Marianne McGrath’s Artist Talk

It is critical to note that Marianne McGrath is an independent art curator. She worked in museums and exhibitions before her works became popular. In addition, she is one of the contemporary artists who create outstanding art. At the same time, she often works as a curator, so more people appreciate and see art. Marianne McGrath has extensive experience working with artists, collectors, and galleries. Therefore, it is essential to analyze and respond to Marianne McGrath’s Artist Talk.

At the story’s beginning, Marianne McGrath shows the houses that have a special meaning for her. Then the woman says she was very excited when she started studying biology. I believe that she is using the details of her life to demonstrate how she began to appreciate art. Moreover, learning the basics of biology allowed women to understand the principles of the world and the living beings that experience it. Even Marianne McGrath herself admits that the experience of studying was beneficial; it helped her to learn to observe the environment and interpret this world (Marianne McGrath 00:01:32). It is crucial to note that the woman appreciates the experience of studying at the college, where she first attended an art course and decided to change the direction. Marianne McGrath’s made a courageous decision because it is logical that a farmer’s daughter should be a biologist, not a painter or a sculptor.

Furthermore, the woman explains that immediately after the change of direction, she started working with different materials. I think Marianne McGrath needed to find her special way and style. In addition, the woman’s tendency to make strong-willed decisions and try to create non-traditional things is impressive (Marianne McGrath 00:02:58). The fact that she just changed the direction and did not start following the standard rules but was able to make a unique contribution to art. This happened because Marianne McGrath was a self-sufficient personality who was not afraid of changes and condemnation of society.

It is essential to emphasize that the woman drew a lot of inspiration from the usual things that were dear to her. For example, when she and her sister-in-law went to her former house and inspected her childhood bedroom, she got brilliant ideas (Marianne McGrath 00:08:16). I believe that artists, when they create masterpieces, are inspired by ordinary everyday things that they see differently than other people. Their imagination and creativity allow them to create masterpieces, as it was with Marianne McGrath’s and the reversal of mimic roses (Marianne McGrath 00:08:58). Additionally, it seems to me that the woman talks about the places she has visited and their connection to her to demonstrate that strange and even outdated things are unique and can develop the imagination. For instance, during a travel to Denmark, Marianne McGrath saw how old mechanisms for making paper were being used (Marianne McGrath 00:20:23). I think that such moments when a female saw ancient tools and absolutely new buildings in one place stimulated her to create contemporary art.

Therefore, it appears to me that Marianne McGrath’s story is aimed at ensuring that every person who listened to it tried to find beauty in simple and surrounding objects and places. The woman inspiringly told about her creative path in words and terms familiar to the ordinary audience. At the same time, she explained that art already exists around people, and their main task is to recognize it.

Work Cited

“Talk by Marianne McGrath”. Zoom, uploaded by Marianne McGrath.

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