Language, Society, and Self-Perception

Self-perception is the reflection a person has of himself. Individuals’ self-perception is always dissimilar from the manner in which others see them. People gather information about who they are by self-assessment and getting information from others. Therefore, there is a robust connection between language, society, and self-perception.

The connection between language and self-perception occurs due to the close interaction between the two terms. Language tremendously influences a person’s thoughts and self-perception as it helps people correspond with each other (Jhangiani & Tarry, 2018). Language enables people to express their opinions, feelings, cultures, and ways. The said expressions bring out people’s character traits and silent features that make them unique. Therefore, individuals can learn about their self-perception through language. People’s communication with others allows them to learn more about their traits, thus building their self-image (Jhangiani & Tarry, 2018). language also communicates persons’ attitudes toward various issues hence portraying their character. Consequently, the interaction between language and self-perception develops an immense connection between the two terms.

The connection between society and self-perception occurs since humans are social animals. Self-perception is greatly influenced by societal forces surrounding people (Jhangiani & Tarry, 2018). Social and cultural backgrounds, for instance, influence beliefs, morals, conduct, and communication styles which build up a person’s character. The feedback people get from the society also notably affects an individual’s self-perception. According to the self-verification theory in psychology, people want society to see them in line with the ways which confirm stable self-perception (Talaifar & Swann, 2020). Hence societal forces build the connection between society and self-perception.

In conclusion, people learn their self-perceptions through language and communication. People express their opinions, beliefs, feelings, and culture through communication. It is through expression that someone’s character is known. Using such information, the person can build his self-image. Finally, societal forces influence an individual’s self-perception, including social-cultural background and societal feedback. Thus, the connection between language, society, and self-perception is undeniable.


Jhangiani, R., & Tarry, H. (2018). The Social Self: The Role of the Social Situation – Principles of Social Psychology – 1st International Edition. Web.

Talaifar, S., & Swann, W. B. (2020). Self-Verification Theory. Encyclopedia of Personality and Individual Differences, 4813–4821. Web.

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