also adds details to the paintings, allowing observers to estimate the weather or time when the paintings were done.

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StudyCorgi. 2024. "Landscape Painting: Degas and Monet." January 11, 2024.

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